rebelling against low expectations


5 Themes From the Psalms


This past year, my two friends and I read through the Psalms. As I read, I noticed many interesting key themes. I learned that the Psalms are very repetitive. The writers are trying to make certain things crystal clear. Today I would like to share five themes I found in the Psalms. Theme #1: God’s Steadfast Love God’s steadfast love is mentioned over 120 times in the Psalms. The phrase “His...

The Psalms: A Book for All Our Days


What book of the Bible do people often suggest you read? In my experience it tends to be one of the gospels, usually the gospel of John. Organizations like the Pocket Testament League print thousands of copies of the book of John to send out to hurting souls every year. But what book of the Bible do people often say is their favorite? Many people in my church have a favorite book of the Bible in...

4 Ways to Get in God’s Word When In-Depth Study is Difficult


I love studying the Bible. I enjoy taking my time, pulling out multiple translations, and examining every word of every verse. I get excited about looking up the original Greek and Hebrew root words of a passage to gain better understanding of its meaning. I love concordances and commentaries. I love journaling my observations, realizations, and questions. But not all the time. There have been...

The Importance of the Psalms While Studying Theology


Theology matters. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.” It is the duty of the Christian to study doctrine and understand what has been given to us through special revelation, and that we not only be sincere in our faith but match its sincerity with content. It is crucial that we wrestle with...

Shaping Our Minds Through Scripture (During a Crazy Pandemic)


“shaping our minds in the moment” This isn’t another article about how to use all the extra time you have during quarantine. Because honestly, many of us don’t have any extra time. In fact, ever since my college went to online classes, I felt like I had less time to spare (and I was taking the equivalent of nineteen credits this semester!). There’s a multitude of reasons for this. The...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →