rebelling against low expectations


Getting Our Priorities in Order


In the middle of my semester finals season, I was studying when I looked up and realized just how tired I was. I was burnt out, unmotivated, and overwhelmed by stress. But I kept studying, kept doing what I was doing, because I needed the grades. That was my priority –studying nonstop and getting good grades. Because I made that my top priority during those two months of my exams, I ended up...

The Pursuit of Productivity: Finding a Healthy Balance in Life


People often see how hard I work and think I must be a naturally healthy and productive person. I’m not. I used to sort eggs on a chicken farm. The hours were great and gave me lots of time at home to do whatever I needed to. Yet even though I knew how to be efficient and utilize mental energy, I seemed bogged down by day-to-day activities and could never find time to do anything important like...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →