rebelling against low expectations

AuthorBrett Harris

is co-founder of and co-author of Do Hard Things, along with his twin brother, Alex. He is married to his best friend, Ana, who blogs at He is the founder of the Young Writers Workshop — an ongoing coaching program for serious writers.

A Statement From Our Co-Founder: The End of a Chapter, But Not The End


After 19 years, the era of as an active website has come to a close. TheReb started in August 2005 as a humble Google blogspot run by teenage twin brothers, Alex and Brett Harris (me). It grew to become the most popular Christian teen blog on the Internet, serving as the online hub for a movement of young people rebelling against low expectations and doing hard things for the...

Christian Teen “Book Of The Year” For 2020: Love Riot by Sara Barratt


Young man. Young woman. God wants you to seek Him. To seek Him earnestly. Oh… but there is so much to do! There are band practices and dress rehearsals, piano recitals and soccer tournaments, friends to visit, movies to watch, and games to play. There are grades to consider. Essays to write. Scholarships to earn. And let us not forget the great things we must do for God. Youth group events...

7 Ways To Use Your Extra Time (That Are Actually Productive)


We can all relate to Frodo Baggins right now. With everything going on in the world, life seemingly cancelled, and dark and scary headlines from across the United States and Europe… We get a sense of what Frodo was feeling when he said: “I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.” But what does Gandalf say in response? “So do all who live to see such times; but...

5 Things To Remember When The Coronavirus Cancels Your Life


The world is changing all around us. For students in high school and college, it can feel like everything has been cancelled or is about to be cancelled. School. Church. Youth group. Field trips. Movie theaters. Everything. The gymnastics tournament you’ve been training for all year? Cancelled. The musical you were supposed to perform in next month? Cancelled. That mission trip you’ve been...

Raising Motivated Kids (Our Free Workshop For Parents)


The number one question we receive from parents is, “How do I motivate my kids?” And they don’t mean “How can I get better at begging or bribing?” They mean… “How do I motivate them from the heart?” “How do I train them to do the right things because THEY want to?” (Not because mom and dad are making them) “How do I build the habit...

Raising An Author (Without A Smartphone): An Interview With Sean and Diana Crowe


Families in our audience are likely familiar with Jaquelle Crowe, the bestselling teen author of This Changes Everything: How The Gospel Transforms the Teen Years. Well, today I get to share an interview with Jaquelle’s parents, Sean and Diana. I conducted this interview last year for the 500+ families in our online parenting course, Raising Kids to Do Hard Things. But given our recent...

4.5 Years To Get Published (Survey of 20 Young Authors)


I just finished updating one of our most popular writing resources. It’s called The Young Writers Guidebook. It’s a collection of advice from young published authors. Last time we had seven authors participate. This time we have twenty. And when I contacted each of them I asked these two questions: – How old were you when you first started taking writing seriously? – How...

No, Writing As A Career Isn’t Silly


Meet Bethany. She’s a 14-year-old fiction writer from England with a dream of getting published someday. And she just had a terrible experience. In a discussion with three girls her age she was told: “You can’t do writing as a job.” “You may never get published.” “You might not be good enough.” “You need a real job to fall back on.” Ouch… Bethany was crushed. So much so that she wasn’t even...

Teen Author, Jaquelle Crowe, Wows Harvest Show Hosts (Video)


Even the hosts of the Harvest Show don’t know what to do when confronted with a confident, mature, articulate teenager! Jaquelle Crowe, author of This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years, was a guest on the show two days in a row. During the first interview, it was obvious that hosts Valerie Lowe and Stefan Radelich were impressed. “I thought I was focused...

This Changes Everything (My New Favorite Book for Teenagers)


Crossway has just released my new favorite book for young people. It’s called This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years. Here’s why this book is so important: 1. It is a challenging book for teenagers written by a fellow teenager. 2. It unpacks what it looks like to practically live for God’s glory as a teenager — in key areas like relationships with...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →