Right now, many people across the world are either quarantined or just simply avoiding going anywhere.
We are hearing phrases like “social- distancing” or “self-quarantine,” which really mean that we are avoiding contact with anyone. Schools are online, businesses are either shutting down or running online, events are being cancelled, and everything seems to be quite a mess. Through all of this, our best option is to stay home, away from people.
This brings up a question…how can we serve God during this time?
We have a lot more time right now. Personally, even as a homeschooler, who only really typically has activities out of the house a few times a week, I’m finding myself with a lot more time. Now that we do not have extra activities, Bible studies, and even church, we have no excuse to not spend time with God!
This leads me to my first point…
Grow in Your Relationship with Christ
Before serving God, it is key to have a relationship with him. If you have not accepted Christ as your Savior, accept the gift of eternal life and the relationship with him which he is openly offering you. We are all sinners, yet, he died for you and paid the penalty for your sin. Today, he is alive because he rose again as he said he would on the third day. If you have not yet accepted Christ as your Savior, do so today! As Jesus-followers, we have hope during this pandemic, and you can too! I encourage you to read these verses if you have not yet accepted Christ as your Savior: John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 10:9, John 14:6.
He loves us all so much. He desires to spend time with us! Therefore, take this time to grow in your relationship with God. This is the very first key step to serving God. We may be quarantined, but we are not quarantined from God’s Word.
Read any books of the Bible you have not read yet. Or, use this time to read through the whole Bible (it is possible!) Try Bible journaling, something I’ve been enjoying lately. Or start a “quarantine Bible notebook” to record any Biblical truths that have been encouraging to you during this time. Ultimately, use this time to grow in your relationship with Christ & dive into his Word
Serve God Online
Right now, we are so blessed to be able to connect with others online. Churches and Bible studies are meeting online right now, and even though I truly miss my church family, it has been wonderful to continue our services! Even through this storm of a pandemic, we are still called to serve others. There isn’t a verse in God’s Word that says “serve others…unless there is a pandemic!”
Instead, we are told to “… serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (1 Peter 4:10b)
And guess what? We can serve God online. Do you have a blog? Write encouragement for people during this time. Do you have a social media account? Bless others by sharing promises from God’s Word, sharing encouraging articles or ideas to serve during this quarantine. Are you able to meet with friends for a Bible study or simply to say “hi” and encourage a friend? Study a chapter in the Bible each weekend, or every evening with a group of friends or Youth Group/Young Adults Group. Right now, the monthly Bible study that met at our home, is starting to meet every week online. That has been a huge blessing so far, and it wasn’t very difficult to begin. Host group prayer meets and pray for leaders, families, ministries, people without jobs right now, and friend and family members who are struggling right now during this time. Our extended family has been meeting online each week during this quarantine so far, and it has been a blast. Invest in lives online right now.
Serve God at Home
Right now, almost everyone is quarantined at home.
While some of us may spend a good chunk of time at home already, this gives us even more of an opportunity to truly invest in the relationships at home. Even as a homeschooler, I am finding myself spending a lot more time with my siblings. Usually I teach several times a week at church, work at least once a week, etc. Now that I am home and not able to go anywhere, I have a wonderful opportunity to use this time to invest in relationships at home (hopefully more on that later!). Over the past two weeks of being quarantined, I have been able to walk outside with my youngest sibling multiple times, work on coloring with siblings, we’ve had Bible time as a family daily, etc. I can’t wait to continue to cherish this time at home with my family.
You can, too. God calls us to love our families, and this is one of the best times to do so.
Serve God by Serving Others
How can we help others if we are not able to go out of the house?
There are still countless options. 1 Peter 4:10 says, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”
God has given us gifts to use to serve others… even during this time! We may just have to get a little bit more creative, right?
Musicians, record some uplifting music right now. Writers, write some encouraging posts on your blog or social media accounts. Artists, design some artwork to send to a friend or family member.
Write letters. If you sew, create face masks to donate, etc. Check in (even if only via phone/email/video chat) and help friends who have chronic illnesses or are “high risk” for this virus. Send notes to older friends and people in nursing homes. Drop off groceries for elderly neighbors who can’t go to stores.
Everyone is facing change and perhaps suffering right now. While we are at home, and perhaps even bored, we can be serving Christ.
Serve God by Witnessing
Honestly, I believe now is a wonderful time to witness.
It’s easy to say that since we are home and can’t go anywhere, we can’t witness. However, that is a lie from the enemy. People are afraid and in need of hope. They can see that we, as Jesus-followers, do truly have a hope. They are watching us to see our response during this time. Therefore, first and foremost, we must trust God through this time. By simply trusting him, preparing, but not panicking, and responding in a God-honoring way to this pandemic, we can truly be an incredible witness for Christ.
Is your church online? Share the link with unbelieving family/friends. Have you been encouraged by a verse during this time? Share that with your unbelieving friends/family as well. Explain to them why you have such hope right now, and why you don’t need to fear.
Now is an amazing opportunity to speak truth into panicking hearts who don’t have hope.