rebelling against low expectations

5 Truths for Your Times of Doubt


Living the Christian life isn’t easy. When you’ve been a Christian for a short or long period of time doubts can creep in.

Maybe God isn’t really there for me all the time.

Maybe he doesn’t really care for me.

What if God doesn’t really answer my prayers?

You may have doubts just like these and others similar that can be really difficult to shut down. It’s hard to debate all the doubts that we have. Though it seems impossible, it is not. I know this because I’ve found myself doubting God’s faithfulness and goodness at times.

But how? How can you battle these doubts? How can you rely on Christ and trust that he is all that he says? I’ve written 5 practical truths for you to hold onto in the midst of doubts and questions. These come from my heart, from my own personal life. They’re things that give me hope in times of despair, they remind me of the truth of the gospel and what great power God has given us. If only you believe in him and trust his promises, you too can find hope and strength to debate those lies that Satan would love for you to believe.

1. Hold on to God’s promises.

The word of God is filled with many of His wonderful reminders and promises.

Promises like this one:

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)

God is with you. He is your God. He will strengthen you and he will help you. No matter what doubt may be tearing you apart, hold onto hope in God’s wonderful promises.

2. Pray for wisdom.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”  (James 1:5)

Just ask! It doesn’t get any easier than that, God is faithful and he will answer your request for wisdom and discernment over your doubts if only you’ll humble yourself before the Lord and ask for wisdom. He will give you the Godly wisdom that comes only from him.

3. Find scripture to help you debate the lies.

There are so many truths in the Bible there for you, God has given us his word to help us battle the doubts that may arise.

There’s an amazing website that has categorized many verses of the Bible for different situations and struggles that life brings us. Click this link and you can browse different verses for whatever doubts you may be struggling with.

4.  Talk to your Pastor.

I’m hoping you’re part of a Godly, gospel preaching, Church. If not, you need to find one. It’s crucial and very necessary for your walk with Christ.

Now, for those of you who are part of a Church, go talk to your pastor. God has given us shepherds who are there for us in dark times-even times of doubt. Your pastor won’t judge you for having questions. I’m sure even he has faced many doubts over his lifetime. He’s there for you, to help you, and to point you in the right direction.

5. Trust what you know, not what you feel.

No matter what you’re feeling, you cannot follow your heart. Often Satan lures us in by attacking us with our feelings. Our feelings aren’t often Christ-centered because we’re all sinful by nature. We all still have sinful, selfish hearts that will lead us into a pit. So, back to number 1. Trust God’s promises and what you know is true.

Don’t fall for the lies Satan is telling you.

Don’t follow your heart.

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About the author

Zachary Pierpont

is a 16 year old blogger with a passion for Christ. His blog is all about living the Christian life and is mostly directed toward young people. His desire is to encourage and strengthen those who read his writing to chase with all their heart the mind-blowing wonder of Christ. He loves spending time with friends and family, playing drums and guitar, writing, and enjoying God's beautiful creation in Northern Michigan where he lives.

By Zachary Pierpont
rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →