rebelling against low expectations

To Say, I Have Known God


To Say, I Have Known God

“Not many of us, I think, would ever naturally say that we have known God. The words imply a definiteness and matter-of-factness of experience to which most of us, if we are honest, have to admit that we are still strangers… [W]ith most of us experience of God has never become so vivid as that.”

~ Knowing God, J.I. Packer ~

Something that God has been faithfully working in Brett and me over the past few months is the desire to press in and know Him more deeply—not just know about Him, not just talk about Him, but actually know Him.

Recently I’ve been reading Knowing God by J.I. Packer, which was recommended to us by Lindsey Wagstaffe from Beauty from the Heart and from which the quote above was taken. Few books have spoken so directly to my heart.

To be honest, I find myself in the majority category that Packer describes. I cannot say that I have truly known my God. For me experience of God has never become quite as earth-shaking and soul-shattering as that.

There are those, even in my local church, whose lives testify that they know God. They have a visible joy and a passion I do not possess, and I want it, so, so much.

Fixing a Faulty View of God

This weekend, after arriving home from the first of a handful of trips to meet with publishers, Brett and I took a short spiritual retreat with two brothers in Christ. My secret hope was that God would take advantage of the time I was setting aside for Him, fill me with the Spirit, and change my life forever, all in 24 hours.

That didn’t happen. God had better plans.

God quickly convicted me that I was viewing Him more as a divine vending machine to be manipulated, rather than as a real, personal God—a relationship to guard and invest in. I cringed as I asked the question: “If I approached other relationships the way I do my relationship with God, would I expect them to grow?”

As Christians—as rebelutionaries—we must never be content with simply having a relationship with our Savior. Is it growing? Do we delight to talk to Him? Do we hunger to read His Word? There is nothing more important.

Persevere, Persevere, Persevere

But perhaps, like me, you already know this. You know you’re supposed to delight in God, but you don’t feel it. For you it’s not that real, even though you want it to be. Perhaps, like me, you’ve asked God to give you that delight, and you still don’t feel it. I want to encourage you, right there with you, persevere. Ask, seek, knock.

As Packer reminds us, “[God] teaches the believer to value His promised gifts by making him wait for them, and compelling him to pray persistently for them, before He bestows them.” This truth has become my theme for the months ahead.

Do I value the promised gift of sweeter communion with my Savior? Then let me demonstrate it by seeking after Him with my whole heart, through constant prayer and meditation on His Word. It will be hard, but it will be good. And someday I’ll be able to say, without a moment’s hesitation, that I have known my God.

“We must learn to measure ourselves, not by our knowledge about God, not by our gifts and responsibilities in the church, but by how we pray and what goes on in our hearts. Many of us, I suspect, have no idea how impoverished we are on this level. Let us ask the Lord to show us.

“Second, we must seek the Savior… It is [those] who have sought the Lord Jesus till they have found Him—for the promise is that when we seek Him with all our hearts, we shall surely find Him—who can stand before the world to testify that they have known God.”

~ Knowing God, J.I. Packer ~

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About the author

Alex and Brett Harris

are the co-founders of and co-authors of Do Hard Things and Start Here. They have a passion for God and for their generation. Their personal interests include politics, filmmaking, music, and basketball. They are both graduates of Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Virginia.


  • Amen!!! That was really encouraging!! That’s how I feel sometimes, you summed it up right there in this post. The thing is to pray, I agree. God bless you both so much. 🙂

    Your brother in Christ,

    Paul 🙂

  • What an awesome thought: that a Holy God desires us to know Him, though we are just lowly sinners saved by grace! Thank you for this post that is extremely well timed for my own life. Too often I feel that, like you said, I am almost treating God like a vending machine; I put my prayers in, and I get what I want out. This post has strengthened my desire to know and delight in Him and His Word at an even deeper level. May the Lord bless you!

  • Surely nothing happens by chance! I can identify with your problem. What came to mind as I was reading this post was yesterday evening’s devotional by Spurgeon on Proverbs 15:33: “Before honor is humility.” I think it may answer in part the question of why we enjoy Him so little. Here it is:

    “Humiliation of soul always brings a positive blessing with it. If we empty our hearts of self God will fill them with his love. He who desires close communion with Christ should remember the word of the Lord, “To this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.” Stoop if you would climb to heaven. Do we not say of Jesus, “He descended that he might ascend?” so must you. You must grow downwards, that you may grow upwards; for the sweetest fellowship with heaven is to be had by humble souls, and by them alone. God will deny no blessing to a thoroughly humbled spirit. “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,” with all its riches and treasures. The whole exchequer of God shall be made over by deed of gift to the soul which is humble enough to be able to receive it without growing proud because of it.

    God blesses us all up to the full measure and extremity of what it is safe for him to do. If you do not get a blessing, it is because it is not safe for you to have one. If our heavenly Father were to let your unhumbled spirit win a victory in his holy war, you would pilfer the crown for yourself, and meeting with a fresh enemy you would fall a victim; so that you are kept low for your own safety. When a man is sincerely humble, and never ventures to touch so much as a grain of the praise, there is scarcely any limit to what God will do for him. Humility makes us ready to be blessed by the God of all grace, and fits us to deal efficiently with our fellow men. True humility is a flower which will adorn any garden. This is a sauce with which you may season every dish of life, and you will find an improvement in every case. Whether it be prayer or praise, whether it be work or suffering, the genuine salt of humility cannot be used in excess.”

  • Joss: Feel free to print out any article on our website. Just make sure you credit it to and Alex and Brett Harris. God bless you as you seek the Lord Jesus Christ!

  • Excellent thoughts guys! I really relate to viewing God as a divine vending machine. I have learned that lesson the hard way.

    Keep it up guys!

  • I have tried to comment three times and keep eraseing everything I wrote, because frankly, I CAN’T really express in words at what an amazing timing this post came and how God has been speaking to me about the exact, exact, exact same thing, even just this morning before I read it. (Got the exact yet?) 🙂 I also am asking, seeking, and knocking…to find God and know Him. Thank you for this encouragement. (And praise God for the confirmation!)

  • Wow guys! That was timely.

    I really have been struggling with that lately. We as humans have such a strong desire to feel things. To feel God, the Spirit… And when we don’t have that communication, when God’s voice doesn’t boom from the clouds affirming the answer to every question we ever had, it’s so tempting to just say “forget it.” We are disappointed when we don’t instant gratification to our efforts – which often consist of spending fifteen minutes “seeking God.”

    I remember a couple of months ago I came downstairs late at night to find my mom. I had just been upstairs praying very “fulfilling” prayers, and I had to share the experience with someone. “It’s so cool,” I was saying. “I’m like, filled with this incredible joy.” I went on for a while longer, and then Mom interrupted me. Looking me in the eye she warned, “Valerie, I’m so happy for you right now. I’m glad that you’re feeling that joy. But when I was a teenager, almost my entire spiritual life was based on my emotions. It was very shaky. When I didn’t ‘feel’ God’s presence, I merely gave up on him for the time being. Don’t make the same mistake.” I was a little annoyed with her for adding a sober note to my glorious evening. But now I realize the maturity of her warning. Lately, I haven’t been feeling God. But I realize that it’s not because he’s left me. He’s trying to teach me something. Maybe that he’s not a vending machine! But until he “returns” (goodness, I’ve been using a lot of quotation marks!) I’ll just keep on knocking, keep on seeking him. Thanks for the encouragement. God bless you.


  • Good post guys! Seeking God with all your hearts is difficult, and I don’t think that ANY of us do it all the time, just as there is no relationship which we fulfill our part in perfectly.

    Knowing God is an awesome book!

    Seek God, desire God, enjoy God!


  • This post really touched me. I am going to commit myself to actually knowing my God. Thanks so much. It really hit home. I can’t seem to find the words to express what this post meant to me. Thanks again so much.

    A sister in Christ

  • Amen!

    “We must learn to measure ourselves…by how we pray and what goes on in our hearts.”

    That last quote hit the nail on the head in reference to my life. To look like a “good christian girl”, and to be one are utterly different objects. I know how to fake the apperance of a christian life very well. Over the past couple of years I have found that my life is empty. The only thing that truly “Fills my cup” is seeking after the Lord. The flesh is empty, the end of it is death! We need to seek after the incorruptible, He who gives eternal life! Thank you for the encouragement to “Ask, seek, knock.” How can we ever expect answers if we don’t ask questions and look for the answers in His word. I love the following verse, and it says what I want to say so much better than I can.

    “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.” Psalm 1:1-2


  • Thanks for this post… I also have been thinking a lot about this subject, and am so glad for what you have written. May God help all of us to keep on pressing on as we strive to know Him better.

  • Thank you for this post, Alex; it was definitely thought-provoking! Knowing God should definitely be our priority, but it so easily gets brushed aside in the daily shuffle. Thanks for this reminder to seek Him whole heartedly. I am going to get the book, Knowing God, as soon as I can. 😀

    In Christ~

  • It says a lot that you are willing to be vulnerable like that. The realization that we don’t “know God” is crushing, and I always want to avoid communicating about it, because it cuts to the heart of all I think I am and want to be. It hurts; it’s the kind of thing I like to hide. Thank you for being honest…that’s what ministers to people, methinks.

  • I want to thank you guys for that post, it is so true. I am realizing that I don’t set apart as much time to build a relationship with God as I should. If you think about it, God has given us his full attention. There is not a thought that goes through our minds that he does not notice, and certainly not even the smallest fear of ours will he overlook. God watches over us incessantly; He protects us, guides us, and teaches us 24/7. Talk about a full time job. If God can place his desire for a relationship with us above the life of his own Son, we can make the effort and spend time seeking Him.

    Thanks again, and God Bless

  • This post is, once again, a thought provoking one, which is good. I can say that in the past, I have “known” god, for I have seen Him in amazing, supernatural, “real” ways. However, why does it seem that when life is roughest, we call out to Him more? Now that life is easier, I can see that if I don’t make a real effort to praise and adore the Lord, it doesn’t come as easily. That flesh of ours is really annoying! However, the Lord knows my heart, and He knows how MUCH I WANT to always be in a deep communion with Him. For it is He alone who will always be with me, and who will always know me better than I know myself.

    Thank you for this “message/post,” Alex.

  • Thank you for taking the time to share that with us, Alex. I am SO excited to hear that you and Brett are so desiring to “press in and know Him more deeply—not just know about Him, not just talk about Him, but actually know Him.” My heart is aching for the same thing, and your post was a great encouragement to me.

    ValerieW, thank you for sharing that wisdom from your mother about the times when we don’t “feel” God—that is so, so true. When I was struggling with that recently this section from “Holy in Christ” by Andrew Murray was such an encouragement to me:

    “…Complaints as to want of feeling, as to weakness or deadness, seldom profit: it is the soul that refuses to occupy itself with itself, either with its own weakness or the strength of the enemy, but only looks to what Jesus is, and has promised to do, to whom progress in holiness will be a joyful march from victory to victory…When God appears to be not doing what we trusted Him for, then is just the time for faith to glory in Him.”

    Not feeling is a motivation to keep seeking and crying and longing for the Lord Jesus, which is exactly what He wants. And He promises that if we seek Him, we WILL find Him, if we seek for Him with all our hearts. Oh, that encourages me!!!

  • Alex,

    I have been reading your updates on the rebelution for the past six months or so. I have not been as convicted or blessed from any of your previous updates as I was through this one. I have been pursuing this topic this past week myslef. Do I really know God? If someone asked me “Do you know God?” would I be able to answer with a strong “yes!”? I’m grateful God gave me this article right when I needed it. Thank you.


  • This was an incredible post. I’m going to make it a priority to find and read this book. 🙂

  • Wow Alex! Thank you so much! These post keep reminding me over and over how important it is to keep striving for the relationship God wants with me. Both your’s and Brett’s post always help me in this spiritual struggle. Thank you!

    Your Sister in Christ,

  • Ah…I know that longing to know God more deeply. I have noticed that going through hsrd things drives me to draw closer to the Lord because I am so aware of my need for Him. I have found myself thanking God for trials because they drive me to my knees knocking on His door.

    I’ve noticed the people I read and hear about who seem to have such intimate relationships with Jesus are people who have experienced very difficult circumstances. The greatest testimonies are born in the midst of adversity. Going through the “test” to get the “mony” seems to be a definite part of this equation!

  • I’ve really been thinking a lot about this lately. Thanks so much for your thought.

  • Amen.
    That is something that I have been working on myself.

    If we wanted to have a stronger relationship with a friend we wouldn’t just expect to be given a stronger friendship. It takes effort to build a stronger friendship.
    It’s that same way with God.

    Very nice post.
    Thank you.

  • Wow, this was perfect timing for me also! Thanks!
    I have been having a ‘date with God’ this week/end ;^P (fasting before resurrection sunday, that is) and what keeps coming up in my prayers is I just want to know God.
    but most of the time, you know, the desire isn’t there. What really helps in time like that is prayer and reading the Bible. When I read passages about God’s love, or about Jesus’ relationship with the father, or John 17 (my favorite chapter, especially this time of year) how can I help but want to love Him the way He loves us?

    Imagine what the world would be like if all the ‘christians’ in our generation would really seek to delight in the Lord with all their hearts.

    Another thing that makes me want to know God is when I see my fellow believers who are so filled with joy and peace, and I just want to be as full as they are, it’s like they’re advertising, “see what God can do for YOU!”
    And I want to be like that to other people. I want to be so full of love for God, (whic would come from knowing His love so well) that people can’t help but see God’s love when they see me…

  • Wow! Now I really want to read this book. Thank you so much for writing this article; it’s really such a wake-up call. Especially the first paragraph in the last quote of the book. I know I have such a long way to go. But the Bible says that whoever will seek Him will find Him, so there is hope for me–and all of us. Thank you again for encouraging us to go deeper.

    God bless,

  • This is the heart of the Christian life — “And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.” (Jn. 17:3)

    Eternal life = KNOWING GOD

    Thank you for sharing this — I have had the same experience of selfishly expecting God to come through and give me a nice spiritual boost when I want it. Recently I have been trying to commit to honoring God by keeping the Sabbath, and last weekend I kind of felt “well, God, here I am being spiritual for you. Won’t you give me a little affirmation, or at least make my work next week easier?” What a wrong attitude. God isn’t magic! He’s a person, and I can’t turn to people and ask them to give me a nice experience just because I’m giving them some of my time. Lord, change my heart by your grace!

    Thank you!

  • Dear Alex and Brett,

    First of all, thank you, Alex, for sharing openly from your heart what the Lord is showing and teaching you and Brett. I appreciate you sharing both last Sunday and on your blog also. Both times, your honest words challenged me and have fueled my desire to seek to truly know God.

    I can completely relate to your desire to want to know and love the Lord more passionately—as others in our church do—and find yourself lacking. For myself, this can sometimes be a means of despair, as I see a vast need for growth and a huge lack in myself. Inside, I can become panicked as I strive to seek God and don’t see a change of heart, deepened love for Him and a greater desire to follow Him in obedient faith happening as quickly as I hope. And yet, great praise is deserving to our Lord that I, that you, and that any of us even want those changes to occur! What a gift this is from His hand!

    Lately, He has been showing me the importance of resting in Him. As I purposefully seek to know Him through daily actions, I must also—in my spirit—be at rest in Him to do this work of sanctification. What a simple truth this is, yet so easily I forget it!

    There were some verses I heard John Piper share in a sermon recently that encouraged me and I hope they will encourage you too. They’re from 1 Thessalonians. Paul says, “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it.” (I Thess. 5:23-24)

    What a huge calling for us—to be sanctified completely and have our whole spirit, soul and body kept blameless at the coming of our Lord! We cannot do this ourselves and yet, we do not have to alone! Jesus, our great God and Savior, who saved us from the kingdom of darkness into His kingdom of light, will sanctify us and help us to know Him! He who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it! What a massive, amazing promise from our Lord!! And what a joy to be able to rest in Him, even while seeking Him, knowing that He will do the work we cannot do!

    I pray you will be encouraged, my brothers, as you press into Him! In all honesty, I have seen you grow in dramatic ways this past year in godliness, holiness and love and knowledge of Jesus. This has challenged me in my own walk. May He be praised for the obvious fruit He is bearing in your lives!

    I will continue to pray for you and ask that you also pray for me as each of us seek to love and delight in God above all else in this sinful world that distracts and hinders in this most joyful pursuit. May God bless you with greater joy, knowledge and love for Him each day as you seek His face!

  • I’ve struggled with this, but the answer I found was remembering God wants fellowship with me. I stopped feeling bad about what a sinner I am or was, and was just joyful and happy that God has made me new! I started thanking Him for saving me, and being happy about what HE has done rather than being sad about what I had done, because all my sins have been cleaned off and my flesh killed through the resurrection. I stopped struggling with sin and just let the Holy Spirit work a change in me. I feel more at peace with God.

    And prayer. The more time I spend with God praying, I find that I grow stronger and surer in our relationship. I have to remember God created us for fellowship, an intimate relationship with Him, when I pray.

    Doesn’t the bible say when we pray we are in the throne room of God?

    Thanks for being so honest, Alex…you summed up and worded the struggle perfectly.

  • What can I say? This is the true spirit of the gospel, and reading your blog resonates deeply with my soul. The gospel, which once seemed dead and powerless to me, was made alive by this simple truth: life eternal is to know God and His Son. Not just know about Him, but to know Him intimately, in a real and personal relationship. A relationship that spills over into every other area of life. I think of John 17 when I say that what you’ve spoken is the heartbeat of all those who are His. How refreshing to hear these longings from other Christians. All those who carry this in their heart are one.

  • This is refreshing. I think that is where we often find ourselves empty, or perhaps even misled, because we fail to remember that following Christ is just that — following him, into quiet places, into unplugged places in our heart and in our time, and wherever he leads, whether an easy or difficult place.

    We choose to run after him, pursue him, and find him real, more than church or even our ministry. Just me and him. Just you and him.

    Suzanne Eller

  • Thank you so much for this post. This is something I’ve been struggling with a great deal lately, and reading this was encouraging. 🙂

  • I think it is so important to know and realize who God is. I think it is a continual process, one we must all do by seeking out His character. I have been meditating on Isaiah 40 and the end of Job: the passages on God’s mightiness. If I truly understood how BIG God is and small I am it would help me put things in focus. My friend and I were discussing today on the verse “…whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,” etc. “think on such things.” My friend came up with a marvelous thought. What is really lovely and pure and true and all those other things? God! We are to think on and meditate on God and His attributes and who He is. He is holy, sovereign, just, and all-knowing. I love how it states in Isaiah 40 that God counts and calls all the stars by name! To think that there are billions of stars in a galaxy, millions of galaxies, and millions of clusters of galaxies that contain million of galaxies, I marvell at a God that huge! I can not even comprehend Him. On top of it all He cares and loves puny me! Can I not trust Him that He can plan my life and other’s life out perfectly? Can I trust Him even through stormy times? When I do not trust Him it is because I really do not seek to know who He is and I am puting Him down to the level of a mere man. What a crime!

  • Wow! What an awesome reminder! Isn’t our God wonderful 🙂 NO MATTER how many times we mess it up or get caught up in something other then Him He continues to love us and be there for us! Wow. Isn’t almost humbling that God WANTS us to know Him better in a more intimate and personal way? God bless you guys and thanks for the encouragement to persevere!

  • Thanks, it is very encouraging to think of the awesome privilege it is to be able to know Him and that he waits for me to humble myself and stand still to teach me. What an awesome God we serve.

  • God has been laying this burden on my heart so much recently. My claim to want to know Christ has not been supported by my actions. Thank you so much for the encouragement and reminder. God bless!

  • Amazing post, Alex. Thank you for being so honest and open….it makes a world of difference. I know I haven’t been around commenting much lately (sorry!), but this post made me stop in my tracks. I needed to hear this as much as anyone. I feel that tug in my heart….God calling me to know Him, to walk, talk and breath HIM. Sometimes it seems impossible, but you’ve reminded me it IS possible, and I must go on seeking, praying, and longing. How dare I think anything else in life is more important!

  • Hey guys…
    just wanted to say that God is using you in so many ways.

    There’s a worship song that says: “Take joy my King, in what you see, may I be a sweet, sweet child on Your knee.”
    I feel that way so many times- like a helpless child. But then I sit there and listen, and when I do, I start to know the Lord in an amazing way.

    I agree… all relationships take time and effort. Why do I put my relationship with God to the side when it is the most important?

    thanks again. God Bless you in your ministry. Keep letting Him use you.

  • What an excellent post! It is so important to make sure that we are actively seeking to know God in our hearts and souls. Young people especially need to work hard at this. So many teens, even Christian teens, store up too much “earthly treasure” by investing their energy in the short-lived pleasures of this world rather than the eternal pleasure of a deep and fruitful relationship with Jesus Christ.

  • Phoebe hit it on the head when she related knowing God to eternal life. While I believe obtaining eternal life is only through recognizing Christ’s sacrifice, etenal life itself is knowing God. That is wonderful to me because eternal life starts now, before I die. When I think of this I want to put aside every hindrance, and draw near to the throne of grace.

    “Since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.”
    Hebrews 4:14

    “Since therefore, brethren, we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, His flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of fiath, having our hearts sprinkled clean for an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.”
    Hebrews 10:19-22

    “So I commended pleasure, for there is nothing good for a man under the sun except to eat and to drink and to be merry, and this will stand by him in his toils throughout the days of his life which God has given him under the sun.”
    Ecclesiastes 8:15

    “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes has eternal life”
    John 6:47

    “I am the bread of life”
    John 6:48

    “but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall hive him shall become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.”
    John 4:14

    Eat drink and be merry, for you don’t want to start eternal life after you die.

  • Rachel Hunt has a good point when she connects knowing God to trials. But growth can be made in times of steady showers, rain, and good soil, as well as in times of drought and pruning.

    A friend of mine said I should not envy the difficult times she went through. I can get to know God without terrible experiences. It is up to me to provide part of the eagerness (the Holy Spirit gives some of the desire) but how God teaches me is up to Him. So far my life has been a pleasantly healthy setting for growth, but I do not doubt that God may someday choose to put me in a more rugged place.

  • Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us! I’ve come back to this article several times to remind myself what knowing God is and how, by His grace, I can accomplish it. It’s definately a favorite, and I’d love to see more posts like these from the two of your in the future!

  • This is great! Thank you for it! Amen! I feel honored to have read this and pray wholeheartedly that if my life testifies of one thing, may it be KNOWING GOD. I need to know Him. It’s all I want right now and all I ever want to want. I needed to read this post. May God Bless you with a deeper fellowship with Him in every way and bring forth in your lives not only the desires of your heart, but of His Heart. Amen!

    Here’s a short poem He gave me about how He longs to be known by His Bride and the joy we would know if we knew Him and had a close walk with Him as He created us to. You know how He walked with and talked with Adam and Eve before the fall and then that relationship was broken when they sinned? I think that He longs to have that closeness again with His people.


    feel My heartbeat
    alive with compassion and hope and pain
    know My thoughts
    that you may know My Ways
    how I long for you to know Me
    with this depth you were designed
    to know My joy and hurt each day
    to place your hand within Mine
    that you may walk with Me
    and accept Me as I Am
    that you may talk with Me
    and your heart be content within


    “All the riches and beauties of Heaven and Earth combined cannot compare with knowing the Heart of the King of kings.”

  • ‘As I sought Him, I know Him’

    Over the last couple days, I have continued to be both shamed and inspired by this post. God has been working with me, teaching me, correcting me, and encouraging me with what you wrote.

    Through it, I have realized the truth that He is abundantly Faithful. And that I have not been.

    It’s a process.

    Thanks again for your words, Alex. Thank you, both of you, for sharing what God is teaching you so that I can learn along with you and from you. Thank you.

  • […] To Say, I Have Known God Alex and Brett have done it again. I love this post and go back to it continually because it so vividly and Biblically expresses what it actually means to know God. One can have all sorts of knowledge of God. But that doesn’t mean they know Him as one knows their best friend. Alex reminds us that we must persevere, even if it is hard. […]

  • wow, thisthat was so awesome! that is something that i want to be able to say. that i truly know God and have a deep relationship with Him.

  • I like your “vending machine” comparison. Its way too easy to view God with that perspective. May we continue to persevere in our relationship with Him.

  • I have felt the same way as you described for a while now. I pray and ask God to give me a closer relationship with him and I feel like nothing happens. I want so much to have an intimate relationship with God. Your post really spoke to my heart. I’ve already put a hold on “Knowing God” at my local library. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us!

  • Thank you Alex and Brett for the recommendation of the book and your review on it. I’ll be reading it for sure. I truly desire to say that I have known God.

  • You’re not the only one who doesn’t feel like they truly know God. It is my prayer over and over and over again every single day that He would draw me closer. What comforts me is that God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and not one of His sheep will go astray. Thank you for this post! God brought it to me exactly right on time when I needed it the most…funny how He always does that ;-).

  • Knowing God is a life long journey. Praise and thank God that He continually reveals Himself more and more to us so that we may experience Him. I’ve read the book years ago and have forgotten its contents but God never fails to amaze me. He indeed is faithful. And though i am going through a very difficult time right now, He never fails to speak to me day by day, moment by moment through His chosen vessel. It is my prayer that we may not become tired and weary of seeking to know Him more each day and love and trust Him more as a result. And i am glad that both of you are ministering to countless young people with your blogs. Praise God for His indescribable greatness!!! 🙂

  • brett and alex,
    WOW!!!!i never thought that it would be possible for such young people to have such an impact…thank you so much i just wanted to say how much your book had on my personally. i thank god for what he is doing thru yall thanks again
    your sis in christ

  • cool! I’m gonna read that book… as soon as I get paid… heh. anyway, thanks for posting this and I’ll apply it to my life. I can’t say I’ve known God either, but I hope comeday I can say i do, like you. So Like you said, it’s gonna be hard, but “do hard things!” So yeah, I’m gonna hop to it.

  • This post really spoke to my heart, thank you for your testimony because thats a struggle ive been havng lately, God bless you as you get to know him more.

  • Is it just me, or is this article an answer to my prayer this morning? A few months ago, I cried out of my distress, maybe not even to God, and He showed me Lamentations 3:25-27, 31-33. Undoubtedly, He was speaking to me. Unfortunately, I’ve not exactly been very diligent about seeking Him, but with help from the Holy Spirot, I will be from now on.

  • Wow! this is awesome! Thank you for this! This made me realize how I have been looking at God. This whole thing is so true. The only way we are going to find and develop a relationship with God is to read his word, pray and seek him.

  • WOW!! That was great. It makes you think about where you are in your life with God
    And if your just saying that you know God. when you think about it you want to figure out where you are with God and if you need to get right with God. Many many people just talk the talk but don’t walk the walk and we all need to walk the walk.

  • wow. thank you sooo much! like a lot of others, i can TOTALLY relate to seeing God as a divine vending machine. my mom found this website yesterday and showed it to me- we’re both on board all the way! she wants me to pick some books from your booklist to read over the next few weeks and Knowing God is definitely one of them! its such a blessing to see teenagers from all over who are on fire for God! you guys have no idea how much of an impact you’ve made on me already, so a great big THANK YOU to the Harris boys and all the Christian teens out there letting their light shine for Him!

  • […] Can you relate to them? And can you be encouraged to run harder after God today in response to those feelings? This entry was posted in Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Growth. Bookmark the permalink. ← Gray Matters Pt. 2 Thou shalt not be bored → […]

  • Wow! Just last night in Bible study we were talking about really knowing God and then I found this post and it spoke directly to me four years after it was written! God’s timing is perfect! Thank you for the challenge and encouragement to keep seeking God.

  • Hey guys. This post really sums up how my spiritual life is right now. I have known God so much better before than I do now, and I really want to know Him more deeply. I’m not even really seeking Him like I have before, nowhere near like I should. Thanks for the post. I think I need to go to my prayer closet and start seeking.

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  • I am really overwhelmed how God made this a perfect timing for me to reflect.
    Do I really know God? This I ask myself now. God made me read this message and all the comments and made me realized I havent given an effort to know Him better.
    It comes now in my mind that I have been left behind to what is really important. I isolated myself to be close to God.
    Yes! I’ve read many books, inspirational books but never I put in my mind in seeking God, I’ve done it for my own.
    I feel so guilty, I made him like a gene where I could wish and it would all come true in a blink of an eye.
    I should have known better, but you know, God has started His work on me.

    Thank you for the inspiration.
    Your Sister in Christ:-)

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →