rebelling against low expectations


What to Say to the Guy You’re Friend-Zoning


“Oh, one other thing!” I momentarily paused my pacing and tried to find the words to say. “You still think of me platonically, right?” The silence stretched way too long. “Uh oh.” I slid to the hard, cold floor. Peter and I were friends. Good friends. We encouraged and challenged each other, prayed for each other, and gave each other relationship advice about other people. “Well . . .” As Peter...

3 Ways to Love Your Friends with Honesty


“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.” – Albus Dumbledore “Sara, I wish that you had invited me.” We sat across from each other, afternoon light playing with the steam rising from our mugs of tea. I uncomfortably folded the tea bag tag into a tiny square. Erin and I were serving on the same ministry team, and God had been...

2 Ways to Show Godly Love to Your Significant Other This Valentine’s Day (and Beyond)


About a year ago, I went for a walk with my grandfather, and he said to me, “You know, when you get married someday, the man you marry will not be the same man you are married to five years later.” I was shocked for a moment and felt a little confused that my beloved grandfather didn’t think my marriage would last. But then he kept speaking, “Your husband will change,” he said, “and so will you...

3 Things Every Single Needs to Beware (and Remember) this Valentine’s Day


February 14th. Also known as Valentines Day, an occasion many a forlorn single dreads. Each year, while the rest of society posts sticky-sweet, chocolate-coated tributes to their spouses and significant others’ online, all the lonely hearts of the world mourn their singleness like it’s some sort of malignant disease. Surely, you’ve seen the ‘woe-is-me-I’m-so-alone’ posts on social media, too...

6 Ways to Bless Your Long Distance Significant Other


He was tired, burnt out, and needed a good meal. I couldn’t give him a hug. He was graduating! I couldn’t cheer or take pictures or bring him a gift. It was his birthday. I couldn’t make him a cake or throw him a party. And so instead, I stared at a circle, leg bouncing, waiting for the call to reconnect. Wishing I could be there for him. Wishing I could take care of him. Wishing I could do...

The Romantic Deception: What if There Isn’t a “One”?


Editor’s Note: We’re thrilled to welcome Gary Thomas to the Reb today! His book The Sacred Search is an excellent resource for Christ-centered relationships and choosing a spouse wisely. This article was originally published on February 13, 2020. When Tom Cruise—playing Jerry Maguire—uttered those now famous words, “You complete me,” he was married to his second wife, Nicole Kidman...

The Influence of Modern Media: Shifting Perspectives on Love & Relationships


Have you ever thought about what would happen if relationships as we see them in today’s romance movies existed in the real world? Would they endure once the crisis subsided, the stage lights dimmed, and the characters settled into everyday life together? My guess is probably not. The emphasis of chemistry over compatibility-based relationships in modern media sets unrealistic standards for...

The Real Reason To Remain Sexually Pure


As a preteen girl, I wrote letters to my future husband. In those letters, I often wrote the words, “I am staying pure for you,” or, “I am keeping my purity to be a gift to you on our wedding day.” During my teenage years, I read a plethora of books on Christian dating that taught me to think through my purity this way. They motivated me to remain pure by promising that it would keep my wedding...

4 Things to Remember During Friendship Breakups


I can still remember the time when I lost a very close friend. I still remember the way it hurt and the way I cried into my pillow. I still remember the sadness I felt in my heart when I thought of this friendship. I can imagine you understand those feelings too. I imagine you also know what it’s like to “break up” with a close friend. While we always hear about boyfriend and girlfriend break...

10 Lies Culture Tells Teens About Love, Sex, and Romance


We live in a culture that is constantly talking about love, lust, sex, and romance. It’s hard to get away from, honestly. You can barely turn on the TV, walk around the mall, or glance at a billboard without being assaulted by it. Of course, the mere fact that culture is vocal about it is not the problem. It’s an important conversation to have, for sure. The Bible itself frequently talks about...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →