rebelling against low expectations

AuthorRachel Joy Watson

is currently getting her MLitt. in theology at The University of St. Andrews, teaches high school English, is a published poet ("Blue Tarp," Finishing Line Press) and has written for magazines such as The Gospel Coalition, Cordella and RELEVANT. She loves northern California, hymns, hand-written letters and hot tea.

To The Graduates


If asked to write a letter to my eighteen-year-old self, it would look something like this… Be faithful in the small ways. Take out the trash so that someone else doesn’t have to. Call your mom. Drink lots of water. Leave your cell phone in your pocket and make eye-contact with the person sitting across from you. Like Brother Lawrence washed dishes to the glory of God, study with enthusiasm and...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →