rebelling against low expectations

AuthorZach Smith

is a full-time speech-language pathologist who works primarily with children with autism. He’s married to a beautiful woman and is a father to boy-girl twins. He enjoys lifting, playing chess, reading, and writing. You can find him online at: Basic Truth – Applying the Word of God to every area of life and culture (

Deconstruction: The Destruction of Knowledge


Many articles have been written on the particulars of the Deconstruction phenomenon, which is intricately linked with so-called Progressive Christianity. It seems that discussing Deconstruction from the standpoint of the details of its process and the symptoms it creates (e.g., leaving the church, affirming sexual perversity, denying basic gender categories, etc.) has been exhaustively covered. I...

God’s Rule and Man’s Freedom


In this article, I will attempt to briefly take part in a rich, detailed, and historical debate involving aspects of biblical exegesis, systematic theology, and philosophical inquiry. The intimately intertwined topics of discussion are God’s sovereignty, man’s will, and the relationship between them. These are matters which are heavily laden with conflict, confusion, mystery, and emotion. But...

Sin’s Effect on Man’s Mind


Completely Good to Radically Corrupted Because man was made in God’s image, man was given a mind. God has a mind, so man has a mind. And in the beginning, man was made completely good. In fact, man was very good. Man’s goodness went beyond the goodness of all other creatures because he alone was made in the image of the Living God. But what is this mind of man, and what was it made to do? Why was...

The Most Offensive Truth


Worldly Inclusivity In the secular, unbelieving world, “inclusivity” has nearly replaced love as the highest moral virtue. We are told that if one is to be a good person, one must be “inclusive.” But how does the world define that word? We must first consider some of the basic assumptions of secular belief, which are as follows: 1. There is no Sovereign God. Therefore, there is nothing that...

God’s Law is Not a Burden


Against the Law Much of what I write is driven by concerning patterns I observe within the Church that need to be corrected by Scripture. And these days, there seems to be a popular, yet unbiblical, trend within American evangelicalism of believing that Christians should “unhitch” themselves from the Old Testament and, more specifically, from the Law of God within the Old Testament. Some say our...

The Forgotten Side of Sanctification


Some Christians commit to doing the right thing some of the time; they deem certain situations as more important than others and feel a sense of duty in those situations. Some choose to do the right thing most of the time but make exceptions or excuses in situations that are highly tempting or difficult. And then some, likely a small minority, make a daily commitment to do the right thing all of...

No God, No Morality


The Laws of Men Every day, unbelievers place innumerable moral demands upon those around them. They tenaciously issue complaints and demands regarding things such as love, intolerance, acceptance, consent, racism, language, cultural appropriation, etc. But where does this morality come from? How can the unbeliever even define morality, given his worldview? What ultimate standard of morality does...

Leave the Church, Leave the Faith


A Concerning Trend It seems that it has become increasingly popular for self-professed evangelicals in the U.S. to leave the Church and “deconstruct” their faith. I write “Church” with a capital C because I’m referring to the invisible church, that group of chosen, true believers within local church bodies across the world. And when I say, “leave the Church,” I mean it in the sense of removing...

There Are No Real Atheists


“16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.” 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →