rebelling against low expectations

How can I shine for God in my workplace?


LAURA WRITES: I’ve recently gotten a job in the bakery department of a local grocery store. Being a bakery, we’re a bunch of ladies working together all day, so there’s a lot of chatting.

Hearing these ladies talk about their lives, I often hear some variation of “This isn’t working… I need more _______”, and I know that they’re looking for that which only God can give. I want to show my co-workers what they could have, but I don’t know how. Ideas, anyone?

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are submitted by real rebelutionaries who are looking for godly answers to tough questions and lively conversation with other young adults. You can join the conversation by commenting below. If you'd like to submit your own discussion question, email us at [email protected].


  • Well, let God show you what to do. Pray consult the Bible on what to do. My pastor recently said, “If you really want to hear what God would say READ YOUR BIBLE OUT LOUD” So consult God through your bible and talk to your parents about it.

  • Hey Laura!
    I really appreciate you asking this question. It’s one I’ve struggled with myself; I work at a restaurant, and my conversations often end up the same way. One thing to keep in mind is that your actions are equally as important as anything you say. If you say you’re a Christian, then make sure you live like it. In my experience, this is actually what led to an open door in conversation for sharing my belief. And of course, always always invite God into it and seek His wisdom. 🙂 He knows what you’ll need.
    Prayers that you will shine for Him always in this!

  • Here’s something super easy to try… pray for your co-workers and let them know that they’re in your prayers!

    I work in a hospital… So I’m in constant contact with the needs and wants of others. Patients and co-workers alike have poured out there lives to me. I simply listen to them and then tell them that I’ll be praying over their decision, relationship, surgery, recovery, …LIFE! And then I make sure I follow up on my promise.

    Most thank me for my prayers whether they share my beliefs or not. Others ask further questions about my faith. Some don’t say anything… But I know that I’m sharing GOD’s light by living and speaking HIS love.

  • Elizabeth Marie’s advice about prayer is spot on. One of the men in my church came Christ because of his wife’s faithful prayers. He even got angry once and told her to stop praying for him, because he could feel God working! Prayer is powerful, and many times when people know you’re praying, they’ll notice the effects.

    Also, Talia’s comment regarding witnessing through actions is also important. I read a quote shared by @christopher_witmer the other day: “Christians tend to prefer evangelizing entirely one way or the other. They either evangelize with just actions, or just words. The key is to find a balance of both.” That’s so true. We have to make sure that our lives bring authenticity to our worldview, both in word and action.

    The only additional advice I’ll give is to always feel free to share ways God has been working in your life and blessing you – and then give Him all the credit. Of course, you don’t want to “shove God down their throats,” so share as the Lord leads. And spread the message of the gospel: Jesus died and rose again to conquer sin. Our goal is not to save souls, it’s to spread the gospel. God saves souls, so be patient in planting and watering seeds, trusting that He will bring the harvest in His own time!

  • When my 2nd Lt. In Civil Air Patrol was going through some rough times i simply let him know I was praying for him. A simple thing like that can make the world of deference in a person’s day.
    URGENT PRAYER REQEST: if you are reading this comment could you PLEASE pray for my friend, John, who is in Intensive Care after an emergency brain surgery yesterday. He’s doing better but he has a long recovery ahead of him. All the prayers would be REALY appreciated.

  • Your life can speak volumes as you “let your light shine.”

    One thing about women especially is that we notice detail!! We can pick up on the attitude/mood of another. Live in a way that Jesus shines through in your actions, what you say, & how you respond to certain situations.

    I would ask God for opportunities to share about Him when you can. It is never an easy thing to do–putting yourself out there–but be encouraged! Pray they will notice the difference and desire the hope that is in you. I have had that happen to me before in a doctors office. The lady said I was sweet and didn’t have the attitude most girls my age always did. I said it was because of Jesus.

    The glory goes to Him. We are just clay vessels displaying His majestic greatness and marvelous light!! So shine, dear sister. Don’t be afraid to shine. 🙂

  • Like Moriah said, what would Jesus do? Just try to have a great attitude, put a smile on your face, and be friendly. Chat with them, and do your job well. They’ll notice, and more importantly, God will notice!!! He smiles when his children obey his commands. Just keep that in mind as you go about your day.

    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

    Love never fails.

    Try and show the love of God to your co-workers, and if they ask you how you do it, point the glory back to God. 🙂 And don’t just put on a show for everyone at work, love at all times!!! It’s a hard job, I know, especially when you missed breakfast that day or your hair looks looks awful, or you’re at your wit’s end with your siblings. No one’s perfect, it’s okay if you mess up. But make love a natural habit, and you’ll make a difference in the world. <3

  • Thank you all for praying! I’m going to see him tomorrow and I’ll tell him about all your prayers. I know it’ll mean the world to him.

  • Praying here too
    Maybe the other thing the Rebelution needs is a prayer request page… started thinking about that a while ago. Good idea?

  • I have an old worship song running though my head…
    “and They’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love! Yes they’ll know we are Christians by our love.”
    Seek to live a wholly Christian life, and talk about how God is a part of your life in “random” conversation. [note–not the extent of super annoying]
    Things like, I just wrote a big test yesterday. I’m kinda nervous about the results, but it’s in God’s hands– I’m trusting Him to take care of it.”
    I had one of these conversations a couple weeks ago… for me it was “I wouldn’t be here [at this course] if I wasn’t a Christian. I’d be too scared to come at all.”
    Now wishing I could have said more… but the seed was planted…

  • I think Dominic just asked Brett to come and look at a conversation where a few of us were talking about a prayer group – now we have to see what he thinks. So you just recently thought of this too? Wow, a lot of us have thought this up, we just never got together on it!

  • I just saw John at the hospital. His family has set up a website. They’d really appropriate if you visited and left a note of encouragement. You can say you heard about John through Colette. (Joy is my middle name so it’s also my internet name 🙂 ) Your prayers are really appreciated. Here’s the link.

  • Sorry! This is Joy Swen and i accidentally posted this comment as a guest! I meant to post it under My prayer request.

  • I just saw John at the hospital. His family has set up a website. They’d really appropriate if you visited and left a note of encouragement. You can say you heard about John through Colette. (Joy is my middle name so it’s also my internet name 🙂 ) Your prayers are really appreciated. Here’s the link.

  • Preach the gospel, use words if necessary.
    ^This quote really sums up what I want to say. Your actions speak louder than words ever can. If you proclaim the gospel, but don’t live like it changed you, then what will people think? They’ll think that they don’t need it.
    Do these fellow workers see you as different because you don’t gossip along with them and you show that you are satisfied? When people see something remarkably different about you, they’ll want to find out what it is.

  • “How can I shine for God in my workplace?” Soak yourself in the Word, every day, as the single most important discipline of your life. And pray, oh pray and cry out to God to make you holy and to shine through you with His love and light to a lost and dying world. And then, persevere, for the workplace is not won in a day.

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →