rebelling against low expectations

TagTrusting God

God Has No Dark Side: Trusting God After Betrayal


“Run!” my mind screamed as panic sent shock waves up my spine. But I couldn’t run. My heart still couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing, so I stood still. Paralyzed. My stomach lurched at what I saw just a few yards away. Betrayal. Purposeful deception. “No! Stop! Don’t do it!” I’d known for some time what was going on. Found evidence of it here and there. But this was the first time I’d...

Living in the Now: Being Content


As I read email updates from the Bible school in England I plan to attend, I find myself wishing I were already there. As I hear about my online friends and the fun things they’re doing with their friends, I find myself wishing for friends that were here with me. As I hear of friends getting jobs, I find myself wishing there were some way I could make money. And I find myself wondering, what’s...

3 Truths for The Teenager Worried About Money


How do I pay for Christmas gifts? How do I pay for gas? How will I support myself when I graduate? What job should I get? Have I saved enough for college? Should I take out student loans? Is my budget realistic? What will happen if I accidentally mess up my taxes? We have endless questions (and fears) about finances. I was terrified as I prepared to move out and support myself for the first time...

Dear Christian, Don’t Settle for Just Enough Jesus to Get By


Several weeks ago, I awoke from a fuzzy dream only able to recall the last several moments. I remember looking at a large tree, knowing it was full of caterpillars who should have formed into butterflies long ago but stubbornly refused to do so. Why the delay? I expressed my confusion to a young woman beside me, “Why aren’t they changing?” The moment hung in silence before she answered with a...

A God As Steady As the Sea


I sat on the stump of an old apple tree. The sweet smell of blackberry cane mingled with the salty scent of the sea. The foggy curtain unfurled to reveal the bay; so calm and smooth I could see every detail of every tree and ray of light reflected on the water’s crystal surface. The birds welcomed the dawn’s golden light. All was peaceful. I feel so blessed to call this my home. I breathed in...

4 Ways Perfectionism Hurts Perfectionists (and the Truth that Heals)


I’m Alycia, and I’m a recovering perfectionist. For years, I struggled to connect with people because perfectionism controlled my life. I was constantly working, stressed about the size of my to-do list and the fleeting hours of my day. Desperate for respite, I tried therapy, journaling, reading my Bible, taking long walks, anything I could think of. But they only provided temporary relief. I...

Fear Not: A Poem on Living Bravely


Life doesn’t have to be going poorly in order for you to be afraid. Sometimes the good things in life are just as frightening as the bad; like starting high-school or university, starting that new dream job, or finally dating that person you’ve had your eye on. Even though all of those things are good, it can be easy to still fall back into fear. What if I mess up? What if I’m...

Waiting on God When Life Feels Like a Waiting Room


Do you feel stuck in a season of waiting?  Waiting for a relationship. Waiting for healing from chronic illness. Waiting to graduate.  Waiting for the next season of life. Waiting… waiting… waiting. There are so many things we wait for in life. In this episode, Sara and Tabitha share about things they’re waiting for and how to keep hoping, trusting, and living in seasons of...

The Danger of Escaping into Entertainment


I am a HUGE fan of fantasy stories. I love sitting on my couch and reading about adventurous journeys, magical conundrums, fantastical places, and dragons. Especially dragons. I love being able to escape from life for even just a little while and often get lost in my books for hours at a time. Maybe the way you escape from life’s problems is through playing video games, scrolling through social...

Dear Teenager Who Doesn’t Know What to Do with Their Life


Dear Teenager Who Doesn’t Know What To Do With Their Life, First, take a deep breath. In. Out. There you go. My heart goes out to you for the weight on your shoulders. I get it. I was on my knees this morning, asking God why. You see, I made a plan about what to do next with my life, but last night it fell through — again. I paced the living room. Tears might come later, but last night I was just...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →