rebelling against low expectations

4 Ways Teens Can Fight For Life


With the recent New York Reproductive Health Act and the March for Life in Washington, D.C, our country is abuzz with talk about abortion.

Many feminists are thrilled about the “new advances in women’s rights.” Countless people are excited for the prospect of new empowerment and freedom. Governor Cuomo reported, “The Reproductive Health Act is a historic victory for New Yorkers and for our progressive values.”

But what does God think about the thousands of unique and precious lives lost to abortion every day? What does he think about the recent NY abortion laws or the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade that was marked this year?

It’s simple. Abortion is angering to him. He created the priceless, adorable, sweet gift of life that is a newborn baby.

Righteous anger comes as a result of injustice and unholiness. It’s good and shameless and right. It’s the kind of passion that inspires us to make a difference.

Chances are, you’re probably not celebrating the rapid developments in abortion in our culture. Maybe you long to make a difference but you don’t know where to start. Maybe you’ve felt God inspiring you to do something about it but you’ve quickly met a dead end.

Teens, we are the next generation of the church. It’s up to us to stand up and protest on the behalf of the unborn. Here are 4 simple ways we can make a difference.

1. Prayer

We often underestimate the power of talking to the omnipotent God of the Universe. We so often try to look for the solutions on our own and pray as an afterthought.

Instead, we should come to God with faith that he will hear us and he will act.

Pray as often and as sincerely as you can. This is a battle—not against the women who have aborted or the pro-choice governors or the clinic workers, but against death and evil. And God is the only one who can win.

This is a battle---not against the women who have aborted or the pro-choice governors or the clinic workers, but against death and evil. Share on X

I encourage you to take a moment to pray before you continue reading.

2. Volunteer at a local pregnancy center

Teens are often at a disadvantage when it comes to volunteer opportunities. We often lack experience and transportation.

However, I encourage you to talk to your youth group about arranging a time to help out a local pregnancy center. Maybe you could set up a time with a parent or friend to go down to help out with snow shoveling, light cleaning, or organizing. It’s a huge blessing to all of the workers, as well as the moms and babies blessed by their services.

3. Educate yourself and others

Colossians 4:6 says, “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

Learning more about abortion and how to respond to common pro-choice arguments will prepare us to respond kindly and wisely about abortion in the future. Let’s think this through as teens so we can be prepared for opportunities as we get older.

It’s important to always speak with love; no one will change their minds by being yelled at! If Jesus was walking this earth right now, I imagine that he would be quiet and gentle in the way he spoke to people, and yet persistent in fighting for the truth to be heard. Let’s emulate his behavior.

Check out websites like,, and to learn more.

4. Help out a foster parent near you

My parents are foster care certified. That means that a child can come into our home, on a few hours’ notice, and stay for a indefinite amount of time.

Even though we’ve only had a few children so far, it’s truly incredible to see this breathing, giggling, pink pacifier-ed proof that abortion is not the only answer.

If there’s someone you know that is foster care certified, look for ways to help them out. Maybe you could bring them a meal or volunteer to babysit for an afternoon.

Teens, we need to stand up against this injustice. The fight for life isn’t easy, but with God on our side, it is possible.

The fight for life isn’t easy, but with God on our side, it is possible. Share on X

“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” (Psalm 127:3)

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About the author

Anna Hammer

is a thirteen-year-old writer who is striving to be more like Christ every day. She is an avid reader, soccer player, flutist, baker, and the oldest of four. Through her writing, she wants to bring glory to God and encourage others in the love of Christ. She blogs at Through Quiet Waters.

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By Anna Hammer
rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →