rebelling against low expectations

AuthorEllie Anderson

is a thirteen-year-old homeschooler from Oregon. She first started writing weekly newsletters about her family’s antics to send out to friends and family around the country during Covid. Within the past year, she has started writing pieces specifically for teenagers, and she is just getting started sharing them. A few things she enjoys are hanging out with her friends and doing craft projects.

5 Themes From the Psalms


This past year, my two friends and I read through the Psalms. As I read, I noticed many interesting key themes. I learned that the Psalms are very repetitive. The writers are trying to make certain things crystal clear. Today I would like to share five themes I found in the Psalms. Theme #1: God’s Steadfast Love God’s steadfast love is mentioned over 120 times in the Psalms. The phrase “His...

How Big are You? Remembering the Bigger Picture and Your Place in it


We humans often think of ourselves as the main character in our stories. Part of this is because we know ourselves better than anybody else does. We know what’s going on inside our heads, but we cannot tell what’s going on in others. We know our preferences and what we like better than anybody else in the world. The other side of this is that humans, in their sinful nature, are self-oriented. We...

3 Things You Can Do To Glorify God Everyday


There are a few things I believe most everyone could work on: being polite, thankfulness, and taking an interest in others. These things sound simple enough, but they require intention and practice. Today I want to talk to you about how these three things can glorify Jesus in your everyday life, and how you can grow in each of them. #1. Politeness When I was about seven my dad started teaching my...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →