rebelling against low expectations

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4 Ways to Comfort Your Hurting Friend


Everybody has a different way of mourning. Some stay quiet and to themselves, blocking out the world. Some try to brush it off and hang out with friends, so they don’t feel the pain so strongly. Some laugh it off, pretending they don’t care. Yet still others take you into their confidence and tell you all that they are thinking. There is no “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to comforting your...

Finding, Making, and Keeping Godly Friends (and Why Your Friends Matter)


Friendships can be complicated. Many battle loneliness and a lack of true friendships. Others experience one-sided friendships. Even more have friendships filled with ungodly influences. We know that having good friends is important…but it can feel so hard. Sara and Tabitha dive into this topic today and share how to find and make godly friends (and how to be one yourself), what to do if a friend...

Help! I’m Scared to Share the Gospel (with Clayton Hill)


Have you ever tried to share the gospel…but then backed out? Do you break out in a cold sweat at the very thought of evangelizing? If so, this episode is for you! Real life rebelutionary Clayton Hill joins the podcast today to talk all about his own struggles with sharing the gospel (and how he overcame them), the best ways to start conversations, and how to get past the fear and awkwardness...

Suffering and the Hope of Heaven with Randy Alcorn


Is it possible to have hope when your world feels like it’s crumbling around you? What can you practically do to stay grounded in times of loss, suffering, and pain? Randy Alcorn joins the podcast today to talk about the reality of the hope we have in Heaven (and what Heaven is really going to be like) and how this hope has sustained him through his own seasons of loss and suffering. If...

4 Tips to Make Time with God a Gift, Not a Chore


For as long as I can remember, spending time alone with God has been part of my day. After my family gathered for our prayer and Bible study in the morning, we would each go off and have our personal time with God. When I was younger, I loved this time. I thoroughly enjoyed reading my devotional and working on memory scriptures. Then, I got older… and busier. School intensified. I joined a...

Doing Hard Things with a Chronic Illness with Sara Willoughby


How do you do hard things…when you can’t even get out of bed? Sara Willoughby—long-time rebelutionary and author of He’s Making Diamonds: A Teen’s Thoughts on Faith Through Chronic Illness—was given a few months to live at the age of 15. Over the course of several years, she was diagnosed with Lyme disease, toxic mold poisoning, and MCS. In this honest and vulnerable conversation, we talk about...

Three Truths For The Chronically Ill Teen


My heart broke as yet another chronically ill teen unwittingly voiced questions and struggles I’d heard over and over again. Most of us don’t know it, but we all seem to have the same questions. Perhaps there are some variations in wording and scenarios, but those questions you are ashamed to verbalize? So many others have wondered the same things. You know what? It’s okay to ask those questions...

Waiting on God When Life Feels Like a Waiting Room


Do you feel stuck in a season of waiting?  Waiting for a relationship. Waiting for healing from chronic illness. Waiting to graduate.  Waiting for the next season of life. Waiting… waiting… waiting. There are so many things we wait for in life. In this episode, Sara and Tabitha share about things they’re waiting for and how to keep hoping, trusting, and living in seasons of...

Truth Matters with Dr. Jeff Myers


What is truth? And why does it matter? Whether we realize it or not, truth is one of the most pivotal battlegrounds of our culture and Dr. Jeff Myers is on the front lines defending the existence, immutability, and culture-changing power of absolute truth. Dr. Myers is the president of Summit Ministries and has trained and equipped thousands of young adults in worldview and apologetics. Today he...

Fighting Trolls: 3 Ways to Keep Your Faith Alive


“The Bible was written 800 years after Jesus lived, and by no one who knew him!” the comment declared. I squinted at it, mentally typing out a cheerily sarcastic response: “Well, if we drop a zero off that number, and totally ignore the fact that Matthew was an apostle, you’d be almost right!” Troll comments are easy to find–people who confidently throw out accusations against the Bible, the...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →