Six years ago, I had no idea how to be a writer.
Well, that’s not quite accurate. I was writing at the time, so technically I was a writer. But I didn’t know how to grow as a writer.
I didn’t know where to find motivation.
I didn’t have a strategy for success.
I didn’t have a mentor.
I didn’t have a writing group.
I hadn’t developed solid writing habits.
I was undisciplined and regularly suffered from writer’s block.
But worse: I wasn’t even aware of any of this.
It’s only in hindsight that I can now look back and see my weaknesses as a young writer. If only I knew these things at the time! If I’d been able to see my shortcomings earlier, I could have fixed them so much sooner.
If only the WriterScore had existed back then.
What Is the WriterScore?
The WriterScore is a new tool Brett Harris and I created to help young writers measure their growth and development. The WriterScore assesses their strengths and weaknesses in ten categories. Those categories are:
- Consistency
- Motivation
- Writing Habits
- Content
- Platform
- Strategy
- Mentorship
- Learning
- Community
- Family Support
Based on your age and your answers, you’ll get a numerical score that reveals where you’re at on your journey as a writer.
Maybe you’re a Dreamer (Score 1-29) … you want to be a writer or you’re just getting started and you’re eager to learn and grow.
Maybe you’re a Starter (Score 30-59) … you’re a serious writer with some good habits and goals but you’re unclear how to figure out and pursue the next steps.
Maybe you’re a Planner (Score 60-89) … you’re well on your way to success but there are still a few holes in your plans and you’re missing some key tools to achieve your goals.
Maybe you’re an Achiever (Score 90+) … you’ve completed major writing projects, you have clearly defined goals and solid writing habits, but you want to keep improving your craft.
Wherever you’re at, the WriterScore is here to help you figure that out.
Who Is the WriterScore For?
This is TheRebelution, so we’re all about doing hard things. That means discovering your passion and pursuing it with excellence to the glory of God. For a lot of young people, that passion is writing.
The WriterScore is for those young writers.
It’s also for the rebelutionaries who are wondering what their passion even is and thinking that writing might be it. This assessment will be revealingly beneficial to them.
While it’s designed for young writers, older writers will definitely benefit from it too.
Parents and teachers also might find it a helpful resource for the young writers they know.
Basically, if you are any kind of writer (or know any kind of writer), the WriterScore is for you!
My Journey Through the WriterScore
I recently did some calculations to figure out where I’ve been on the WriterScore.
When I was 11, before I started my blog and took writing seriously, my WriterScore was 22.
When I was 16, before I started building a platform, it was 43.
When I was 17, before I had a strategy for success, it was 70.
Today my score is 100.
That’s because I’ve been slowly shoring up on my weaknesses and building on my strengths.
No matter what your score, please don’t be discouraged or wish you were “further along.” Just the opposite! Be encouraged by this. You now have access to knowledge you never had before. We want you to take the insights you learn from the WriterScore and ask yourself two questions: 1) What am I already excelling at that I can keep doing? and 2) What can I do better?
And then we want you to apply those insights and grow as a writer.
The WriterScore is a resource to help you know where you’re at, so you can know what to do.
Take the WriterScore Now
Hundreds of other young writers have already completed the assessment. Click the link below to take the assessment and learn your score.
After you’ve taken the assessment, comment and tell us what your WriterScore is. Or hop over to our private Facebook group and join the discussion there!
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The Young Writers Guidebook is a collection of advice from 20+ young authors. If you’ve ever dreamt of publishing a book as as a young person, take this opportunity to learn from those who have gone ahead of you. Click here to learn more.
I wanted to take a moment and say thanks to The Rebelution team for taking the time to develop and distribute the WriterScore assessment. Many of you know that I have had the honor of writing for The Rebelution on a semi-regular basis, and though I’m no longer a teenager, I have found this resource to be immensely helpful as someone who is pursuing writing as a career later in life (I turned 35 last December). I scored an 80, but I recognize that I still have much work to do. So, for those of you who score on the lower end of the scale, fear not as you have many years ahead to refine your craft, along with a remarkable community of like-minded friends who will spur you on towards your aspirations. Ad astra (“to the stars”).
Oh, this is awesome! I scored than I thought (50). 😀
This is really cool! I scored 51 🙂
Congrats, Katelyn! That is a solid score!
Nice work! We hope the assessment is really helpful.
Thank YOU for that encouragement, Austin! You have been an important part of TheRebelution, and we feel honored to share your writing and wisdom. And fantastic score! Congrats.
I read the Young Writers Guidebook, it was awesome! And I scored 23.
Your encouragement Jaquelle, was really helpful.
Even though I scored low, I’m thankful that it made me think, “I need to write more.”
I’m so glad you were encouraged by your score, Piragi! Have you joined our Facebook group? A lot of young writers got a similar score to you. It’s fun to connect with other writers and swap scores there!
I dont have facebook yet. But i might get it soon. It sounds fun to join.
This is excellent! I scored a 61 and am already planning to build on my strengths and strengthen my weaknesses.
So thankful for this writers community! 😉
We’re so thankful for you, Faye! Glad you could join us on FB. And congrats on that score. Nice work. 🙂
Yeah it was! Thanks for doing great it, I really want to write stuff now.
This is so great and cool! I got a 78 on the Writer’sScore. Thanks, Jaquelle and Brett. You’re the best 🙂
So proud of you Jason and how hard you’ve worked on your writing! 78 is an incredible score.
I scored 39…
Thanks Brett! I wouldn’t be here without you 🙂
Hey Jaquelle / Brett,
Is there any way to see the options laid out without taking the assessment again, even by email? I think it’d be really helpful for me, now that I see where I am, to be able to say, “What are the goals I should now pursue to increase my score?” I know the score isn’t a completely objective measure, but it certainly gives an excellent framework.
Thanks! I was greatly encouraged by the Young Writers Guidebook, I will be working hard to improve my writing over the next year. 🙂 Does anyone have any advice on writing schedules??
Hey Camden! That’s a great idea. Let me see what I can do.
Great job, Hannah! You’re on the cusp of becoming a Starter! =)
Sam! You are a great writer from everything I’ve seen… (Jason is sitting beside me and says, “He’s an amazing writer. What is he talking about?!”) And you should definitely take the test honestly if you’re going to take it at all! 😉
Double upvote this if I could
How’s it been?
Oh. . .I bet I could guess who that kid is. And maybe I happen to agree with him?
Lol. . .You’re writing is great if you give it a shot!
Maybe? Totally!
I know how that feels. . .but you can’t let that make you give up. That’s all I gotta say.
I mean, I guess sometimes you just need to sit down at the keyboard and write even if you don’t feel like it. I know it can be discouraging. . .I’m there right now actually, but all I know is that when God puts on your heart to write, you have some really great and valuable things to say.
I’m also not the best at encouraging people about writing, so. . .
Well, I have my book and a few ideas, but every time I go to the computer it feels kind of dead if you know what I mean.
My characters feel bland and my story is boring and I can’t get past the boring part to make things exciting, and I’m not even sure if my story is what I actually want to write about or what
Anyway, I should probably go before it’s too late. . .and before all my friends gang up on me and be like “Ha, he has writer’s block too!”
Koalas can’t write, man! But thanks. Text you later, buddy! 🙂
Sam, I honestly felt somewhat the same way! I love writing as a hobby and for my own spiritual and mental good and do a lot of required writing for school, but never really intend to be a published author. So I sometimes felt the questions did not quite pertain to my circumstances or aspirations. But Brett is right too! 🙂
Thanks, Brett! It was fun to take the test, although I felt that it wasn’t quite for my own circumstances, considering I love to write, but mostly for my own enjoyment or mental sanity and not to be published. And on the other hand, I have told numerous people that I refuse to ever be an author, partly because of my irrational fear that I will end up being like Joe from Little Women (hopefully you’re a little familiar with the story) who would go into her dark attic and wear dark clothes with her black head covering thing, and although Joe is my favorite character, I decided that being an author was just not for me. 😉
Oh come now, Sam. Sometimes I think you rob yourself of credit. Just cuz you don’t write often doesn’t mean you don’t write well 😉
It’s alright. I have a really hard time writing without inspiration, so I kinda understand. But don’t doubt your ability.
YES. All the time. Honest, I’m no poster child for good writing habits… I hardly ever write. It’s only a hobby for me.
*high five*
Thanks so much for doing this!
I took the assessment; I got 54. My question is, what is the private Facebook group about? Do I need to be on it for help on how to improve my writing and WriterScore? I ask because I don’t have Facebook (I’m only 14, and I don’t believe I’m old enough for it).
Again, thanks so much for making this. 🙂
I have the same problem, I attempted to write books a couple of times. I, like you, got bored easily, for an example I didn’t know how to break through the “Wall of Bored & Quit”. I managed to write a two page story called, “The Magic Wand of Courage” and a small series I call “Silly Stories”.
When I wrote TMWC(The Magic Wand of Courage) I was pretty young, and today, I don’t even know how to write as far as one page.
But I am so thankful that Brett and Jaquelle started Young Writers Workshop and WriterScore. I feel like I want to continue writing, this time I pray, I can get farther than two pages.
This is a wonderful tool! My score was 42.
Hey Adora! The Facebook Group is like a private forum where we can help each other grow as writers and improve our scores. It is absolutely not necessary. You can engage with other young writers in the comment section here. Or, if your parents are willing, we’ve had some young people join the group using their parent’s account.
Hannah, is it bad that I’m a big fan of Jo? 😉 In all seriousness, I do totally get that not every young writer wants to become a young author. But I do believe if you’re a writer at all, you should want to improve your craft, and I hope the WriterScore is at least helpful for that. I know it was for me!
Jason, WOW! 78 is a fantastic score. Well done. I look forward to seeing your next article (hint, hint …), or whatever you’re working on. I hope your novel is coming along. 🙂
Adora, I’m so glad you took the assessment! 54 is a serious score. Well done, friend! 🙂
So glad it was helpful to you, Olivia! And 42 is a solid score. Good work!
37. oops.
My score is 14… :'(
I actually love Jo, too! (and now I see I spelled her name wrong, so I fixed it because I can’t stand spelling people’s names wrong) I am actually probably most like her of the four sisters. 😉 I totally agree! I definitely want to grow in my writing, although I mostly do that through reading well-written books and writing for fun etc., but being in school and being required to write lots of papers, I do get lots of feedback from professors and friends.
I know what it’s like to have bland stories and writers block! Have you read Jerry Jenkins’ blog? He has a lot of good info on how to bring your story to life (including your characters)! 😉 here’s the link:
Yeah, Jerry Jenkin’s is great! I’m actually subscribed to his email list.
Thanks Jaquelle! About the article. . .Hehe
Me too! 🙂
Woohooooo, finally someone who scored lower than me!! Hehehe 🙂 Really, you should give writing a shot. No idea who Jason is, but he and Brett agree. 🙂
Thanks, Jaquelle!
Thank you! I think I’ll talk with my mom later about letting me use her account.
31😳 That’s better than I thought! Maybe my WWII novel stands a chance of actually making it onto paper!
I don’t think so…maybe I do…am I forgetting something? Evidently he knows Brett in “real life”…..
This is actually slightly depressing:(
you know that moment when you realize you aren’t as good a writer as you hoped you were???
It’s okay, sometimes I get depressed because I don’t think I’m a good writer either. But the best thing to do is keep trying!
I would see writing as a good challenging hard thing to do.
I mean, did you want to do something hard? This could be it. Not trying to force you, but pray to God about it.
What’s the WW2 Novel about? I’m a history person so I get curious about stuff (and novels) about history.
Great tool! Got an exact fifty! Thats a good thing, but also kind of annoying, because I don’t know if I’m on the higher side, or lower side of things. I could always use *gag* MATH. Lets see, rounding and stuff equals…
Ha! He has writers block too!
I just don’t know right now what God wants for me. I mean, journal every day, have a blog, and I’m in the middle of a writing project, but I’m just not sure.
Exactly the person i meant. . .
That sounds like writing. . .Lol. You should really consider joining the Young Writer’s Workshop Jaquelle and Brett are starting up. It could really encourage you or at least show you weather this is something you want to stick with or not.
I think so!
Great job, Zee! I’m so proud of you. Keep going after your calling. You’re on a great track 🙂
liv737johnoxide might ring more of a bell. Cute little puppy dog kind of thing. . .maybe not. I think you might be following me. I’m pretty sure I’ve at least seen you around.
You’re evil!
Sam, Brett’s comment is tied with Austin Bonds’ for first place in terms of upvotes. . .so maybe there are a lot of people who think you’re a great writer. . .
Or I could be completely clueless
You flatter me too much!
What’s your blog called?
true that:)…
Thanks for the encouragement Michael!
And I think 50s like the middle
Cool! I’m gonna check it out!
Hey Zee! 50 is actually on the higher side! Way to go. =)
Jalen, I’m really sorry to hear that. I saw your score and it’s a strong score! This isn’t like a grade in school. If you’re a “Starter” that means you’re a serious writer. No one scores as high as you did without being very serious about it. Don’t be discouraged!
Also, you should know that my WriterScore when I was your age was 20 — and I published a book four years later. So these numbers can change fast if you have the right strategy and the support around you.
Finally, I just want to remind you that God used your writing (via email) to me and Ana during our time in Ohio to deeply encourage us. You have a gift with words and a tender heart to share what God wants you to write.
Please don’t be discouraged.
This is where every writer starts, Celestria. And these scores can change really fast once you have the right strategy to follow. In fact, Jaquelle and I are working on a video about this that we’ll be releasing on Saturday. =)
Well thanks!
84! This was helpful.
How’s that?
Jo inspired me to start sending my work to magazines! 🙂
Y’all should take the assessment just for fun if you want, then decide if writing is something you should pursue. I took it, got a “Starter” score, and just found last night some spiral notebooks that date back to puttin me to jr high/early high school. Which, tbh, during school I hated writing with a passion
I think that’s a very commendable and solid score. I also think that everyone has some room for improvement, ya know? 😉
I’m also making a blog, but I don’t think it’s done yet. And I noticed you used Blogger, I’m also using Blogger.
Can’t wait to see all the videos! The first one was really encouraging.
I scored a 60! Thanks for making this assessment… It was fun and helpful at the same time!! 🙂
That’s great, Hailey! 😉
My comment is awaiting approval. Not sure why, the worst thing said is nazi😁
Wow! Great job Hailey 🙂
Ooohhhhh, well I know that name!! You use your real name now? Are you not planning on going to hostile countries anymore?
@jaquel @brett quick question. I do not have a facebook account but my mom does. Can I use hers for the FB group?
Hey, Delaney! I’m not Brett or Jaquelle, but elsewhere Brett has mentioned that joining with your parent’s account (with their consent of course ;p ) is totally fine. Others have joined the group that way as well. Hope this helps!
Yup! Haylie is right. You are totally welcome to join with your mom’s account. Just make sure to mention that you’re doing that when you introduce yourself (so no one assumes you are a mom!).
Thanks haylie!
Sweet! thanks. I hope no one thinks I’m a mom! 😁👵🏼
Thank you so much for doing this, Brett and Jaquelle!
I scored a 41. I am excited to start building more consistency and good habits in my writing, and this gives me a great idea of where to start.
Now I’m continuing Silly Stories and fixing some errors. But I don’t know where to set the time to do it, is the only problem.
Thank you! I was surprised haha
Thank You for doing this! I scored 55. This gives me a boost to get my writing better!! =)
@jaquelle and @Brett, Quick Question, I just watched your 3rd video, and I have been looking for a mentor and a community, but I can’t get a Facebook account until I turn 16. (the end of this year) So I was wondering if anyone has set up a group email for writers?
Thanks for all the Inspiring Videos!
Hi Katherine! Great question. No one has, to my knowledge, set up a group email for writers. That is something that you could pursue, though. You could also look for writing communities in your area (your school, library, etc.) OR consider starting a writing club yourself.
As far as Facebook, I want you to of course respect your parents’ wishes, but we do have several young people in the Facebook group who are using their parent’s FB account with their permission. That is something you could consider asking your parents about. Just a thought.
So glad the videos have been inspiring to you! 🙂
Congrats! A 55 is a really solid score. Great work!
So excited for you, Savannah! A 41 is a score that is solidly in the Starter category. I can’t wait to see how you keep boosting your score now that you know what you need to do. 🙂
Thank You Jaquelle! Yes, actually I was sure that last night God told me if there wasn’t anyone to do one that I should start one. But i’m only 15, got a 55 on the score, I want to publish my books, but I haven’t finished any of my novels yet, so I don’t think I would be a great leader for other writers. I feel God calling me to start this, but I don’t know how. Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you! =)
just so you know, after I saw your reply I sat down and asked God if this was what he wanted me to do, and asked for him to show me. And on the radio came my favorite song, The Next Thing by casting Crowns, it got to the words, ‘show me the next thing, i’ll do the next thing’ and I heard God saying this is the next thing he wants me to do.
I got 41.
@Jaquelle Crowe: I want to be more motivated to write. I was part of a writing club, but it was disbanded. I know what I want to write (a faith-based American Civil War novel), but need ways to stay motivated and encouraged and to write more often. Do you have any ideas? Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Thanks for the writing assessment! It’s encouraging to know my score shows I’m a serious writer.
Motivation is key to writing! And I’m excited you want to be motivated. =)
I believe that consistency is the key to motivation. So if you discipline yourself to write regularly, motivation will come. Of course, that means you have to start writing consistently!
To do that, I would suggest two things: 1) a schedule and 2) accountability.
As far as a schedule, it doesn’t have to be crazy. You could just set aside 10 minutes three times a week to write something. Set a timer and force yourself to write for those minutes. When it comes to accountability, that might mean asking your family or friends to hold you accountable or joining a writing club, class, community, or program.
Thanks so much!
To everyone thinking about joining YWW, think about this:
My score right before I joined was 59. After just one month of being part of it, it jumped all the way up to 91!!
I can honestly say: if you want to be a young writer and you’re serious about it, the smartest thing you could do is join Young Writers Workshop. Seriously. Join their waiting list: http://www.dohardthings.com/young-writers-workshop. You absolutely won’t regret it!