rebelling against low expectations

What a Little Mouse Taught Me about Doing Hard Things


Those who are familiar with The Chronicles of Narnia will remember the great and valiant mouse, Reepicheep.

We love Reepicheep because he’s daring, brave, funny, and serious all at the same time. As small as he is, he fought in the Second Battle of Beruna with all the strength, willpower, and zeal he has, combatting creatures many times his size.

Even when the battle was getting dangerous and frightening, Reepicheep doesn’t shrink back. He is willing to give his life for his beloved homeland, Narnia.

Reepicheep might have so many thoughts going through his mind during the battle, yet he has only one desire: to obey his king–Aslan. That overruled every other feeling of hesitation and self-centeredness.

“’There are twelve of us, Sire,’ he said [to Prince Caspian] with a dashing and graceful bow, ‘and I place all the resources of my people unreservedly at your Majesty’s disposal'” (Prince Caspian).

I admire Reepicheep for his willingness to serve his king, even if it means doing the hard thing. Here’s what that little mouse taught me.

1. Be Ready to Do Anything for Your King

Reepicheep was ready to follow King Peter because Peter followed Aslan–the true king of kings. It was his heart’s desire to do anything for Aslan.

When God calls us to do hard things, we, like Reepicheep, should always be willing to do them.

Of course, doing hard things is not easy–that’s why they’re called hard things. But if doing the hard thing means doing the right thing, then our immediate response should be obedience.

If doing the hard thing means doing the right thing, then our immediate response should be obedience. Share on X

Today’s society is built around serving ourselves. If something brings pleasure to us or benefits us, then we should feel free to do it. If not, forget it. But if doing the right thing puts me in an uncomfortable or undesirable position, I must to be willing to do it–because then I am serving my King.

2. Always Remain Loyal to Your King

Reepicheep was always ready to obey his king. He leaped at the chance to do something of service. He got excited at the thought of doing something adventurous.

Offering his life completely to his king’s service, Reepicheep found himself one of the smallest creatures on the battlefield. But did that stop him?

Of course not. Reepicheep’s size didn’t deter him from fighting. Nothing could stop this little incompetent-looking mouse, because it was his passion to remain loyal to his king and to give what he had. That should be the first and foremost desire of our hearts as well.

Strangely enough, when I took a Narnia personality quiz, my personality matched closest with Reepicheep’s. Something must have been wrong with that quiz because, unlike Reepicheep, I am not daring and ready to obey right away. First, I want to feel comfortable with what I’m about to do. Often, I don’t want to step outside my comfort zone.

Reepicheep, on the other hand, was always ready and willing to obey his king–no matter the cost. He was ready to give his life in battle.

Sometimes, God calls us to do hard things so he can accomplish his will through us. If he chooses us for a difficult task, we should not tremble in fear or back away. Rather, we should leap at the opportunity to serve our King and do whatever he asks of us.

If God chooses you to do something hard, don’t hesitate to do it! If you cower away and say, “Lord, I’m not able to do this. Please send someone else,” you will miss out on the blessing of obeying God’s call. After all, he chose you to do it. He wants you to do it.

If a little mouse can do hard things and stay strong in the battle, so can we. We might feel small and incapable of fulfilling the task set before us, but God chooses the weakest so that through us, his glory might shine brighter still.

We might feel small and incapable of fulfilling the task set before us, but God chooses the weakest so that through us, his glory might shine brighter still. Share on X

He chose you to do this task, and he won’t leave you to figure it out on your own. He’ll be right there beside you, guiding you.

But first, you have to answer as Reepicheep would:

“It is my heart’s desire to serve my king. Choose me! I’ll gladly do it!”

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About the author

Julia Nelson

loves writing non-fiction articles and play scripts that point to her Savior. She enjoys challenging her peers and encouraging other believers with her writing. In everything she does, Julia wishes to honor and serve her Savior, who gave everything for her. When she's not writing, you can find her playing piano, singing, doing ballet, or reading.

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By Julia Nelson
rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →