rebelling against low expectations


is a 16-year-old writer and author who loves to express her thoughts and beliefs through inspirational writing. Her sole goal is to glorify and praise her Creator and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Living in a small city in Indiana, Rachel enjoys playing the piano, competing in sports, listening to music, spending time with her family, and writing all the words Yahweh gives her.

Battling Discontentment: Three Steps for the Fight


Sometimes I catch myself feeling very dissatisfied: “The stuff I have isn’t good enough.” “The day isn’t going how I want it to go.” “The food I want isn’t in the refrigerator.” Everything revolves around my own wants and my own needs—me, me, me. At least, that’s what my flesh tells me. God, on the flip side, convicts me in my discontentment: He is all I need; I don’t need stuff to satisfy me...

3 Principles for Living Out Your God-given Purpose


At some point in our lives, we have all asked the question, “What is my purpose?” In response, we face a multitude of answers. But as Christians, one response stands out above the rest. Our purpose—the reason for which something is done or created—is to bring glory to our Refuge and Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ. That answer comes simply, but it forces us to chew on another question, “How can I...

Why Your Testimony Matters


I used to think that my testimony was pretty pathetic. I remember one Sunday when my pastor gave his salvation testimony during my church’s morning service. Despite its intended encouragement, I was left feeling a little empty inside. My testimony was not even close to being that interesting. My pastor spoke, “Through God’s saving grace, I left the wild life that was influenced by drugs and was...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →