rebelling against low expectations

TagCalling & Ministry

Finding God’s Will for your Life


Have you ever asked yourself that question, “What’s God’s will for my life?” For many of us, it’s a drastically important question that– for some reason– never seems to get a clear answer. We want so desperately to do what God wants us to do. We desire so deeply to follow His specific calling on our lives. But, we just don’t seem to get an answer. For so many this question has become a paralyzing...

I Wanted To Be a Missionary


I was a little girl who read missionary books like they were Nancy Drew mystery novels. I spent Saturdays reading through the biography of my choice. I could be Amy Carmichael, smuggling girls from evil temples, or Elizabeth Elliott bravely facing tribe men who murdered my husband. I read Kisses from Katie, and dreamt of saving orphaned Ugandan children. I wanted to be a missionary. I babysat, I...

Don’t Follow Your Heart


God’s idea of awareness (and self-awareness), is different from the world’s version. Very different. One is focused on God, and the other is on us (I’m sure you can guess which is which). Our culture promotes what they call self-discovery. Finding ourselves. Really, it all stems from the age-old human questions of who we are and why we exist. There’s nothing wrong with that. God wants us to have...

Listen and Surrender to God


Why are you here? By that I mean, what’s your purpose in life – for what reason are you alive? To grow up? To obey the rules? To go to college? To work for a few years and then retire? To have fun until you’re too weak to go on? To die? Or as a Christian, to say the sinners’ prayer and then try your best to follow God’s rules? Is that why you’re here? Why are you here? Growing up, first in a...

Your Calling Changes Everything


What You Were Created For “I [Paul] therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called.” Ephesians 4:1 Despite what the world tells us, self-centered happiness is not the point of our lives. Jesus didn’t die to give us a ticket to heaven and have us keep living how we’ve been living all along. The gospel isn’t a free...

How To Pick a Major For the Glory of God


“So what are you planning to do after you graduate?” That question. It’s everywhere. They’re just being nice, but it’s still hard. What are you supposed to say? Even if you know sort of what you’ll be doing, it’s not like you have your whole life figured out. Or, well, maybe you do. I don’t know. Wherever you are in life, I’m hoping this...

Where Do You Picture Yourself in 10 Years?


Where do you picture yourself ten years from now? Your answer may vary widely — from jobs you might enjoy to places you’d love to live. But as teens, our future seems especially uncertain. For example, I’m 14, so when I’m 24, I’ll probably have finished college, gotten a full-time job, and have a girlfriend (if I’m not married already). Here’s the thing:...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →