rebelling against low expectations

TagServing God

Battling Discontentment: Three Steps for the Fight


Sometimes I catch myself feeling very dissatisfied: “The stuff I have isn’t good enough.” “The day isn’t going how I want it to go.” “The food I want isn’t in the refrigerator.” Everything revolves around my own wants and my own needs—me, me, me. At least, that’s what my flesh tells me. God, on the flip side, convicts me in my discontentment: He is all I need; I don’t need stuff to satisfy me...

To the Christian Who Isn’t Persecuted: Don’t Hide Your Faith


I live in a country where I am not persecuted for my faith. I can read my Bible in public, pray wherever I want to, and talk about my faith to anyone. Worst case scenario: someone gives me a strange look. Chances are, your country is the same. You probably live in a country that has religious freedom. You can probably worship God wherever and whenever you want to. If that is the case, then this...

Daily Faithfulness


Faithful– we hear that word a lot to describe God; He is loyal, reliable, trustworthy. He never fails. In both the big and little things, God is faithful. When God said He would give the Israelites the Promised Land, He did, despite their constant complaining. When God said He would give Solomon wisdom and blessings, He did, despite Solomon’s shortcomings. When God said He would send a Savior, He...

Stop Chasing Cool: the Truth About Our Need for Approval


We all struggle with wanting to be cool. As young people, we’re caught up in a constant battle against peer pressure, secular culture, a desire to be a ‘cool Christian’, the darkness of the sin-cursed world around us, and the desires of our own sinful flesh. It’s so easy to get slack, to pull back from fully serving the Lord because, after all…who wants to be known as the ‘weird Christian kid’...

Why Christians Should Care About Nature Conservation


To say my dad likes the outdoors might be an understatement. He has bookshelves full of books on birds, trees, and mushrooms. His major in college is wildlife conservation. Not a day goes by when he is not counting the birds somewhere around Shelby County. One could say he loves nature. But my dad is not a tree hugger –not by a long shot. He avidly watches baseball, takes our mom on regular date...

The Confusing Post-Highschool Question: What Now?


What am I going to do with my life? No doubt you’ve asked yourself this question many times over. I, myself, am graduating in June, and I have yet to form a solid plan about my post-highschool life. Until recently, this concerned me greatly. Maybe you’re like me and notice a lot of your peers have already applied to colleges and have been accepted. And seeing things like this, maybe it’s adding...

The Solution to My Pride Problem


Sometimes my obedience to God comes with a side of pride. For example, if I speak graciously when angry words are at the tip of my tongue or get out of bed to spend time in the Word even when 6:30am seems much too early for anything, instead of praising God for giving me the strength to do those things, I give myself a pat on the back. Thinking this way flows so easily into comparison. As I creep...

What’s the Point of Sanctification?


In many of his letters, Paul uses a word that might sound scary or too theological for the everyday Christian. This word is sanctification. While sanctification may not be a word we use everyday, it is something that’s for all believers. If this is true, what role do we play in our own sanctification, if any? Romans 6 will be our guide in understanding the balance between the status and...

Gross Soup, Served with a Lesson on Obedience


“But I don’t want to eat it,” whispered my younger self to my dad who was sitting next to me. On my lap sat a bowl of the later branded ‘chicken poop soup’ in all its grotesque congealed glory. The chunks of chicken intestine were not cleaned, so paired with the cooked feces, it radiated a wretched odor. “You have to,” dad whispered back, spooning some for himself. “It would be disrespectful not...

4 Tips to Be a Stand-Out Employee At Your New Job or Internship


Day one at my first internship had a rocky start. I was so excited and nervous I wasn’t thinking straight, and I fumbled over the elevator buttons to get to the second floor! After struggling for a while, a facilities worker who was in the elevator graciously pushed the correct button and got me to the second floor. Thankfully, the rest of my first day got better from there, and that internship...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →