rebelling against low expectations


The Young Writer Revolution (Free Workshop)


Almost every hero in history shares a common trait: they started young. Jonathan Edwards went to Harvard at age 13. He would become one of the most influential figures of The Great Awakening and write a series of 70 Resolutions as a 19- and 20-year old. Blaise Pascal began studying geometry at age 12. He would go on to invent the calculator at 19. Jane Austen started writing seriously as a child...

5 Dangers When Reading and Writing Christian Articles (Like This One)


“Three doubts holding you back from sharing the gospel.” “Three steps to start reading the Bible today.” ”Three truths every young person should know about social media.” These are three examples from my list of articles I have written this year. Do you notice a trend? Yes, they all start with three, but I’m talking about something deeper. There is a tendency— for myself...

How To Become A Better Writer


Brett and I are excited to share the following writing tips from two well-known and well-loved Christian authors: C.S. Lewis and J.I. Packer. Many thanks to Justin Taylor of Between Two Worlds for both lists. We know our readers, particularly our fellow rebelutionary bloggers, will benefit from the wisdom of both of these great men. J.I. Packer on How to Become a Better Writer At breakfast with...

24 Tips For How To Write Good (Like Me)


[silliness]Alex and I have been barraged with requests to share our writing secrets. What makes The Rebelution one of the easier reads in the blogosphere? Why do words flow from our fingers like water from a punctured water bottle? Today, we share these secrets. The truth is that Alex and I are no more than the beneficiaries of an anonymous word wizard. His wisdom we share with you today in hopes...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →