rebelling against low expectations

AuthorJordon Johnson

is a 20 year old writer from the Old Dominion state where he is a contractor by day, writer by night. His desire is to live a life sold out for Christ and leave a legacy worthy of His name. His motto: To know and be known of God. A huge music connoisseur, you will likely find him in his free time buried in a new writing project while listening to a new album. He writes as a staff writer for The Rebelution in Theology and Christian Living and on his personal blog Words of Life.

How Should I Vote? 7 Core Values to Look for In A Presidential Candidate


Election 2020. The next huge decision on our calendar we all needed this year. The one we’ve been looking forward to all year. Not! 2020 has been a crazy year, for sure. The election has, in no small part, only added to the craziness for those of us in America. Election Day is yet another thing to deal with this year after a long line of tense and exhausting processes that have at times...

Finding Fresh Hope in A World Gone Crazy


When will it all end? It’s a question I have been asking myself in the midst of the craziness of the year 2020. I remember reading posts on Facebook at the beginning of this year about the wildfires and the loss of NBA legend Kobe Bryant, lamenting and asking “Could it get any worse?” Looking back on those posts now, they were a far cry from what came next. I remember during the...

Changed From Top to Bottom–God’s Radical Work of Grace


Have you ever experienced a huge life change? I’m sure you have. You might think of the time you moved to a new city, changed jobs, or made a huge life decision. Some might think of when they got married, had a baby, or made a new friend that changed their life. Maybe on the other end of the spectrum, someone died, got sick, or walked out of your life. One way or another, we’re all familiar...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →