rebelling against low expectations

AuthorBrittney Brianne

is a teenager, Jesus-follower, book fanatic, and– as you’ve probably picked up– writer. She loves coffee, friends, jamming on guitar, and playing violin. She fell in love with writing because of its power to weave truth and beauty together. You can find more of her writing on her blog, This Reader’s Thoughts.

The Fountain of Living Water: Come and Thirst No More


Have you ever been thirsty? Like really thirsty? I can think of one time that I was. It was a hot summer day, and I had been weeding for hours while volunteering at a camp. As the afternoon wore on, it got really hot, and a friend I was working with went to get water. I didn’t even realize how thirsty I was until I drank that first cup of water. Suddenly, I realized how exhausted I was. I can’t...

When What We Do Becomes Who We Are


“What is the greatest question teens are facing today?” I heard the question posed as a speech prompt, and as I sat in the audience, I instantly thought of my answer: “Who am I?” Who are you? Do you know the answer? Our society is experiencing an identity crisis. We try to find our worth in everything under the sun: beauty, family, social status, skills, personality, success, social media...

5 Ways to Pray About Your Future


I have yet to meet a teenager who is not (at least somewhat) intimidated by their future. As we reach the brink of adulthood, questions abound, and the future often feels uncertain. As I near the end of high school, those dreaded decisions about colleges and majors are getting closer. When explaining this feeling to friends and family, they consistently say, “Pray about it.” But, as I started...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →