rebelling against low expectations


35 Reasons Not to Sin


We stumbled across this list on a friend’s blog and thought it was so helpful we wanted to share it with you. Read it carefully. Print it out if you can, and meditate on it frequently. May the Lord grant us the proper motivation in our fight against sin — and may we all walk in the victory that Christ purchased for us on the cross. 35 REASONS NOT TO SIN Because a little sin leads to more...

Gazing At A Piece of Meat


Find this and other satires written by students at Funny Class Notes, a humor page designed to entertain but also make important points through satire. Please, take a long look at the above juicy slab. Gaze at it, fill your nostrils with the imagined scent of its cooked glory and think of what an amazing taste it will bring to your buds. Doesn’t it look wonderful? When cooked, maybe it will...

Ted Haggard: The Destructive Power of Secret Sin


Most of you are aware of the recent scandal surrounding conservative Christian leader Ted Haggard, who stepped down as leader of the National Association of Evangelicals and was removed from his position as senior pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs following recent allegations of a three-year homosexual relationship with a former male escort. The details of the case have yet to be...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →