rebelling against low expectations

Tired of low expectations? Join The Movement. is a website for teens by teens — helping you rebel against low expectations and do hard things for the glory of God. Learn More →

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How to Use Your Smartphone to the Glory of God


When the iPhone was introduced to American society in 2007, everyone fell head over heels for this shiny, new, flashing rectangle of limitless possibilities. We dove right in. But who could comprehend how such a small piece of metal would change our lives as we knew it? I was only two years old then, and wouldn’t get a phone for many more years, though I am now as hooked as everyone else. But...

3 Things You Can Do To Glorify God Everyday


There are a few things I believe most everyone could work on: being polite, thankfulness, and taking an interest in others. These things sound simple enough, but they require intention and practice. Today I want to talk to you about how these three things can glorify Jesus in your everyday life, and how you can grow in each of them. #1. Politeness When I was about seven my dad started teaching my...

Why “Love Conquers All” Isn’t as Cheesy as It Sounds


What do you think of when you hear the phrase “love conquers all”? For me, it’s Disney movies. The power of love gets so much coverage in fairy-tale retellings. Kissing the princess turns the frog back into a prince, Rapunzel’s tears save her love interest’s life, Belle’s love turns the Beast back into a human and saves his life—there seems to be a pattern here...

2 Ways to Show Godly Love to Your Significant Other This Valentine’s Day (and Beyond)


About a year ago, I went for a walk with my grandfather, and he said to me, “You know, when you get married someday, the man you marry will not be the same man you are married to five years later.” I was shocked for a moment and felt a little confused that my beloved grandfather didn’t think my marriage would last. But then he kept speaking, “Your husband will change,” he said, “and so will you...

3 Things Every Single Needs to Beware (and Remember) this Valentine’s Day


February 14th. Also known as Valentines Day, an occasion many a forlorn single dreads. Each year, while the rest of society posts sticky-sweet, chocolate-coated tributes to their spouses and significant others’ online, all the lonely hearts of the world mourn their singleness like it’s some sort of malignant disease. Surely, you’ve seen the ‘woe-is-me-I’m-so-alone’ posts on social media, too...

4 Pitfalls of Secular Music (and Cultivating Godly Listening Tastes)


I love music. I’m a musician and have music playing most of the day. I love listening to well-written songs, enjoy all different styles and genres, and I appreciate the craftsmanship and talent that goes into songwriting, mixing, and the whole creative process. In summary, if I had an obsession, it would be music. But I know that music is incredibly influential and have seen how it affects the...

God’s Law is Not a Burden


Against the Law Much of what I write is driven by concerning patterns I observe within the Church that need to be corrected by Scripture. And these days, there seems to be a popular, yet unbiblical, trend within American evangelicalism of believing that Christians should “unhitch” themselves from the Old Testament and, more specifically, from the Law of God within the Old Testament. Some say our...

Missions to Unreached People Groups: Get Ready or Hold the Rope


What if God says “Go”? Will you obey, following His lead into the mission field, or will you wait for another? When He says, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” (Isaiah 6:8), how will you answer? When you stand before your Heavenly Father, what will you tell Him when He asks why you did not go into all the world declaring the gospel? I recently heard someone say, “If God is calling you...

5 Ways to Pray About Your Future


I have yet to meet a teenager who is not (at least somewhat) intimidated by their future. As we reach the brink of adulthood, questions abound, and the future often feels uncertain. As I near the end of high school, those dreaded decisions about colleges and majors are getting closer. When explaining this feeling to friends and family, they consistently say, “Pray about it.” But, as I started...

When the Armor Gets Heavy


When I was twelve, I vividly remember creating the armor of God at a local Vacation Bible School. Cutting out long strips of construction paper, pouring mounds of glitter, and writing in all caps with a permanent marker, my masterpiece was complete. As I made my way to my mom’s car, my best friend and I struggled to walk. The armor was stunning. Oozes of glue and sequins flaked with every...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →