rebelling against low expectations


God Has No Dark Side: Trusting God After Betrayal


“Run!” my mind screamed as panic sent shock waves up my spine. But I couldn’t run. My heart still couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing, so I stood still. Paralyzed. My stomach lurched at what I saw just a few yards away. Betrayal. Purposeful deception. “No! Stop! Don’t do it!” I’d known for some time what was going on. Found evidence of it here and there. But this was the first time I’d...

Stars in Mordor: Discovering Hope in The Lord of The Rings


A company of twinkling stars do battle against an ever-growing darkness. A clash of glittering hope and ravaging despair that does not even spare its own servants. While an army of starlit souls press on the black tides, two lone stars have crossed the line of shadows to thrust the light into its ever-darkening heart. Within this pair a different battle wages, it is one thing to press against a...

What Does It Mean to be Children of Light?


Light. We are fascinated with it, captivated by the sunlight coming through the tree branches, the tiny gems sparkling around the Christmas tree, and the countless dots glowing in the night sky. God breathed it into existence to separate the darkness and illuminate His Creation. He is light, there is no darkness in Him at all. Yet as Christians, light isn’t meant to be confined to Christmas...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →