rebelling against low expectations


3 Ways Comparison Steals Your Identity


Everyone has a model to which they compare their lives, a kind of outfit they want to dress themselves in. As children, we had an unselfish kind of admiration. Our heroes, whether real or fictional, did good and left a beautiful difference on the world, so we resolved to do the same. But that was childhood. As we enter the teen years, our simple admiration turns to envy as we compare ourselves to...

“What If My Life Is a Failure?” Dealing with Anxiety and Fear


“Next episode playing in 15…14…13…” I turned my head to see my alarm clock across the room. The big red “2:00 am” glared at me through the darkness. I knew staying up late watching Netflix was a terrible habit. I knew I was gonna hate myself in the morning, but the distraction was too enticing at the moment. Besides, it wasn’t like I’d be able to sleep anyways. Tomorrow the cycle...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →