rebelling against low expectations

AuthorLila Pool

is a fifteen year old 10th grade student from South Georgia. She is passionate about using the gifts God has given her to bring glory to Him. In her free time, she enjoys playing tennis, acting, gardening, and of course, writing. You can check out her blog at

How Do We Fight Sin?


Isn’t it aggravating when you take the time to explain your struggles to a friend, asking for guidance, and all they say is, “You’ve got this!” or, “Don’t worry, pray about it!” You know what I mean. The advice that sounds more like a pre–game pep talk than godly counsel. Sound familiar? I thought so. We’ve all had experiences like these, and we may even be guilty of being the ones to give this...

He Was Rejected Too


“Rejection hurts,” would be an understatement. Rejection claws at our very soul, sucking out all life. This monster tells lies and does its best to capture our minds. It tells us we’re worthless, ugly, useless, a mistake. I’ve experienced a great deal of rejection in my own life… While the world portrays the Christmas season as one filled with only joy and peace, that’s not always the case...

Navigating the Influence of TV: The Dilemma of Magic and Witchcraft


When my siblings and I were little, we gave little thought regarding what we watched on TV. Our lives were entertained by Thomas the Train, Bob the Builder, and of course, Veggie Tales. As we grew older, we moved on from our childhood movie favorites, and discovered other shows that engaged us. I quickly noticed that some of the content on the shows we watched wasn’t very Christ-like. Can you...

Resting in Christ’s Sovereignty When Sharing the Gospel Hits Roadblocks


“I’m not a sinner,” is what she told me. I can picture that moment vividly in my mind. I was sharing the gospel with a little girl in our church, and she proceeded to tell me that she was not a sinner and didn’t need God. I remember feeling as if a strong wave had crashed over me. Didn’t this little girl know what she was saying? Most kids I share the gospel with are very receptive…...

Discipleship: What It Is, What I’ve Learned From It, and Why I Encourage You to Disciple Others


Last fall, the Lord began tugging on my heart that He wanted me to begin to disciple middle school girls with Him. Lord, I thought, why would you want me, of all people, to disciple middle school girls? I can clearly remember going to youth group at my church one Wednesday night, totally unprepared for what I was about to hear. When our Pastor was speaking, I remember him saying, “By the way, I...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →