Dear Friend,
You have a heart for big things. You are a hard worker, and you’re proud of that. And honestly, it’s gotten you places – it’s paid off. It shows in your passion, your integrity, and the way people admire you for working so diligently at the things you care about.
In fact, you are a rebelutionary – you’ve done hard things, and you’re still doing hard things…
… and you are tired.
On the outside, you are a nonstop, talented, passionate go-getter – but on the inside, you feel like you are on a hamster wheel. Life is moving so fast. You’re stressed just trying to keep up with all your commitments – because you are not only committed, you are committed to doing everything well.
Sound familiar? If it does, you’re not alone.
I have a sneaking suspicion that we are more deeply tired than we care to admit. And this isn’t necessarily the big problem. The problem is the lack of real spiritual rest offered in this nonstop, media-driven world.
Ever thought about it? Everybody’s tired. All the time.
Do you, too, feel like there’s something wrong about all of this? Since when are we supposed to be feeling tired all the time? Why can’t we seem to find real rest? Even if we get a good night’s sleep, and our bodies feel fine, there’s something deeper. Something inside us that hasn’t felt real, soul-level rest in a long time.
It’s all so exhausting.
Maybe you feel guilty because you don’t think you should feel this tired. Maybe you feel like there’s something wrong with you. You don’t want to voice your exhaustion because you don’t want to be a bother – and besides, it’s not that bad.
You’re fine. There are tons more people worse off than you. And when you really think about it, you’re not tired at all. You just need another cup of coffee.
Be honest with yourself: That isn’t true. You feel empty and you need a filling-up.
It’s time we do something about it.
As David says in the Psalms, “Return to your rest, my soul, For the LORD has dealt generously with you,” (Psalm 116:7).
Take a Step Back
Think back to last week. Or yesterday. Or ten minutes ago. What was going on in your mind? Think carefully. Paved on the roads of your heart, do you see some hidden thoughts?
“I shouldn’t be this stressed all the time, right? That’s not healthy.”
“I know I’m getting plenty of sleep, but why do I still feel so tired all the time?”
“I don’t have time to be lazy. I need to be productive 24/7.”
“I’m fine, really. I just need to get this done.”
If these thoughts lie hidden inside, you’re not alone. This is me, friend. I am constantly wrestling with thoughts like these. But I don’t think it’s just me – I think this is everybody. Maybe even you.
It’s a constant struggle.
Take a step back. Take a moment and assess. Re-evaluate. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
Inhale. Exhale.
Remember Jesus? That guy you’re doing all these hard things for? He knows how stressed you are. He knows and He aches for you, because you were not made to work so hard all the time. You were made to rest. Share on XRemember Jesus? That guy you’re doing all these hard things for? He knows how stressed you are. He knows and He aches for you, because you were not made to work so hard all the time.
You were made to rest.
We, as humans, are made in the image of a God who rests. We are called to be in the world but not of the world. Think about it… when you don’t stop to rest, are you acting more like God or the World?
Let’s face the truth, friends. Contrary as it may seem to everything we feel like we should be doing –we need to rest.
In fact, our soul is dying to rest – and not that superficial, distracted ‘rest’ where you’re lying on the couch watching TV. We need deep, soul-level rest that seeps into our innermost parts and revives us.
It’s not lazy or selfish to spiritually rest. In fact, it’s a gift. How much more will you be able to serve others if you feel deeply, spiritually rested, rather than stressed and scatterbrained?
We need an outpouring from the Holy Spirit, so that we can continue to pour into others with such vivacity.
But how do we do this, in all practicality?
Face the Silence
It’s my theory that the world is afraid of silence.
Have you ever noticed this?
When you’re alone, you have music on. During an awkward lull in conversation, somebody says something because the gaping silence makes everyone uncomfortable. And even when you’re ‘quiet’ you’re watching a movie or scrolling through Facebook or any other thing to keep your brain occupied because you don’t want to face the silence.
The world is afraid of silence, even if they don’t realize it.
Why is this?
Maybe it’s that the silence causes us to introspect – to look inward and face the deepest parts of ourselves that we usually like to keep buried and hidden. Alone with ourselves, we can’t hide.
We are put face-to-face with ourselves…
… face-to-face with our shortcomings…
… face-to-face with our insecurities…
… and it is uncomfortable.
It is in the silence that we can feel the wind of the Holy Spirit on our skin. It is in the silence that we hear His voice. It is in the silence that we remember who we are and what we live for. Share on XBut it is in the silence that we can feel the wind of the Holy Spirit on our skin. It is in the silence that we hear His voice. It is in the silence that we remember who we are and what we live for.
Silence can be painful. It can be awkward. In fact, a lot of the time, it feels like nothing is happening.
You’re just sitting there. By yourself.
Honestly, it’s hard. It’s hard to quiet your mind. We are so easily distracted in this nonstop, fast paced world. Can you remember the last time you really, truly quieted your mind?
I wrestle with this daily – the need to rest, but the want to be productive every second of the day because TIME IS SLIPPING AWAY! AHH! THERE’S SO MUCH TO DO AND SO LITTLE TIME!!
But wait a second, is there any better way to spend your time than with Jesus?
It’s okay to remind yourself of what’s really important. This isn’t to say that those things on your agenda shouldn’t be done – they should. There’s nothing wrong with being busy. There’s nothing wrong with being a go-getter. Just remember not to take it too far. Remember to rest.
Shhh… Quiet your mind. Focus your heart on your King.
It is in the silence, when we truly quiet our mind – when we let the silence seep into us – that our soul truly finds rest in God.
“For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from Him.” – Psalm 62:5
Rest in Your Creator
Friend, learn to be faithful in the small moments. Take a moment today, whether it’s ten minutes or ten seconds, and sit in silence.
Turn your burning heart towards your Creator. Tell Him you love Him. Feel His smiling face lean close. Sense the shift in the room.
It’s hard. But we’re here to do hard things, whether anybody sees them or not. The Lord sees them, and your life and relationship with Him will be richer for it.
Go forth and rest.
Abby!! I think you were made for writing about rest. Your article really was God’s voice telling me I need to slow down and take a break to listen to Him. Thank you for sharing your words and reminding us of such an important thing.
Thank you so much, dear Grace!
Oh yay! I’m not alone in it. I will admit the constant strain of things that should not even be stressing me drags me down.
But sometimes I do just sit and stare off into the distance or sit on my bed and think. It makes me think I’m being lazy sometimes, but I think it helps.
I’ve been forcing myself to slow down and really think about what I’m doing. I also have been stopping to read The Bible.
I think you did a great job on your post! Congratulations again!
Thanks, Corrie!
Yeah, forcing ourselves to slow down can be so hard, but so rewarding.
This is… just the reminder I needed right now… Thanks Abby <3
Abby!! Congratulations, and thank you so much for the reminder to slow down. It’s one I often need.
Thanks, Abby, and thanks Rebolutionaries.
Thanks, Caelie!❤
Wow, I really needed to hear this. Thank you so much for this Abby!!
Aw, you’re welcome, Grace! Thank you for reading!
Aw! You are so welcome, Jessica!
Thanks so much for writing this, Abby! I have found this very true about myself. As the end of summer approaches, I feel truly rested. Thank you!