History tells us that our best life is not our easiest life. Those men and women who were of the greatest service to God and to mankind were those who gave the most of themselves; those who endeavored, not to avoid difficulties, but to overcome them; not to seek comfort, but to do what was necessary, no matter how hard.
These are the men and women who made decisions, not on the basis of expediency, but on the basis of what they believed was most pleasing to God. These are the men and women who stuck to their convictions despite the cost.
Your Risks Will Be High
Amy Carmichael, who spent decades as a missionary to India, wrote, “It does not seem to me honoring to our Master, this missionary habit of going by the easier rather than the harder way, when He chose the harder. It is as if we put ourselves a little above Him.”
Theodore Roosevelt, the great American president who went from a weak and sickly child to a powerful and energetic man, later wrote that the highest form of success would go only to the man who “does not shrink from danger, from hardship, or from bitter toil.”
It reminds us of a movie we once watched, where the rich, pampered young man pleads with his father to let him go to war. “I deserve to know dirt and sweat and courage and honor,” he cried. “I deserve to know.” He recognized that he was wasting his life idleness and he longed for something greater. Despite his access to comfort and ease he realized that his best life would be one spent daring greatly for a cause bigger than himself.
Nowhere is the more true than in our relationship with God. The life of a true follower of Christ is the greatest adventure we could ever hope to embark on, but it’s also very hard. John Piper writes, “your life will be hard, your risks will be high, and your joy will be full.” This is a beautiful paradox in which our best life is one spent daring and risking greatly for the cause of Christ.
Joyfully Embracing Hard Things
If you can take only one thing from this series, take this: Our greatest joy and satisfaction comes not from avoiding hard things but from joyfully embracing them. This is how the same Jesus who said, “If anyone would come after me let him deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me,” could also say, “for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Following in Christ’s footsteps is hard, but it’s good — and He is the ultimate example to us of an extraordinary life spent doing hard things for the glory of God.
Our big, crazy idea is that this is the life God has called us to live now — not ten or twenty years from now, but right now, as teenagers. This is your best life, not your easiest life; the only way to avoid wasting your teen years and ultimately your life.
God’s Word tells us to contend for the faith (Jude 1:3), to build ourselves up (Jude 1:20), and to be diligent (2 Peter 3:14). We are told to be sober-minded and watchful, to resist the devil (1 Peter 5:8-9) and to hold fast our confession of faith (Hebrews 4:14). More than that we are commanded to strive to enter God’s rest (Hebrews 4:11), to flee youthful passions and to pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace (2 Timothy 2:22). We are described as good soldiers, trained athletes, and hard-working farmers (2 Timothy 2:1-6). We train, toil, serve, practice, watch, persist, flee, pursue, fight, take hold, run, and stand firm.
Something to Give Your Life To
If you want something that you can give your life to, this is it. This will ask for all of you and give you back more than you could ever imagine.
This is what Jim Elliot was speaking of when he said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”
This is what Christ promised when he said, ““He who would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.”
This is what G.K. Chesterton was talking about when he wrote, “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found difficult and left untried.”
God’s Very Best, For You
Our dream is that our generation would be made up of those who find the Christian ideal difficult and yet still try—knowing that the loving God who would never leave us as we are and who desires our growth, will also delight with the first feeble, stumbling effort you make tomorrow to do the simplest hard thing for His glory.
George MacDonald, a great Christian writer, pointed out that every father is pleased at the baby’s first attempt to walk, but no father would be satisfied with anything less than a firm, free, manly walk in a grown-up son. In the same way, he said, “God is easy to please, but hard to satisfy.” And why would we ever want God to be satisfied with anything less than the very best for us?
What are you guys doing thats so hard. You seem spoiled, and have you ever had to go through something that was truly hard.
just wondering AMY,
I am sorry i didnt mean that
Hey Amy,
Thanks for the question — and the apology. We forgive you. No hard feelings at all. 🙂
You’re right that God has blessed Brett and me far beyond what we deserve. We can’t claim to know why, and we certainly don’t think we’re better than anyone else because of it. It could all go away in the blink of an eye, and we would have nothing to complain about.
With that said, this message of “do hard things” isn’t something we came up with — it is something God has taught us through experience. If anything, the opportunities that we have now are only possible because our parents pushed us to do hard things when we were younger. We can’t take credit for it, but we do want other teens to get the benefit of doing hard things, too.
Life is never easy. While we cannot claim to face the hardships so many others have faced, we have lost loved ones to premature death. We’ve been caught in the middle of battles that destroyed close friendships. We both face daily, ongoing health issues. We both struggle with sin.
The message of “do hard things” is a message that says that no matter where you start, if you’re faithful to do what is right, even when it’s hard, God will bless you. It’s the message of Roman 8:28 that tells us that all things work together for good for those who love God.
I hope that helps, Amy. God bless you!
– Alex
Great post in a grat series! Thanks so much for all you are doing with this blog. 😉
Hey guys thanks for the great example you both are giving. It is great to see young people comitted to the Lord and serving Him. Wasn’t Amy Carmichael a missionary to India? (Lancy-Thailand)
Sorry, I was trying to do a smile, not a wink.
What a challenging post!
In regard to what Lancy said, Amy Carmichael, according to a book on her called “A Chance to Die”, spent 53 years in South India. Perhaps it was just a mere typo or maybe you meant a different missionary to China… Anyway, I just wanted to confirm what Lancy said. 🙂
Lancy and Joanna: Haha! Thank you! I blame Brett entirely. 😉
I was just gonna add to Alex’s comment that just because someone is materially or seemingly physically well-off doesn’t mean that have not been through tremendously hard things emotionally or spiritually. Most of my friends and family members are testimonies to this. Also, Alex and Brett have written a book which is one of the hardest things I know of!
This post was really good. It was very thought provoking. I’ve actually been thinking a lot about hard things lately.
To be honest, the hardest thing in the world is to make the conscious decision to be mentally and spiritually disciplined and to make an impact in our culture. Being lukewarm is easy. Making an impact like those involved with the Rebelution is hard.
I, for one, can say that it’s simply refreshing and unbelievably encouraging to see people walk the talk regarding speaking and preaching the truth in a crumbling world without Christ.
God bless,
Thanks for the reply Alex. It was a sincere question, and you did help clarify some of it.
running the race,
Thank you for this post, and for including that jewel of Chesterton’s! Thanks be to God that He shows His people that no time is so hard that in it we find His grace wanting. Thanks be to Him that we are able to do hard things, some that we seek and some that are given unasked, and have joy in the doing, as John Piper and James remind us.
Thank you for this wonderful series! Your posts are always very challenging yet encouraging. God is using you two in so many amazing ways, keep up the good work!
Looking forward to your book.
As a mother of teenagers, I read your blog occasionally and strongly encourage my sons to visit regularly. Thank you for encouraging your generation to pursue God.
Regarding Amy’s question, this is one that I still wrestle with from time to time. Having lived overseas for quite a few years, there is a tremendous temptation to fall into the sin of comparison and “rank” ourselves. Those of us who live in the hardest, most primitive conditions are the “best” missionaries, the ones who are doing really hard things. Those of us who live in modern cities with plenty of western commodities are doing hard things too, just not as hard. This type of mindset breeds pride, discontent, and occasionally a martyr complex.
Several years ago I was discussing this with some women from around our region who have lived in a wide variety of conditions–everything from war-torn areas with no running water and electricty, to a very wealthy, modern city, and everything in between. One of the women living in an “easy” place mentioned that she felt guilty because she had it easier than most of us.
Over the course of our discussion, we talked about Paul’s words in Philippians 4. He had learned the secret of being content (which certainly qualifies as a hard thing to do). What strikes me about this passage is that he said that he knew how to be *both* full and hungry, *both* how to live in abundance and how to suffer need. He knew *both* how to be abased and he knew how to abound. This is the context of Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” In other words, doing hard things (being content in this case) isn’t about our circumstances. It’s about our heart.
Thanks for this, guys. I really appreciate your thoughts. I also appreciate your response to Amy… that was clarifying for me as well.
Wow, you guys have no idea how much you hit home with me right now. That is just what I needed to hear/read….Wow. Marveling at His perfect timing. In Christ, ~CV~
[b]Alex Chediak[/b] said:
Looking forward to your book.[/quote]
I have a question about the “things” part of Do Hard Things. Is doing the seemingly easy thing sometimes better than the obvious hard thing, when there are other issues involved? Let me give a example, ’cause it’s hard to put into words: Let’s say I wanted to read an intellectually stimulating book, but my dad wanted me to watch a TV show. He grudgingly says I can read. In a scenario like this, is it better to spend time with my family and make my dad happy at the expense of nearly wasting a big chunk of time—which seems like the easy thing, OR discipline my mind and read,–which seems like the hard thing– but make my dad feel as if I don’t respect his interests. This is a weird question, but it is something I’m struggling with, and would really like to know the answer.
I read this post a couple of days ago and really enjoyed the perspective. Then, while reading the instructions on the back of a board game just now, I found an example that I thought applied very nicely. It can be found on the back of the game “Life”.
“Do whatever it takes to retire in style with the most wealth at the end of the game.”
Yep, the worlds purpose in “life”.
Hi. Im new to this site. i was so surprised when i read who you guys were and what you were about. First of all it is all really amazing it took me by surprise that you are doing all of this. Not many people our age are doing very much of anything less to say “hard things”. It has been really encouraging to hear truth in the Word from such a young age. Ive noticed that through the last hundred or so years teens have been getting lazier to do anything. Then you were a boy or a man. You were a girl or a woman. Now you have this whole teenage thing were your supposed to have the time of your life and when you get to a certain point were have to grow up. You have nothing to fall to because you werent really thought anything. So your asked what happend. It was that truely nothing hard was done.Where i live there are so many people that claim they are Christians and go through the motions but very few are true. Some times i have been very discouraged and even to think that there were very few people here in the US that were even true Christians. I trust God that someday he will use me too. I know i may not be the next David, Paul, Jonah, or even Alex or Brett but i know that somehow it will work for His glory. You dont need me to tell you that God has truely given you the opportunity to share with such a broad auddience about Him. I pray that you continue to share the truth and that He keeps opening you doors to share to more more lost souls. I have enjoyed reading what you have to say. Thank you for encouraging me.
Hey! Thanks again for the post! If only I’d been reading this kind of stuff a couple years ago… but I still have plenty of chances to put it into practice!
I, too, am looking forward to the book coming out. I generally average an income of around $50 a year, so I didn’t think there was any way I could afford the book, but God provided me with a little extra money, so I’m saving it for the book! 😀
I hope that God will bless you as you continue to serve Him and edify others!
Emily Rose
Great post! The three quotes at the end under “Something to give your life to” gave me chills. G.K. Chesterton’s quote really is so true in all areas of the Christian life- the structure of the family, relationships, following God’s will. Thank you for speaking the truth and for refusing to pretend that following Christ is easy, while at the same time refuting the notion that the Christian life is somehow not satisfying.
This whole series has been very encouraging… And on the note that some circumstances are “harder” than others; living out the Great Commission is never easy. We should all strive to do the hard things we can do now, at home, regardless of “relative” hard-ness. If physically easy circumstances (lets say, the average suburban neighborhood in the United States) equaled an easy walk, why isn’t every teenager in America, who calls themself a Christian, witnessing every day? Praying freverently every day? Reading the Bible every day? Witnessing to friends who are unsaved? Dressing in a G_d honoring way? We struggle not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities. I would argue that being a real Christian witness in American public school is a hard thing. This is not to negate the sacrifices of our Asian brothers and sisters who are in jail for thier faith. But every situation has its temptations and pressures and what-is-everybody-going-to-think; and there are more ways to kill a passion for Christ than with a machete.
This has been great series! Thanks, guys. Very timely to read now with the awakening of a New Year and the hard things – some simple in task, but hard in practicing – God is calling me to in my own life. Coming here is a fresh shot in the arm every day. 🙂
Thanks so much for this post! It was very encouraging and challenging. Your whole blog is that way! Thank you for the way you both challenge and encourage us in our walk with God! May the Lord keep blessing you both and giving you the words to say and write that glorify Him.
Why is it this website either completely inspires me, or leaves me feeling all too inadequate?
There’s some daily grind that serves as a constant reminder that I could never be good enough on my own, and yet, I want to try to reach perfection with all I have anyway.
But sometimes that’s so fuzzy and seemingly impossible, I doubt whether or not I should even keep going with it, or at least, wonder how on Earth to go about it.
I know I’m forgiven for every wrong and that I can seek a renewal in Him every minute of every day by confessing my wrong, and moving forward, doing all that I can to avoid doing that wrong again.
And usually when I visit the rebelution, it seriuosly encourages and helps to inspire and provoke heavy helpful thinking.
Honestly though, other times it can be frustrating. I seem to be the only one that thinks so, but you guys make hard things seem so easy. You make them [i]look[/i] easy anyway. It makes me wonder sometimes, what you’ve got that I don’t have. I kick myself for asking that, because in the Lord I’ve got everything. It just appears like the Harris twins have something more. Some extra outside system. Some self-discipline or spirtiuality that I don’t know how to come close to. And that causes that feeling of inadequacy I mentioned. I just don’t get it sometimes.
With that honest rant aside, I do agree strongly with so much of what you guys believe and stand for, however that statement may seem to contradict what I was just saying above. And you’re really in my prayers.
Thanks for this post, that both inspired and exasperated. 😉
Valerie E.-
I am continually challenged by Alex and Brett and what the Lord is doing in them to change this world. Doing hard things, denying self, picking up our crosses every day, following Christ in every dimention of life(big or small); it is so hard. And yet so beautiful in the sight of our Savior. Take heart, pursue and finish what Christ has called you to do. His grace alone can sustain and empower you. Seek, seek, seek our Savior’s face, be consumed with Him ONLY and He WILL be your exceeding joy(Ps.43:4). Through Christ, ALL things (hard things) are possible.
Valerie: I wish I had more time to respond, but let me just say that the only reason these things look easy is because all you see is the end result — and not all the work that goes into it. Our book for instance was the hardest thing we’ve ever done. There were countless times when we were close to tears, frustrated, and frightened that we’d never finish and that it would be a terrible book. There were countless times when all we could do was cry out to God and plead with Him to help us push through and complete the work He’d given us to do.
With that said, God has really blessed us. So much so that we are at loss to explain it. All I know to say is that while God has opened incredible doors for us, we have crawled through all of them. It hasn’t been easy — ever. It has always and only been by His supernatural strength.
I hope that is encouraging for you. 🙂
Thanks for taking the time you had and for the response Brett. Just to be clear, I didn’t mean to imply that that you and your brother do not work extremely hard, or face difficulty. Just that doing hard things seems to be so ingrained in you, it’s a second nature. No thinking about it, just do it. No stressing. So you did help me to understand there too. And it was encouraging.
And thank you so much for the encouragement Ashley. I have no intention of giving up. =)
Hey Valerie –
Brett already answered your question, but I just wanted to add that we’ve all probably had similar thoughts at some point….like oh, maybe it’s their personalities, the way their parents raised them, etc. The twins may very well have “do hard things” more ingrained into them than some of us (who struggle to even remember to do hard things in the first place!) and I know this might sound cliche’ by now, but the beauty of hard things IS that it’s different for everyone. Whether it comes more “natural” or not doesn’t change that.
In talking with Alex at the conference (I hope he doesn’t mind me sharing this), I remember how it kinda surprised me when he expressed concern over getting the book done. I was all, “You’ll get it done, God will help you” and he was like, “Yeah, but it’s going be so stressful…” Haha. That blew away my preconceived notions about “calm & cool” right there, and I was glad for it. (Not that I wish anymore stress upon you, Alex!) So even if it’s not readily apparent, they do have real frustrations, too.
Finally, to quote Brett, “All effort produces muscle….even failed effort.” That little line is such an encouragement on the days I really blow it….even my failures aren’t wasted if I get up and try again. Keep up the hard work! 🙂
Hey Alex and Brett,
I loved this series. It’s probably the best one I’ve read yet on your site. It really challenged me. Thanks
Thank you so much for the “Do Hard Things” series. It has been wonderful!
I think that it is great that Someone is spreading this message- and that you guys are a part of it. I just wanted to add that doing hard things, (or work,) is not only a great way to glorify God and advantage yourself, it is also an important part of our design. Humans were made to work! (Not always, but at least some.) Even Adam and Eve worked, taking care of the Garden of Eden before they were cast out. If I never did any work, I’d go insane from boredom!
It was also a very wise reminder when you wrote,
‘When we fail to do hard things, we not only disobey God, but we set ourselves up to fall short of our true, God-given potential. Even worse, we act as if God is not worthy of our effort — or as if He is unable to accomplish through us what He has called us to do.’
Not doing some form of work, or hard things, not only fails to glorify God and disadvantages ourselves, but it is a slap in the face of our Maker! I never thought of it that way before.
Thanks for following God and therefore helping heaps of people like me.
Live the Light.
[…] Why do hard things? […]
Rod Dreher (author of the book Crunchy Cons) posted a link to this website and I am so glad that he did!
You all are an amazing counter-cultural message to our youth that the best life to live is one you can look back on as a challenge, an adventure. What do you want tell your children? That you spent the first decade of your independent life playing video games? Or that you travelled far, tested yourself to your absolute limit, learned everything you could possibly learn from anyone who’d teach you, thought hard, worked hard, and had an impact on people around you?
Our culture is selling us short by telling us to take the easy way out!
Not to knock video games, there’s time enough for those even for a hard-charging globetrotter. But I feel like I’ve been following the philosopy on this website almost instinctively. All the men and women I respected most in life had lived or were living an adventure. I just had to set off on that trail myself just as soon as I was old enough! I’m 26 now. I finished my degree at 21, spending a year of it abroad in Europe. I enlisted in the Army (in case you were wondering how I could afford that degree and year abroad,) and am now in my fifth year of military service, second year in Iraq. It’s been amazing. But I won’t lie: it’s getting pretty difficult.
Now I’m running into hard times. That whole “testing yourself to your absolute limits” sounds great in print doesn’t it? It’s pretty hard, sometimes devastatingly hard, in real life. A fair warning to all of you. You do have limits, and existing right at or beyond them is difficult to even describe. What I need is Christ to take these hard times and use them to shape me into a disciple worthy of Him. It will take the rest of my lifetime, but I’m willing! Thanks so much for your website, this is just the encouragement I needed at this time in my life. I’ll keep reading.
May we all learn to count it all pure joy, my brothes and sisters…
Awesome series… now onto the comments.
Personally, I felt that I have lived an easy live. That doesnt mean I havent done hard things, it just means looking back, they werent hard at all becasue i had God on my side, and his Spirit in me. So to ask me what some hard thing Ive done is is a tough question, because I had faith in the Lord, and he provided and it was no longer hard. Yet, when I tell people my testimony, they all seem amazed. The first time I told my testimony was to about 100 people, and about 98 of the jaws were on the floor by the end. I dont see my life as tough, and I wouldnt change any part of it, even the parts I regret, or am ashamed of, becasue without them i wouldnt be who I am today. I want to be challenged to do hard things, because itll be a chance for my faith to grow stronger, and for me to grow closer to the Lord.
Thank you for another inspiring post. My highlight in this one was definitely the wonderful quotes made by heroes of the faith.
In my own life, I have observed that the hardest things to do are often the things most worth doing. For example, I used to teach dance classes at a home schooling group. I started when I was only 15 and some of the children I taught were not much younger than I. I found it so trying, I would sometimes end up in tears. I hated planning the classes and choreographing the dances to teach, not to mention the fact that administration happens to be my lowest motivational gift, but the rewards I got back from them far outweighed the trials! Mothers would speak to me and share how their daughter was really growing in the Lord spiritually and they credited it to my influence on them. How God uses us sinners,huh?! Friday (when I taught) went from being my worst day of the week, to my favourite. I now look back on those classes with fondness and miss the good ole’ days!
Praise God that He doesn’t just call us to the easy life!
Onward and upward in Him,
I have being doing hard things my hole life and now that Iam a born again christain I can see how god has grown me and Iam thankfull now I shell live his purpose and im thankfull glory be to god always and forever.
It’s so awesome, a God-thing really, to see that there are other Christians taking God and His word seriously, not just on Alex and Brett, but in many people who reply.
Stay strong in Christ all. I love you and am prayin for you.
Dear Alex and Brett, As the only pastor of a small country church, and as the “world’s oldest youth pastor” (63), I was very encouraged to find out about the “Rebelution”. It is great to hear young people excited about God. I am talking to my youth about your blog and “Doing Hard Things.” I pray that the Lord will continue to use you to reach young people for Christ. IHS Pastor Paul
i just feel like there’s nothing i can do. i do little things, like helping out at home and church, but i want to do something big, like lead people to Jesus
Hey, guys! Awesome post!
Um, I really, like, REALLY want to do hard things, but I’m just a little stuck on what I should do.. Any suggestions?
Thank you for writing Do Hard Things I’ve read the book as part of a bible study and I realy enjoyed it. I felt challenged. I realy liked reading these posts too.
Thanks, Johanna
great post, thanks for providing so much. Keep up the good posts.! http://www.hoover-f5914900.com
I’m a new rebelutionary who really wants to do hard things. Only problem is that I feel burdened for…well…just about everything. I want to do something special for God, but I can’t do everything, and I don’t have any special burdens for any one thing. Can you help me?
U guy’s should put the song go hard on the site as your theme song or use Rebel as your theme song. Ethier would work for the rebelution. Go hard for the father til he takes us home! Go hard for the father baby gone get it on!
I enjoyed reading this article and I should’ve discovered this when I was still going through my teenage life, maybe then I would’ve done something instead of being stuck in my comfort zone. But this really gave me a good insight since I’m already facing the responsibilities of adult life. I was really afraid of facing the hardships of working as a Nurse and that I’ve been pessimistic about my capabilities but this gave me a good smack in the head.
I’m really glad I stumbled upon this site. You guys are great so I’ll be visiting here often to read more articles 🙂
this series was incredibly inspiring. i really appreciate all the time you guys put into this website for christians everywhere. im really struggling with this right now a i am in my teenage years and not exactly sure what i supposed to do with them in a society that almost looks own upon youth standing up to do something great. this article really inspired me to pray about exactly what God has planned for these years as well as the rest of my life, because right now most things in my life are simply comfort zone level and do not push me to grow anymore.
im sincerely greatful for what you guys are doing here with this website keep up the awesome work for God!
I was wondering if somebody here could tell me what movie did Alex and Bret watch that it give them such wonderful reactions making support to this article. Doing hard thing is not that easy but when we take that very first step of that ‘Hard Thing’ then, that being hard enough will soon be the most easiest as long as we will always give our trust on Him to help us and to believe that He will do what He has promised us, everything will be just perfectly fine.
I’m really blessed to know that the vessels for God’s glory and honor are now standing to do hard things to influence others especially the teens to do the REBELUTION in this generation.
[…] Read part four of the series “Why do hard things” here ==> http://therebelution.com/blog/2008/01/wdht-living-the-greatest-adventure/ […]
Thanks so much! that was a great post very deep but very good!! so good to hear deep helpful stuff like this! =)
running the race with you
I\’ve been dating a guy exclusively for 4 years; however, within the first few months of dating, he confessed to me that he wasn\’t over his ex-girlfriend and wasn\’t in-love with me. Despite everything, we continued to date and several months later, I confronted him with the fact that I wanted a relationship and not just a friendship, so I broke up with him. Then, after a couple of months, I sent him a text message on a whim. He immediately responded to me, and came to see me. From that point on, we\’ve been back to dating exclusively. So, that was 3 years ago. Our relationship was not defined as such, and we never discussed or labeled ourselves as boyfriend/girlfriend. However, we\’ve always been very caring, respectful, and supportive of eachother. He basically has behaved as my boyfriend in many ways. I\’ve met and gotten to know his friends and family, we\’ve spent holidays & birthdays together. We would talk on the phone during the week, and would see eachother on weekends. He\’s been reliable and trustworthy. However, the key ingredient that\’s been missing is true love and romance. It\’s been more of a really close friendship, and I\’ve been patiently waiting for things to flourish, but never wanted to push him.
I got what you intend, thanks for putting up. Woh I am happy to encounter this website finished google. Thanks For Share The Rebelution: WDHT: Living the Greatest Adventure.
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Jim has been an icon in Old Pasadena for decades, has never held back his opinion on issues that are meaningful to him, and is a good friend. How nice of you to feature him.
Wow this so some eye opening stuff! I’m reading the book right now but I’m having some trouble, can anybody help me out?
I really want to do hard things etc. but I’m so busy with somethings that are really important to me. Dancing is my life, and I really want to praise God and live for Him through it with Ballet Magnificat or Ad Deum. But I’m having trouble discerning between what I’m doing and what this is. I work so hard, but since it’s something I ‘want’ to do, does it make it hard? I don’t want to say “count” but that’s what it’s coming out as. :/
Cool post . Thanks for, visiting this blog dude! I will email you some time. I did not realise that!
Awesome post . Thanks for, visiting this blog page man. I will message you some time! I did not know that!
Thank you so much for this post. You guys are very inspiring, and I have been greatly encouraged to do “hard things” for God. I absolutely agree that in order to grow, effort must be exerted on our part. It’s just so challenging to know what God can do with the life of a “teenager” surrendered to Him. God bless you exceedingly!
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Hey Sarah!
Try maybe starting with little hard things… We can try together! I’m still working on the whole thing and its been hard for me too. So instead of starting big, I’m going little. So say maybe make your bed everyday or clean something for somebody on a regular bases…. small things that are easy to do, but sometimes hard to actually decide to do. 🙂 I posted something a while ago, but I think I got it figured out. 🙂 Just takes prayer and somebody to talk to!