rebelling against low expectations

AuthorEllie Parsons

is a home-schooled sophomore in high school. She is deeply devoted to her God and strives to be more like him every day and to draw closer to him through worship and praise. She is passionate about the pro-life cause and cares deeply about all children. She enjoys campaigning for pro-life candidates, singing and baking.

5 Reasons to be Thankful This Thanksgiving


With Thanksgiving preparations, and the holidays approaching, it’s easy to get distracted and forget what Thanksgiving is all about. But as Christians, we should be even more intentional to live out the real meaning of Thanksgiving, since being thankful is an important part of having a healthy relationship with God. Everyone’s situation is different, and believe me, I know what a struggle it can...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →