rebelling against low expectations

Radio Interview with Kevin Swanson


Alex and Brett: 670 AM KLT in Denver

On Tuesday morning, Brett and I recorded an interview with Kevin Swanson of Generations Radio for a show that aired this morning in Denver and around the world online. We talk about the Rebelution, the myth of adolescence, the conference, college, parents, our future plans, and more. Give it a listen.

+ Listen to the Interview +

About the author

Alex and Brett Harris

are the co-founders of and co-authors of Do Hard Things and Start Here. They have a passion for God and for their generation. Their personal interests include politics, filmmaking, music, and basketball. They are both graduates of Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Virginia.


  • I just listened to the interview and loved it! I am going to ask my parents to listen to it. I am praying for you guys and your ministry!!

  • Thanks guys, that was really cool!=)
    Kevin Swanson is the president of Teen Pact right?

  • That interview was powerful– I even forwarded it to a friend. I pray that it will reach the hearts of even more young people with the message of the Rebelution.

  • That was a great interview. I wish I had been able to hear it before I started college. I’ve tried to keep the focus on applying myself, so I naturally have met with a lot of ridicule along the way. It’s good to hear from others who want to use college the same way.

    Also, thanks for the words about honoring parents. So often what we hear from the media today is “Follow your dreams, regardless of what anyone else (especially a parent!) thinks.” I’d never heard the John Calvin story before and will definitely be retelling it! 🙂

  • I’d never heard the John Calvin story either. I was really encouraged by it because I’m having to get a degree that I didn’t choose. And since I have to do it I want to honor God and my Dad in it, but it can be hard sometimes. Thanks for the encouragment!

  • I really enjoyed listening to that. It’s so much different to hear your message talked about rather than to read it. Makes it more real…or something.

    I also liked what you guys said about seasons, though that wasn’t really the point of your interview. 🙂 But it spoke to me. Did you say your dad has a message about that? Is there an mp3 online at all?

  • I was planning on waiting until I got back from camp to listen to this…then I read the comments. I’m glad I didn’t wait; it was a good reminder for my own life and got me excited about next weekend. Yes, we’re going!

  • Yes! Now I’m looking forward to having something nice to listen to when I’m next at home. Pretty much I can’t wait…

  • Good on ya, guys! That was a great interview!
    It’s awesome to hear what God is during through you guys in reaching this generation! I’ll be keeping you guys in prayer for the tour..

  • Great interview, Alex and Brett! It gave me the perfect opportunity to listen to something inspiring and encouraging while doing some embroidery. I had a fun time trying to figure out which one of you was talking at different times! =)

    I agree with what others have said. Somehow, hearing something can be a lot more powerful than just reading something. I pray that The Rebelution Tour goes really well! Many teens will and have been positively impacted through your message.

    Thank you!

  • Catchy music. Kidding 🙂 . Still it was uplifiting to hear that interview.

    Frankly i needed to hear the part about honoring and respecting our parents.

    Thanks and God Bless you and give you wisdom to complete your Book: Do hard Things

    Off Topic question: Will your book be selled overseas?

  • Great job guys. That was fun and a great encouragement to listen to. I’m really looking forward to Denver next month. 🙂

    (Your voices sound way more alike than you guys look alike). 😀

  • […] Alex and Brett Harris, founders of The Rebelution (defined as “a teenage rebellion against low expectations”), were recently interviewed by Kevin Swanson of Generations Radio to discuss “the Rebelution, the myth of adolescence, the conference, parents, [their] future plans, and more.” I listened to it today and found it very enjoyable and convicting. […]

  • I loved hearing it (even though I couldn’t tell who was who :D)- God has used your blog in a mighty way! Praying for you!! -Jessinah-

  • Wow! Amazing, Alex and Brett!! The message that you guys have isn’t one heard very much anymore!! I pray that God will continue to use your ministry in a mighty way for Him!

    Also, I really appreciated your talk about seasons and to be faithful wherever you are. That is something I need to be reminded of! That is what I seek to do, but it is hard!

  • My dad was a huge boxing fan, and I always watched with him. Like I said earlier, Ali handled all those big muscled thugs, Foreman, Frazier, Shavers, Lyle, Norton.

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rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →