Maybe like me, you’ve been looking for a good way to share the Gospel with your friends. Maybe they haven’t had much experience with God or the Bible, but you think they might really be open to it if introduced in the right way. But how? I’ve been wrestling with that same question for a while now. As a homeschooled teen, I don’t find myself around non-Christians very often—but when I do, I feel...
How to Incorporate Bible Study and Memorization into Your Daily Routine
When I was a teenager I made a choice that changed my life. At only thirteen years old, I sat down at my computer and read about a program called the National Bible Bee (kind of like a spelling bee, but for Bible memory). That can’t be too hard, I thought to myself as I convinced my mom that I wanted to sign up. I thought it would be something fun for the summer. Something to keep me busy. And...
What Humility Is—And What it Isn’t
As I copied the words “humble and gentle” from Ephesians 4:2 into my journal, the list of problems I constantly faced ran through my mind. I was too quiet, too unsure. I needed confidence and boldness to speak up. Why should I focus on being humble? That seemed like the opposite. I was puzzled. Humility was something I’d figured out a while ago. I didn’t brag. I didn’t think I was the best...
God Rewards His Faithful Servants
I rather like Peter. I know he’s Jewish, but in my head I like to picture him as a burly redhead, unruly hair spiraling in every which direction (yes, there’s no way he actually looked like that, but still…). Practical, to-the-point Peter. First to speak, first to jump into things, though never first thinking about it. But he’s not afraid of questions. So it’s no surprise that he was the...
God’s Answer to Life’s Brokenness
If you were to describe the state of the world today in one word, what would it be? Lost? Misguided? Deceived? Blind? Sick? Hurting? All of these are applicable in one way or another. But how about broken? The Origin of Our Brokenness As fallen human beings we live under the curses of sin outlined in Genesis 3:14-19. Ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden, humanity has lived in...
Reflections on To-Do Lists, Priorities, and the Book of Haggai
Nearly every morning, I roll out of bed with a phone in hand, click on my Notes app, and scroll through my list of to-dos for the day. After breakfast, I hastily move onto Bible study. As I flip through the pages of the current biblical book I’m studying (1 Peter), I glance at the time every few minutes. With each glance, I flip the page and scan the text more urgently than before. I soon move on...
Comfort Amid Question Marks: Truth I Learned in My Waiting Season
This year has been marked with a significant amount of waiting in my life. In January, I began the process of applying for an awesome opportunity—but along with it came paperwork, interview calls, reading, appointments, and emails. I did not have a solid “yes” or “no” for months. My anxiety escalated as so much hung in the balance. It was not easy. Eventually, God allowed...
5 Tips To Help You Really Understand God’s Word
Knowledge is a great place to start in uncovering the gems of Scripture, but knowledge alone isn’t particularly helpful. Alone, it tends to cause us to feel smart, which can lead to arrogance or pride. Rather, we need to sift through the dirt to find the gems of understanding. So here we move from knowing the facts of the passage to comprehending what those facts actually mean. You may know that...
The First Step to Effective Bible Study: Digging Into God’s Word
The Bible can be a little daunting to study. First, there’s all those pages, well into the hundreds in many versions. Then you have those unpronounceable names that seem to come from the latest fantasy novel. And have you read some of the stuff this book contains? Wheels covered in eyes (Ezekiel 10:12). Belly fat oozing over sword hilts (Judges 3:22). Prophets walking around naked (Isaiah 20:2-4)...
One Question Every Teen Needs to Ask About Love and Romance
Do you have a list? You know, a list of the qualities you want in a future spouse. Some people have general lists that may or may not be written down. Others get a little more specific and put down preferred hair and eye color or even what musical instruments or sports they want their significant other to play. I once heard of a girl who had a list nine pages long, detailing everything from birth...