rebelling against low expectations

Tired of low expectations? Join The Movement. is a website for teens by teens — helping you rebel against low expectations and do hard things for the glory of God. Learn More →

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Come and Adore Christ This Christmas


Every Christmas season we’re barraged with holiday clichés and messages of love and peace. Christian ministries remind us to “keep Christ in Christmas,” and every church sermon somehow intertwines the message of “goodwill to all men.” All of this is good. In fact, Christ should be the focal point of our celebration. But sometimes, the debate of “keep Christ in...

Resting in Christ’s Sovereignty When Sharing the Gospel Hits Roadblocks


“I’m not a sinner,” is what she told me. I can picture that moment vividly in my mind. I was sharing the gospel with a little girl in our church, and she proceeded to tell me that she was not a sinner and didn’t need God. I remember feeling as if a strong wave had crashed over me. Didn’t this little girl know what she was saying? Most kids I share the gospel with are very receptive…...

A Single Girl’s Take on Pornography


Author’s note: I originally wrote this article as a 21-year-old single girl. I deeply desired a biblical marriage but was disheartened by what culture presented as the norm in relationships. Nearly three years later, I’m happily married to a wonderful, godly man, who, by God’s grace, has sought after purity of heart and mind. I’m deeply thankful for God’s work in my husband and the convictions He...

Lift Your Eyes This Christmas Season


We’re apt to criticize the Christmas season. It’s true, there’s a lot to criticize in the way our culture defines Christmas. What should be a season of beauty, wonder, and worship becomes several weeks of fighting crowds and harried online shopping. Celebration of our Savior’s birth turns into the stress of too many parties and events. As Christians, of course we should push back against this...

Dear Christian, He Will Hold You Fast


Have you ever felt like you were slipping out of Christ’s grasp? That your sin and struggles would push away His love for you and dry up His mercies once and for all? It is easy for my mind to slip into thinking these untrue and unbiblical beliefs, and it’s a depressing and miserable place to be. I often need to remember that when Christ saved me from sin and death, it was not a temporary fix but...

The True Meaning of Christmas


As Christmas Day draws nearer and nearer, I’m sure many of you are gathering around with your families to take part in a classic Christmas tradition—watching Christmas movies. Favorites like Elf, Home Alone, and The Miracle on 34th Street play nonstop on countless different channels and seem to set the mood for this time of year. An interesting observation is the common thread that runs through...

Three Truths for the Writer with Nothing to Say


Am I really a writer if I’m not writing? Another line marked, another due date on my calendar, but I was coming up empty. My fingers danced in the air above my keyboard without landing. I was a writer who couldn’t write. It wasn’t just that I had no ideas or no motivation. It wasn’t only the fears, doubts, and what-ifs. I was empty. I had nothing to say. During a decade of blogging, I’ve...

A Letter to the Bleeding Soul-Rest in the Hands of God


I had an unplanned chat with God today. I sat on the cold floor, crying. He sat with me, Said, “I see you trying.” I spilled my heart out, Bleeding, tired. He held my hand, Waiting, quiet. He didn’t say much… Allowed my heart to fall apart. So, I watched it rip to pieces, Leaving scars I can’t erase. Fractured bits swirled in the waters, He took my hand and held my gaze. And then, I stood, So...

Let’s Talk Deconstruction: What It Is & How to Respond


Stories of deconstruction break my heart. A few years ago, after hearing of a well-known Christian author abandoning Christianity, I remember going upstairs to my room and crying on the edge of my bed. Just this morning, I saw a Facebook post from a young woman saying she was “glad to announce” that she was leaving Christianity because “it wasn’t working” for her anymore. Deconstruction is common...

Cultivating Space for a Glorious, Close Savior


From my childhood to my late twenties, there is scarcely anything more magical to look forward to than Christmas. Nostalgia is a precious thing. Sights, smells, and sounds all take us back to a place where we were warm, happy, safe. For me the embodiment of that contented state goes back to the holidays. I’ll never forget when the magic of Christmas was especially strong for me growing up in...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →