rebelling against low expectations

AuthorKatelynn Richardson

has been spellbound by language ever since she was young and has since become an English major at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. You can find her sharing book reviews, original poetry, life adventures, and other writing related thoughts on her blog, Stories and Starlight. You can also find her writing on Weekday Walk, a website she started to help equip Christian teens and young adults with the confidence to live faithfully each day through discussions on theology, apologetics, and culture.

You Don’t Have to Be Ready, Just Obedient


Sometimes living in this world feels like walking blindfolded on a tightrope. I know I’m called to walk the straight and narrow path, but I’m not always sure where that is. Too often, I stay where I am because I’m afraid of making a misstep and falling off as I move forward. There’s this note I keep on my phone called “things I want to do.” It’s a mix of projects, goals, and issues I want to...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →