rebelling against low expectations

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Teens And Texting: Where Are Your Conversations Driving You?


It’s just a phone number. I smiled as I slipped his phone back to him. “There. Text me,” I said. His smirk assured me that he would. I turned and walked out of the cafeteria. High school would bore me without guy-friends, I thought. It’s just a text. Sure enough, he texted me. I responded to him, of course. That’s just what teenagers do. Girls text guys, guys text girls. And boy, did I text. Not...

Full Text of Brittany McComb’s Speech


On June 15, 2006 the Clark County School District halted the graduation speech of Foothill High School valedictorian Brittany McComb. District officials said Brittany’s references to Christianity amounted to proselytizing. Below is the full-text of Ms. McComb’s speech. (HT: Review-Journal) Do you remember those blocks? The ones that fit into cut-outs and teach you all the different...

Deconstruction: The Destruction of Knowledge


Many articles have been written on the particulars of the Deconstruction phenomenon, which is intricately linked with so-called Progressive Christianity. It seems that discussing Deconstruction from the standpoint of the details of its process and the symptoms it creates (e.g., leaving the church, affirming sexual perversity, denying basic gender categories, etc.) has been exhaustively covered. I...

Should Teens Read Spice in Fiction?


As a Christian author, I frequently hear two arguments regarding sexual content in young adult fiction. First, “YA books should have explicit spice so that teens learn about sex.” Second, “Young adults should never be exposed to explicit content in books.” As a Jesus-proclaiming believer, I stand firmly with the latter, but it is not only my faith that gives me this perspective. I have a personal...

God’s Rule and Man’s Freedom


In this article, I will attempt to briefly take part in a rich, detailed, and historical debate involving aspects of biblical exegesis, systematic theology, and philosophical inquiry. The intimately intertwined topics of discussion are God’s sovereignty, man’s will, and the relationship between them. These are matters which are heavily laden with conflict, confusion, mystery, and emotion. But...

3 Truths for The Teenager Worried About Money


How do I pay for Christmas gifts? How do I pay for gas? How will I support myself when I graduate? What job should I get? Have I saved enough for college? Should I take out student loans? Is my budget realistic? What will happen if I accidentally mess up my taxes? We have endless questions (and fears) about finances. I was terrified as I prepared to move out and support myself for the first time...

‘His Mercy Is More’: A Song for the Weary Soul


The cares of this temporary earth have been weighing me down, creating a burden of guilt much like the one on Pilgrim’s back in John Bunyan’s book, The Pilgrim’s Progress. I feel worn out by momentary worries that should be far from my mind… If only, we think, we could escape these trials and skip to the triumphs. If only we could be rid of that temptation, that sin struggle. If only we could...

Because of Good Friday, Our God Won’t Forsake Us


Are you ever afraid God has abandoned you? It’s easy to fear that sometimes. When you see the depths of your own depravity and sin—when you give in to temptation again and search desperately for freedom—you wonder how God could still love you. How He could still be with you. Or maybe, for whatever reason, He just feels far away; doubts and despair come knocking on the door of your heart and...

3 Ways to Love Your Friends with Honesty


“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.” – Albus Dumbledore “Sara, I wish that you had invited me.” We sat across from each other, afternoon light playing with the steam rising from our mugs of tea. I uncomfortably folded the tea bag tag into a tiny square. Erin and I were serving on the same ministry team, and God had been...

How to Use Your Smartphone to the Glory of God


When the iPhone was introduced to American society in 2007, everyone fell head over heels for this shiny, new, flashing rectangle of limitless possibilities. We dove right in. But who could comprehend how such a small piece of metal would change our lives as we knew it? I was only two years old then, and wouldn’t get a phone for many more years, though I am now as hooked as everyone else. But...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →