rebelling against low expectations


Deconstruction: The Destruction of Knowledge


Many articles have been written on the particulars of the Deconstruction phenomenon, which is intricately linked with so-called Progressive Christianity. It seems that discussing Deconstruction from the standpoint of the details of its process and the symptoms it creates (e.g., leaving the church, affirming sexual perversity, denying basic gender categories, etc.) has been exhaustively covered. I...

Let’s Talk Deconstruction: What It Is & How to Respond


Stories of deconstruction break my heart. A few years ago, after hearing of a well-known Christian author abandoning Christianity, I remember going upstairs to my room and crying on the edge of my bed. Just this morning, I saw a Facebook post from a young woman saying she was “glad to announce” that she was leaving Christianity because “it wasn’t working” for her anymore. Deconstruction is common...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →