It’s here, folks – 2016.
As we ring in this new year, what better way to begin than with reflective prayer?
Tim Challies wrote this prayer based on two entries in the classic Puritan collection of prayers, The Valley of Vision. May this be our prayer.
My Good and Gracious Father,
You have brought me safely through another year. This was a year in which I saw and experienced so much of your goodness. You were good when you gave, and you were good when you took away; you were good when the sun shined upon me and you were good when the night fell around me. You were only, ever good.
In your Word you give the sure promise that you have loved me since before the foundation of the world. That love was always with me and held me fast through another year. You led me in each step I took. You led me around the wilderness to the places of cool rest and quiet. You led me through dark valleys to the joy beyond. You were there even in times when I wandered and went astray. There was nowhere I could go that was beyond your love, beyond your reach, beyond your care and compassion. You are so good and I am so grateful.
Father, I trust and I believe that your love and your kindness will be my theme in the year ahead. I entrust the future to you and I do it with joy and with confidence. I do it with sure hope that you already know each step I will take and that you will be with me to direct each one of them.
If you have appointed trials and tribulation, I know that you will guide and comfort me through them all. If I have to pass through persecution or times of deep temptation, I can have full confidence that you will never leave me nor forsake me. If this is to be the year you call me home, I can receive that with joy, knowing that I will rejoice to be in your presence at last. If this is the year that Christ returns—Please, may it be the year that Christ returns!—, then I will join with all Creation in rejoicing and praising your name.
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Nice post, are country needs its people to pray.
The section about dying seems similar to a quote my pastor made this morning in service. “…sudden death means sudden glory [for the believer].”
I feel dumb for this, but I actually teared up reading that. The part that God was only ever good is hard to admit, but I’m so glad it’s true.
Don’t feel dumb! I think it’s beautiful that this prayer touched you. As Christians, our belief in these things shouldn’t just be mental assent – they should stir our emotions too. I’ll admit to you that I’ve regularly teared up when reading the book of Puritan prayers, “The Valley of Vision.” And I think that’s actually a blessing. 🙂
Thanks for the encouragement! I should really read the valley of vision.