rebelling against low expectations

Leave Everything And Follow Me


Leave Everything and Follow Me

“Passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men. And immediately they left their nets and followed him.” Mark 1:16-18

I read in Mark chapter one this morning, where Jesus calls the first of His disciples, and it struck me: Why did He choose these guys? They were just random fishermen along the Sea of Galilee. They had no special qualifications. They were fishermen for crying out loud! But Jesus chose the foolish to shame the wise.

You wonder if Jesus had ever seen them before, or if they had ever seen Him. Either way they immediately left their nets and followed Him. How foolish we would be to consider ourselves special because Christ has given us a mission. Yet, also, how foolish to discount their one credential: being willing to leave everything and follow Him. How few of us can meet that qualification. God help us.

What have you been reading in your Bible?

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About the author

Alex and Brett Harris

are the co-founders of and co-authors of Do Hard Things and Start Here. They have a passion for God and for their generation. Their personal interests include politics, filmmaking, music, and basketball. They are both graduates of Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Virginia.


  • I ave been reading Galations. I think my favorite book of the bible is Hebrews. Our church has been doing a sermon series on it since the beginning of 2008.

  • I have been reading in Philippians. What a great book! I was pricked by Paul’s example this morning in that he counted everything to be loss in comparison to knowing Christ. I need to take “knowing Christ” more seriously, and also never take it for granted.

  • Yes how many of us can meet that qualification? It makes you ask your self if you have really left everything to follow Christ.
    Thank you!!

    I can do ALL things through Him

  • I’ve been reading John. I’m trying to read slowly and let it all sink in. So often we hear stories over and over again, and we become complacent with them. Man, there’s nothing to become complacent with. Everything Jesus did was amazing! If we had been present for just one of his miracles, we would have been talking about how amazing it was for the rest of our lives. But it’s far too easy to just take it all for granted, to skim through the Gospels and go, “Hmm, blind guys seeing, dead guys rising, that’s nice.” Nice? No, extraordinary. Praise God!

  • I have been reading in a couple of places:
    Isaiah 58
    Luke 10:38-42, John 11:1-44

    In Isaiah 58, the heading says “True and False Fasting.” Ok, what’s the big deal? True and false fasting, well, we don’t fast that much today, so it’s not really applicable to my life. Right? Wrong! If you actually read the passage, you find that it’s not talking about physical fasting. The first half of the chapter talks about people who seek God on the outside, but their intentions aren’t right. The people want to know why they are fasting, and God ignores them. God’s response is that while they are “fasting,” they are seeking their own pleasure, not His. The second half of the chapter talks about true “fasting.” In other words, a Christian’s life, or rather, what a Christian’s life should be. The last half is some of the most beautiful Scripture I have every come across. I challenge you to read it for yourself!
    (my thoughts on the next two passages were triggered by a sermon at church)
    Luke 10:38-42 is a story that you should all be familiar with, about Jesus teaching at Mary and Martha’s house. Martha is serving, and gets frustrated because Mary, her sister, is not helping. Turns out, Mary is sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to Him teach. Martha goes to Jesus and actually asks Him to make Mary come and help her serve. Jesus doens’t respond in the way she imagined. He rebuked her. She had gotten so caught up with the act of serving and worrying about all of the details, that she forgot WHO she was serving. It is so easy to get caught up with what we are doing, even if our intention is good. Jesus wasn’t rebuking her service of hospitality, he was rebuking her attitude in serving.

    John 11:1-44 is when Lazarus is raised from the dead. Most people focus on Lazarus when they read this story, but let’s look at the two sisters again. When Jesus finally came to see them after they told him that Lazarus was sick, he found that Lazarus had already died, and had been in the tomb four days. Martha heard that Jesus was coming, so she went out to meet Him. When she saw him, she said, “Lord, if you had been here my brother would not have died.” They talked for a few minutes, and Martha went back to get Mary and tell her that Jesus wanted her. Mary came out and fell, weeping, at Jesus’ feet. She cried out to Him, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” Jesus was moved by her words. Wait a second. Martha said the same thing, but Jesus wasn’t moved when she said them. Why not? Because Martha came out pointing her finger at Him, and claiming that he did the wrong thing at the wrong time. Mary fell weeping at His feet, pleading through her grief, but trusting in Him. What has our response or approach to Jesus been? Have we been mad at him and telling Him He did the wrong thing? Or are we trusting in Him even when we don’t understand?

    Just some things to think about! Maybe when you read those passages next, it will get you thinking!

  • I have been reading 1 Corinthians. A few days ago I read about love and it is patient and kind, not self-seeking and easily angered. I began to think about myself, and I have been working on showing love to everyone. And Christ demonstrates the best kind of love for us, because while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. What an ENORMOUS amount of love!!

  • I’ve been studing Luke and it is amazing the detales that you see when you look at each part and study it closely. Like Grace said we become complacent with stories we have heard over and over agian.

    – Rebeca

  • I just finished Titus this morning, and I’ve been encouraged and challenged by all the wisdom and exhortation in it. Here’s 2 verses that stuck out to me this morning:

    Titus 3:1-2 – “Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men.”

    There’s a huge amount of things to be working (in God’s strength) towards just in those 2 verses! What really stuck out to me is that we must be “ready to do whatever is good”. It’s my prayer that I will be able to follow God’s leading and be ready to do good in His Name.

  • I have been reading Deuteronomy, Jeremiah, and Acts. I have found so many interesting things. Like in Acts 17 when people described Paul and Silas as “the men that have turned the world upside down”. Or making a list of all the sins of Israel in Jeremiah’s day. Learning how highly God sees justice is one thing I liked. I also found it interesting that even the priests were not following God. And one thing that I read yesterday (or maybe it was a the day before that) was how Jeremiah had BEGGED God to save his people, and then they go and persecute him. It shows the sinfulness in that culture. Whenever I read prophesy I can’t help compare it to modern day America. Your brother’s sermons on Jeremiah have been helpful while reading this.

    In Deuteronomy is another example of how holy God is and how intolerance of sin he is. Moses was not permitted to go into the promise land because of something that seems, “not that big of a deal” to me. But God can’t let it slip. God is too perfect for that. So those are some of the many things God has been teaching me. If you want more you can read my blog. I share all the amazing things God has been teaching me on there.
    In Christ,

  • I am reading Deuteronomy, Psalms, Isaiah, and Revelation. All of which I am learning so much from. And being amazed at the grace and goodness of God throughout history! He is the same yesterday, today and forever!

  • I’ve been alternating between Esther and Psalms. Esther has always intrigued me because it never mentions God once, yet all the events are clearly orchestrated by God. A few verse has always stuck out to me: Esther 4:14~”For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?” That verse to me shows God’s handiwork in our daily lives, God puts us where we are “for such a time as this” nothing is left to chance. Another verse that struck me is the end of 4:16~ “and if I perish, I perish.” Though it’s not a pleasant subject, that got me thinking about my attitude towards death. Am I able to say ,with Esther, that I am willing to die to do His will? Lots to chew on there. Last night I read Psalm 118 and after I read it once I decided to use it as a prayer. There’s something especially sweet about praying using God’s inspired Word. I encourage every Rebelutionary to try it, it really enhances your prayer life. Blessed Reading!

  • This is totally awesome — to hear what God is teaching you today. =) It was also timely as I was reminded that I really need to spend more time in the Gospels.

    My mom and I read Deuteronomy 8 last night — we read it together every month to remind us of how God rescued us, all that He rescued us from, and the vows we made to Him when we were in bondage. It’s truly amazing because we began reading this when we lived in a really bad situation, and so each time we read it, I am reminded that I was not always free — nor did I gain my freedom by my hand.;&version=47;

    And, this morning I was also reading in Mark (10:17-31) and the familiar story of the young rich man struck me in a new way. I’ll quote from verses 10-22:

    “And as he was setting out on his journey, a man ran up and knelt before him and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. You know the commandments: ‘Do not murder, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and mother.'” And he said to him, “Teacher, all these I have kept from my youth.” And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” Disheartened by the saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.”

    First of all, as I read it, I just feel with Jesus when it says that looking at him, He loved him — I’ve felt like that at times when I meet or hear about someone who is not a Christian. And then, especially noticing that, the response isn’t just sad — Jesus’ Heart was REALLY in His offer as He spoke these words; the response was crushing.

    Secondly, I was struck today (as I am not usually) that the young man said, “Teacher, all these I have kept from my youth” — he was obviously a very well-mannered, law-abiding guy. But Jesus told him, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”

    I thought to myself, ‘How many of us could say that we have followed God’s Law, but are unwilling when He asks us to lay something we treasure on the altar — such as our friendships, our reputation, our possessions, our family, the ability to control the certainty of our future. How many of us are rich in possessions and earthly ties, yet lack what we might have…’ I was reminded that if my treasure is in Heaven — and more: If my true wealth is Jesus Himself — it will be testified consistently in my life that there my heart is (rather than my heart being in earthly things).;&version=47;

  • I’m going through James, using John MacArthur’s bible study which is really good. It is helping me get so much more out of it than I have in the past. I recently took a mini break from that to read Philippians, which is one of my favorite books. Phil 1:12-30 was my “motto passage” when I went on a missions trip last summer and has been especially encouraging since then. No matter your motive (although we do need to be praying for a right motive if it isn’t already) be preaching the gospel!

  • I am exactly at that point where the Lord is asking me to leave all and follow Him.I say Yes with all my heart.I may not know all He has in store for me but He is trustworthy.

  • I’ve been reading through James.
    James speaks very bluntly and i like that, plus there are many small lessons to be learned form James.
    I just finished studying Philemon.

  • ————- Romans 10:14-15
    How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

    And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! ————-

    I read through that chapter last night, and every time I do. . . I’m struck with the realization that I can make a difference. A lot of Christians come with the mindset that, “Those who will/are meant to be saved, will be saved,” when, really, God has put it in our hands. The words above, inspired by God Himself, ask us, “How will they believe and be saved if you don’t go out and tell them about Christ? How do you expect them to know?”

    This verse lets us know that God is limited (by His will, of course) by our willingness to serve.

    It makes one to think.

  • I am reading through Ezekiel at the moment. I really like the analogy of the watchman on the city wall, in chapter 3. This really applies to us too. We are the watchmen needing to sound the warning of God’s judgement to the people around us.

  • I’ve been reading the book of Jeremiah. Its a great book, but oh, so heartbreaking! I’ve been crying for the people of Israel and Judah as they repeatedly reject God’s messages that Jeremiah is delivering to them. And as everyone who Jeremiah knows rejects him, and some even plot to kill him, I hurt for him, too. Even though this book was written years and years ago, it is so relative to my life right now! Jeremiah was called at a very young age to completely change his entire culture! And this is a call that I feel too – to completely change my culture. Jeremiah tells the Lord that he is too young and not good enough, but God tells Jeremiah that He has everything under control and will provide him with the words He will need. I know that promise is still true for me today.

  • The price of following Christ. It’s something that God has definitely been teaching me lately. I am not my own. I no longer have any right to myself. I gave that up in order to gain Christ. I have to now seek His desires and not my own. It’s hard. It’s so hard.

  • I was reading in Job this morning, and what a man for God he was. Despite all of the hardship that Satan inflicted upon him, Job never forsook God, for he was truly a man which God could be proud of. From thieves and foreigners stealing all of his livestock and killing his servants, leaving only one to report to Job of what had happened, to the death of all of his children when Satan caused the wind to strike the four corners of the house in which they were celebrating to fall and crush them, to the plague of boils, the intense pain physically, emotionally, and spiritually that Job was forced to endure, he did not forsake God.

    Job says for the LORD gives, and the LORD takes away; and how true that is. So often we act as if we own so much, that we have a right to everything we lay our eyes upon when in fact we owe our entire existence to God and His son Jesus Christ. Christ laid his life on the line for us, paying the ultimate price in becoming the perfect and holy sacrifice, so why do we not eagerly die to ourselves each and every day and live in the light of the coming kingdom of God where we will be able to spend eternity with both father and son in all of their glory. We must take everything in stride, like Job, and always lean on and trust God with our whole hearts. What a testimony we can be to this present evil age.

    God Bless, guys.

  • I really enjoyed this post! I like reading about things people are learning through their personal devotions.

    Recently, we told a missionary friend how my dad’s job was soon to end and nothing was in the horizon (he works by contract in the film industry) and he wrote back with this verse:

    “For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister.” ~Hebrews 6:10

    That came at the perfect time and was so encouraging to all of us, but especially my dad!

    Otherwise, I have really enjoyed reading a lot of Isaiah. I find it so much more interesting and meaningful than when I last read it straight through a few years ago. It has been very inspiring and uplifting. Example:

    “”No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the lord, and their righteousness is from Me,” says the Lord.” ~Isaiah 54:17

    God bless you both as you help accomplish His wonderful work of being fishers of men! BTW, who wrote this post…Alex or Brett?

    Shalom! 🙂

  • That’s basically a summery of what our sermon was two Sundays ago. It’s refreshing to know that God doesn’t want us to clean up our lives before we come to him, but rather is cleaning them up for us constantly. We just have to come.

  • I’ve been reading in 1 Corinthians.

    One thing that really stuck out to me was 1 Corinthians 3:18:

    “Do not deceive yourselves. If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age, he should become a ‘fool’ so that he may become wise.”

    It’s so easy to think highly of ourselves… and yet, what have we done!? Nothing! We can’t deceive ourselves Paul tells us. If we think we are wise, we need to die to that. For it is only when we are “fools” that Christ can work through us! For God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. When our attention is taken off ourselves (which, I think, in this day and age would be considered “foolish”) then we can concentrate on God! And Christ can use us to glorify Himself!! Wow!

  • I’ve been reading 1 and 2 Timothy.
    A verse that really hit me on the head this morning:

    “Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you.” 1 Timothy 4:14

    I was given a special gift that I developed when I was young. In my teen years, I’ve become “too busy” to keep practicing and doing with my gift what once blessed so many people.
    Now it’s time to change the “too busy” part, and get busy blessing!!

  • I’ve been reading 1 Corinthians lately. I’ve been reading Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot, and 1 Corinthians really is the best reference to learn more about what she is saying in her book.

  • I’ve been reading through II Chronicles and recently “discovered” what is now one of my favorite verses.

    In Chronicles 6:4, Solomon has just finished the temple and he’s giving his celebratory speech to the people of Israel. He says, “Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, who has fulfilled with his hands what He spoke with His mouth.”

    I do a lot of talking about what things need to be changed, who needs to be given the gospel, what things I want to change about my life, etc. Rarely, however, are these words followed up with actions. This verse is a great reminder that when God promises to do something, He’s not just saying words; He’s going to take action. As a Christian, I need to do the same. Words can inspire, but that inspiration quickly dies if it’s not backed by action.

  • I’ve been reading through Proverbs. I’ve also begun to memorize Psalm 33. God’s word is so encouraging!
    -Miss S.

  • I’ve been reading Joshua; and our pastor has recently finished preaching through James; it’s such a facinating book! Lots of simple wisdom, and yet so deep!

  • Yeah, when I look at the lives of the disciples, I realize that there was nothing really special, really outstanding about them, but because they chose to follow a great God, they led extraordinary and exemplary lives.

    Well, lately I’ve been reading Romans, about men of commendable faith, such as Abraham, Joseph, and Moses, who – like the disciples – were ordinary people who put their trust in an extraordinary God, and thus created an impact in the world. 🙂

  • I’ve been reading in Proverbs…there is so much wisdom and good advice in there. Wisdom CRIES OUT to us…if only we wold listen more often!

  • I have been reading through the book of John, and have been continually impressed with Jesus’ humility. The people wanted to make him a king right then and there, yet he would more or less sneak out of that city so they wouldn’t.
    I’ve also been impressed that he was continually focused on his Father’s plan for him. How often do I get caught up in what this world has to offer when I should be focusing on God’s plan for my life?

  • This reminds me of my blogging style. I get what you mean. I usually feel pretty weak when I try to make up excuses why I don’t give everything to God. Thank you for the advice.

  • I’ve been reading out of Jeremiah, how the Israelites strayed from God and he had brought judgement on them, but showed them mercy, and gave them yet another chance. I don’t think we realize just how often God cuts us some slack when we totally screw up, and how much we should appreciate that undeserved grace.

  • I’m reading in Romans. I noticed that in all the books Paul wrote that he tells the people he’s writing to that he thanks God for them. I thought that was neat. It was amazing to think that though he had so much to tell them he took the first part of each letter to tell them to how much he loves them.

  • Unfortunately, I often just open my Bible for my nightly reading, read through my chapter for the day, read a memory verse, and go to sleep. I read this blog post and a few of the comments, and I have been challenged. Too often I read through old Bible stories, especially in the Gospels, and don’t stop to think. I avoid Isaiah and Psalms because they are harder to read.
    I read Cassie’s comments, and immediately turned to Isaiah 58 for the first thoughtful reading I’ve had it weeks. Too often, I act like a Christian without thought for God. I dress modestly, I speak politely, I go on mission trips, and I help in Sunday School. Then I go home and act horribly to my sister. Like the Jews at the beginning of the chapter, my actions are ‘good’ because that’s my lifestyle. It makes me feel good. The Jews in Isaiah 58 fast and then fight and “exploit all their workers.” I ‘do good’ and then fight and take advantage of my little sister.
    Tonight, I think I’ll take a break from speed-reading 1 Samuel and re-read Isaiah 58.

  • I’ve been reading Proverbs and Acts. It has been a while since I read Acts, and I am enjoying it this time around more than before just because I am older and able to understand what is going on better.

  • I’m reading through 1 Corinthians and Isaiah. Well, those are the two that I was planning on going through during the summer. However, I’ve also been going through a few Psalms here and there. It’s been amazing! I can’t get enough of the Word!

  • so i just read the first chapter of your book! it’s really neat and very motivating to see how GOD has used you guys to reach teens. my aunt and uncle recently gave me your book after hearing what i had been doing this past summer. it’s so neat to realize we can step outside our comfort zones and through GOD, accomplish things our culture thinks kids our age can’t! i cant wait to read more of your book, but my first response was to check out your website!

    oh and i am currently reading through the psalms…love it!

  • I’ve been reading through Mark, too. I’m doing A program called bible quiz, and thats the book we have to memorize this year. I’m looking forward to studying it better!

  • I have been reading through the book of Proverbs. But I did read some of 2 Timothy today also. I read chapter 4 verses 1-8 because I saw one verse posted on a blog I read regularly. I wanted to read what was around that verse because it was so good.

    It was verse 3-4 I believe that says,” For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching but having itching ears they will accumilate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.”

    I was like those verses say everything about what most of the world is like today. The time has come and we need to stop it and tell people what the read truth is. So I really was convicted by these verses and I read what was around it from my own Bible.

    in Proverbs 24 verses 13-14 I have also found encouragement today.

    “My son eat honey, for it is good, and the drippings of honeycomb are seet to your taste. Know that wisdom is such to the soul, if you find it, therewill be a future, and your hope will not be cut off.”

    I think the end of this verse is refering back to Jeremiah 29:11.

    It seems like reading God’s word to me has never been so real to me as it has been lately. I hope there are people out there that are finding scripture and its becoming real and encouraging to them too!

  • Today I’m in Exodus(I do one of the Bible reading plans that has you in different books on different days). Leviticus is the most interesting book of the Bible, to me, because it has so many laws that point directly to Christ mixed with the history of God’s mercy and justice to His chosen people. Psalms, is the most peaceful. But the Timothy’s are the ones I find the most applicable/helpful.
    Out of curiosity(and because I’ve been wanting to memorize more and I’m not sure how to get the Bible into my head so it stays there) Katie do you have a strategy that you use for memorizing the Bible passages? How do you go about it?

  • This morning I read Psalm 84. There is so much to absorb in that passage that I had to read it a few times! Verse 11 really encouraged me:

    For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly.

    Some things are happening in my life that are really experiance the Lord as my Sun and Shield. He is so good and loving!! This morning I decided to begin working through Psalm 84 verse by verse using C.H Spurgeon’s Treasury of David and my trusty Strong’s. Unfortunatly I only have Vol. 2 of Treasury of David, and Psalm 84 is in Vol. 1. I’m going to ask my pastor if I can borrow his copy. 😉

    Do Hard Things!

  • I’ve been reading in Psalms. I love to read David pouring his heart out to God in praise. It really motivates me to strive to have a heart for God.

  • I have a year-plan (which I’ve never actually gotten through in a year…), so I’m currently reading little bits of Nehemiah, Psalms, Luke, and II Timothy.

  • How humorous! I think Ian and I read Mark 1 the same day as you did! We’re also reading together in Psalms, Judges, and Jeremiah. We read Jeremiah 33 the other day–excellent chapter! Reading chapters 30-33 have really been a valuable help in understanding dispensationalism, which is what I’ve been reading about in Systematic Theology.

  • Right now I’m reading through Psalms and Acts, but not too long ago I was reading in Job and I found a verse that was amazing to me.
    In Job 38:35 God is talking to Job and He says, “Do you send the lighning bolts on their way? Do they report to you, ‘Here we are’?”
    I found this verse so amazing because it made me realize that NOTHING happens without God’s permission! I’ve heard that nothing can happen without His permission before, but had never really thought about it until I read this verse. Even the lightning bolts, which last for only a few seconds, have to report to God before striking earth and God sends them to where He wants them to strike!

  • I have been reading through the book of Psalms. I have found so much to encourage me. What has struck me the most was that David (who was called a man after God’s own heart) had his times of struggle, doubt, and testing…and yet God made him all the better because of it.

  • I have been reading James and I am working on memorizing it. It is a good book to read on perserverance.

  • I recently thought about this when I read Acts 4:13:
    “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.”

    I thought about this and remembered that Jesus doesn’t always choose the most intelligent, educated, and super qualified people to do His work. Rather he uses ordinary people, living ordinary lives, who serve an extraordinary God, and thus do extraordinary things for His glory. Very often I feel very inadequate but it’s in my weaknesses that He can show Himself strong. Feel free to visit my blog to read the rest of my thoughts on this.

  • I’m reading Galatians & Psalms.

    When I read 1&2 Corinthians the books really caused me to examine my actions and thoughts as a Christian.
    What a great responsibility it is to be a child of Light, a child of God, yet it brings so much joy and satisfaction to obey.

  • This morning I read in Acts chapter 13. The last three verses of that chapter brought tears to my eyes and encouraged my soul.

    It had just finished saying how Paul and Barnabas had been pursecuted and expelled from the coast of Pisidia, then a verse later proclaims; “And the disciples were filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost.”

    That struck a chord in my heart. How courageous, how faithful and true these men were! Yet not so faithful and true as the One that they served, One Whom they would gladly die for.

    Cannot I be half as faithful as they? Cannot I, one who barely knows what it means to suffer for Christ’s sake, cannot I be filled with joy in the daily curcumstances of life? Cannot I be bold in my witness?

    Lord, help my unbelief and weakness.

  • I have been reading 1 kings. I just finished reading the part when Solomon turned from God to worship the gods of his wives. I can’t wait to read more. I really enjoy reading His word because, well, the stories fo what our God can do, absolutely amazes me. What a mighty God He is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I have been reading Jeremiah and Psalms with our church’s reading plan. This past weekend I was reading in Jeremiah about after Israel has been warned to stop sinning, been punished by being conquered by Babylon, the remnant being warned not to go to Egypt, them going anyway, and then being told they would be punished. After all that, the Lord says through Jeremiah: “Fear not, O Jacob my servant, declares the LORD, for I am with you. I will make a full end of all the nations to which I have driven you, but of you I will not make a full end. I will discipline you in just measure, and I will by no means leave you unpunished.” Jeremiah 46:28 Why in the world would God not make a full end of Israel! They had God’s words, God’s mercy, God’s love and care, God’s repeated warnings and they still sinned. That is more grevious than the other nations where God did not speak. Yet I have received the same mercy. My punishment fell on Christ and now God cannot punish me! It is not becuase of my worth in comparison to others, it is only grace. How amazing that God would save me! I am in huge debt!

  • I’ve been reading 2 Chronicles. There is so much in the Old Testament that needs to be rediscovered. Honestly, I never gave the OT much thought until I decided to read every book of the Bible (not necessarily in order). It is really cool to compare how God communicated with the B.C. Israelites to how He communicates with us today.

  • You guys are amazing. Dont shop writing. i am currently redsing you book and am already inspired.

    By the way. you guys are so lucky to know Chuck Norris. Ingnore that comment though.

  • Lately I just started reading in the book of Acts, and it’s really cool! When you look at it as kind of like a story , it makes it more interesting and exciting, like you can’t wait to find out what happens next. I’ve been trying to look at it that way, b/c sometimes I look at reading my Bible as a chore or something to check off my list of things to do for that day, when in reality, we should WANT to read the Bible!

  • I’m new to this site, and I just started to read the book “Do Hard Things.” I think it will be very good! I just posted last time, but I wanted to add a little more. I just finished reading part of Acts 3, up to the story where the crippled man is healed by Peter. Acts 2 is also a pretty amazing chapter, with the story of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit comes upon the disciples as Jesus had promised to them earlier before He left and ascended into Heaven. I think it’s amazing how many souls were saved on the day of Pentecost (about 3,000, and it says “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” — ch. 2 vs 41 & 47) and how much God used the disciples that day! One thing that came to me while I was reading it was that if we are Christians, the Holy Spirit is abiding in our hearts today. I have to ask myself, am I letting Him be in control and do great things for the glory of God? What am I and what can I do for God right now at this time and season in my life? I had always thought Acts would be not as exciting and practical book, but as I read it, I am finding that to be more and more not true.

  • I like that post by Alexis about how we act “good” b/c it makes us feel good, and then we go home and our home lives and the way we treat our families are unloving, unkind, and do not reflect the attitude we should be having. Sooo often, that’s ME!! I could really identify with that! Maybe I’ll take a look at Isaiah 58 too! thanks for sharing that!

  • I am home-schooled and every morning we read a chapter or so of Proverbs. We are learning so much about wisdom and what God has in store for us. I love one verse it says “Listen to advice and accept instruction and in the end you will be wise.” Proverbs 19:20. I love that verse because it says that if we accept someones advice and teaching like a teacher or parent or even God, we will end up wise.

  • I’ve been reading Joshua and John. I love how it says “Be strong and courageous” four times in the first chapter of Joshua!

  • I just finished reading Acts and am now reading Romans. In Acts, I was just really struck by how Paul took every opportunity to share the gospel and tell the truth about Jesus. And I’m reminded of how many times I fail to bring up conversations about Jesus even with Christian friends for crying out loud! I am praying about taking every opportunity I have to witness about God’s grace in my life. And Romans is just in every direction full of wonderful truths. 🙂

  • We were talking about that in church a few weeks ago. Our minister was saying how Jesus used analogies to talk to people. If they were fishermen he said “come be fishermen of men” If they had been baseball players he would have said “come be pitchers of men. So on and so forth.

  • Well, this year I found a reading chart that has you read the OT, Psalms, Proverbs, and the NT every day. Basically at the end of the year you will have read the OT once, NT twice, Psalms twice, and Proverbs twelve times. It was a bit of a challenge for me since it’s more time than I had been spending in the Word but it has been totally amazing how much it encourages me! Anyway, right now I’m reading Luke, and Habbakuk, then Psalms 69. I’m not trying to boast and sound like I’m ‘getting a lot more done than other people’ or anything like that. I just wanted to share and encourage others. And I have discovered that the more you read the Bible, I mean really read it, not just scan the page, then the more you have a desire to read. Isn’t it awesome how God works? Though I have to admit, I do still struggle and there are days I just want to skip reading my Bible and do something more “interesting” because I am human just like everyone else :o)

  • I know if Jesus called me right now, I might not have just dropped everything to follow him without questioning him first, especially if I didn’t know him. It’s not because I don’t love Jesus, I do LOVE Jesus, It’s just that I am kind of precassious and if i was going to leave my everything I already knew, I would have to be absulutly sure of who i was following. You never know though, maybe I would get this feeling like i was with someone very special. That is why I have great respect for the dicsiples.

  • in sunday school we have been studying the gospels, and it is realy cool how you can see the writers different personalities.

    Just think if a strange guy cam up to you in wal-mart (that’s were we get fish) and said to follow him. You probably say there’s no way i am going to follow you! then you would probably walk away, Right? I probably walk away and go on with your shopping.

  • I don�t usually reply to posts but I will in this case. I�ve been experiencing this very same problem with a new WordPress installation of mine. I�ve spent weeks calibrating and getting it ready when all of a sudden� I cannot delete any content. It�s a workaround that, although isn�t perfect, does the trick so thanks! I really hope this problem gets solved properly asap.

  • Well lets see what is going to happen now that the Zeus Botnet source code has been leaked

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The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →