rebelling against low expectations

Don’t Press the Snooze Button On God


Every weekday morning has a similar sound.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

“Oh no, morning. Please, just five more minutes,” I groan as I reach over to press the snooze button.

With the exception of those who enjoy rising early, no one likes to hear their alarm clock in the quietness of the morning. We groan and sloppily reach out to press the snooze button on our incessantly ringing alarm clock, or tiredly tap the circles on our phones singing much too happily to the ringtone we set.

This description perfectly describes me, as I frequently allow myself ten minutes of extra sleep by pressing the snooze button and temporarily ignoring my call to greet the day. And while sleeping in on my day might not be a big deal, doing the same to God is a different story.


Have you ever pressed the snooze button on God?

When we hear his call to do something, we sometimes put him off so we can enjoy a few more minutes of our own selfish desires. Sometimes, what God is telling us to do doesn’t seem right in our eyes–or in many cases, it appears too hard and out of our capability range.

We don’t obey because we feel ill-equipped or simply don’t want to. It’s too hard, too uncomfortable. So we put off his voice for a while—ignoring him—until the task he’s calling us to do is fitted into our own time frame, and we think we’re ready.

Yet when we place God on hold, or press the snooze button on him, we’re actually disobeying him. We say, “My time, not yours.”Yet when we place God on hold, or press the snooze button on him, we're actually disobeying him. We say, “My time, not yours.” Share on X

But his timing is better. As Isaiah 55:9 says, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.”

He knows the outcome of everything. The timing of the task God is asking of us might seem preposterous, but remember that his ways are higher. He will equip us to do anything he asks of us. Never will he put us in the battlefield without first making sure we’re fitted with the right armor.

What if the things we’re putting off are vital to another situation or person? What if God wants to use us to bring life and hope to someone else? Although he can accomplish what he wants no matter what, we were designed to serve God. By obeying him when he tells us to, we are serving him.


Luke 10:2 says, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” We, as Christians, are the Lord’s laborers. The harvest is the people of this fleeting world. We are to call them to Christ, to share the gospel, and to bring him glory. That is our ultimate goal in life. Never should we hit snooze on our call to this duty.

Let’s listen for our call, obeying immediately and without hesitation; because Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”  If we love God and do the things he asks of us, all things will work together for good, even if at that time it seems just the opposite.

By obeying his call, you could lose your ranking, your reputation, or even just your routine. But we should be wary of our desire to be comfortable. It takes serious honesty to admit how important personal comfort is to us. But there is a bigger picture. This world is not our eternal home. C.S. Lewis said, “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this word can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”

In heaven, the things of earth will come to nothing. The old things will have passed away. Ultimately, the question will be, what have you done for Jesus? How has your life answered that question? How will your life keep on answering that question?

When God’s alarm clock rings, telling us to wake up, don’t hit the snooze button! Get up and live for Christ. Now is the time for us to be those few laborers and call others to the one true King, for the time of the end is near.When God’s alarm clock rings, telling us to wake up, don’t hit the snooze button! Get up and live for Christ. Now is the time for us to be those few laborers and call others to the one true King, for the time of the end is near. Share on X

Be the salt. Be the light. Watch for his leading, listen for his call, and obey it immediately. The result is God’s glory, and his glory is what we live for.

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About the author

Julia Rowe

Julia Rowe (formerly Julia Scott) is a 20 year old follower of Jesus. She has a passion for sharing God’s promises through writing, singing, and encouraging others through words and time spent with them. She got married in June of 2023 and lives with her wonderful husband in Southern Oregon.

By Julia Rowe
rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →