rebelling against low expectations

TagReading the Bible

Want to Read Your Bible More? (3 Tips to Get you Started)


For one of my birthdays a few years ago, my grandparents bought me a journal Bible. Since then, I’ve made reading my Bible every day a priority and it has positively changed me in many ways. There’s no doubt that reading the Bible is important. I’ve learned so much about God and have a deeper understanding of biblical accounts and the meaning of various passages. His Word has impacted people for...

The Mark 16 Challenge— An Invitation to Share the Gospel


Maybe like me, you’ve been looking for a good way to share the Gospel with your friends. Maybe they haven’t had much experience with God or the Bible, but you think they might really be open to it if introduced in the right way. But how? I’ve been wrestling with that same question for a while now. As a homeschooled teen, I don’t find myself around non-Christians very often—but when I do, I feel...

Sharpen Your Sword: Get in the Word!


Before firearms were invented, a sword was the most deadly and powerful weapon someone could own. It was the weapon of choice in battle and in self-defense. He who was skilled at wielding it was a dangerous man to mess with. In addition to knowing how to use a sword, it was also important to keep it sharp. A dull sword was a bad defense in protecting life and property from harm. In this world of...

6 Books to Start with When Reading the Bible for the First Time


If you’ve never read the Bible before, getting started can seem daunting. Overwhelming, even. It’s easy to have no idea where to begin. A while ago, someone asked me that very question. “Where should I start reading the Bible? What book of the Bible can you recommend?” The question caught me unprepared. There were so many books to choose from! So many that I love and would recommend. I started...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →