rebelling against low expectations

Confirmed: Circuit Court Puts Hold on Chemo


Judge Glen Allen Taylor has suspended the ruling that ordered Abraham to undergo more chemotherapy. (Image:

Spunky Homeschool has confirmed earlier reports that Abraham Cherrix will not have to report for chemotherapy today and will remain with his family. The Accomack County Circuit Court judge has set aside the order of Judge Demps and a new court date is being set in the higher court.

From the WAVY-TV report:

A circuit court judge has suspended the orders from a lower court requiring Accomack County teen Abraham Cherrix to report Tuesday to Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters in Norfolk for mandatory therapy to treat his cancer.

The battle is not over, but there is hope. Keep Abraham and his family in your prayers. Please consider expressing your support through a financial donation.

WAVY-TV is reporting that:

In addition, the judge suspended the order requiring that Cherrix’ parents share custody over Abraham with Child Protective Services.

Response to Judge Glen Allen Taylor’s decision to suspend the previous court order:

Abraham: “I feel free today. I was let off the leash.” (Source: Richmond Times Dispatch)

Mrs. Cherrix: “We feel like we are going to get to at least be heard this time. We don’t feel like we were heard before.” (Source:

Virginia Attorney General, Bob McDonnell: “I applaud the Circuit Court’s action in ordering a stay of the lower court order that Abraham Cherrix must receive chemotherapy beginning today… [A]ll citizens are entitled to the right to appeal a district court case, and to have their cases heard anew in the circuit court… It would have been a violation of Abraham Cherrix’s due process rights if the lower court order had been implemented prior to an appeal. The interests of justice required that a stay be granted. Our thoughts and concerns are with Abraham and his family as they continue their battle against cancer.”

The family wept and embraced when the decision was announced. Read the updated AP story.

WAVY-TV on Hampton Roads has been giving extensive news coverage to the Abraham Cherrix case. You can find a link to their video coverage of Judge Allen’s decision by clicking here.

For full coverage of Abraham’s story, click here.

About the author

Alex and Brett Harris

are the co-founders of and co-authors of Do Hard Things and Start Here. They have a passion for God and for their generation. Their personal interests include politics, filmmaking, music, and basketball. They are both graduates of Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Virginia.

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rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →