rebelling against low expectations


When God Feels Far Away: Hearing the Whisper in the Storm


“Where are You, God?” Tear-stained cheeks and a heart, with only a faint whisper of hope left, accompanied these words. I had said them so many times, but it didn’t seem like I was getting any answers. I felt trapped in a world of depression and loneliness—despite having more supportive family and friends than a girl could ask for. It wasn’t like when my extroverted mind went crazy because I...

4 Things That Make Doing Hard Things Easier


A few years ago, I went on a bike trip with a group from my cousin’s church. Over three days we biked 109 miles and camped out at different locations along the trail. Despite the fact that it was over ninety degrees during the days, freezing cold during the nights, and the trail boasted some pretty nasty inclines, not one person quit. It was crazy hard, but we all got through it. How? The answer...

The Danger of Escaping into Entertainment


I am a HUGE fan of fantasy stories. I love sitting on my couch and reading about adventurous journeys, magical conundrums, fantastical places, and dragons. Especially dragons. I love being able to escape from life for even just a little while and often get lost in my books for hours at a time. Maybe the way you escape from life’s problems is through playing video games, scrolling through social...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →