rebelling against low expectations

Should people pretend to be God in plays or videos?


ELIZABETH WRITES: How do you feel about God or Jesus representations? Like the ones BlimeyCow do in their videos to be sarcastic? I was just wondering what you guys thought about that subject. I know some people who consider it un-Christian and some who consider it completely harmless.

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are submitted by real rebelutionaries who are looking for godly answers to tough questions and lively conversation with other young adults. You can join the conversation by commenting below. If you'd like to submit your own discussion question, email us at [email protected].


  • To me, it depends on what’s happening. If I’m watching a movie about Jesus, I’d say it’s perfectly fine, since it helps me get a better picture of him. And even if the movie is Biblically incorrect, it gives me something to look into more.

    If the portrayal of God is not being used for teaching purposes, I don’t think it’s necessarily bad. BlimeyCow is there to make us laugh, and God created laughter. He loves it when his children laugh at things that are genuinely (and appropriately) funny. Now, if someone was taking God and portraying him as something that’s he’s not with the purpose of making God look bad, I’d probably have to object.

    I think it all comes down to what your own convictions are, what’s disturbing to your own spiritual growth, and what’s acceptable and helps you understand God better. Hope that helps! =)

    [[ On a side note, under the DQ the site says there’s 17 comments, when down here in the comment section, there’s none yet. Anyone else having this problem? ]]

  • I think it depends what the motive behind the representation is. If it is obviously a joke (Blimey Cow! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) I think it’s fine. I guess some people don’t always understand when someone is being sarcastic (a problem I often have).

  • Yup, I’m having that problem too! Just Disqus boosting it’s ego or something, I think. ๐Ÿ˜›

  • Your comment says it all. Nothing more I need to say. ๐Ÿ™‚ And yes, mine says 17 comments too, but there are only like ten on here right now. Weird.

  • I think, I agree with @Gabrielle S.:disqus

    Not to hijack the thread: How do I send a personal message or e-mail to Brett?

  • Fabulous answer:) I agree with all of that; you made some really great points=) what’s interesting to me is that the question is kind of asking “should Jesus be portrayed by someone who isn’t Jesus?” But really, we are all Christ’s representatives. If we act sinfully, than we represent Jesus no better then the youtuber making fun of God (not referring to BlimeyCow though;) We are commanded to portray God’s character and show His love through our own actions:) Idk if anyone else got that interpretation, but that may just be me:) Oh yeah on mine the comments say 7;)

  • Yeah, that’s awesome! I love the part you wrote about us being Jesus’s representatives. I hadn’t thought about that, but it’s exactly what we are.

  • I think that playing as Him is ok just as long as they play Him correctly.(And it helps to teach little kids an idea of what his life was like) AS for BlimeyCow I think he means well and just to be funny….but I’ve seen movies where somone is playing as God or Jesus and is purposly ridiculing and clearly mocking our LORD and making Christianity look like a joke. Then that is not ok. (Just my opinion people)

  • At the very top of this page, it should say “contact us”. On that page, you can put your name, subject, and message. (It goes straight to them… its not published or anything.)

  • Agreed! ๐Ÿ™‚
    If you are picking on God then NO, don’t do it. But when you are doing it to honor God, and tell people about God, then it’s okay. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Great answer @prayerwrrior:disqus ๐Ÿ™‚

  • @Gabriel S pretty much summed it up! ๐Ÿ™‚ If the actor is portraying accurate qualities of God, and is using them to glorify God, then I think it’s perfectly fine for someone to play God in a movie, play, or the like. When Jordan in Blimey Cow plays God, he often clearly portrays what God ISNT, and in so doing Glorifies Him and makes us aware of OUR shortcomings. Sometimes sarcasm is the most effective way of portraying the truth. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I don’t really have a problem with people portraying God, as long as it’s respectful. It should not make God seem to be something He’s not (exaggeration or things like that aren’t necessarily bad). Also, there are some people’s portrayals of God in which they “put words in His mouth,” and that’s not good.

  • Okay… so I had no idea who or what BlimeyCow was. Just got done watching the Ten Commandments of Social Media Etiquette! Bahaha… I laughed so hard!

    So back to the DQ: someone playing GOD in a movie, play, or even GOD’s voice on audio is fine as long as they are portraying GOD in the right way (true to His Biblical character).

    My “beef” is actually with who is usually chosen to play GOD or especially JESUS in most Biblical films. I know that depending on the congregation in your church… you might not be able to find a more Jewish looking JESUS, but when it comes to big budget films… come on! Where are the middle eastern or “Jewish looking” actors? I guess I just think we should be trying to create the best or truest representation we possibly can. The blond and brunette “Caucasian JESUS” needs to go! They seem to find plenty of Jewish looking people to play in the background but the lead roles are always the same. Does anyone else see this?

    And what about GOD or JESUS paintings? I personally don’t care for pictures of JESUS… I like using quotes from JESUS or passages of Scripture as decor. What about you guys?

  • Morally, I don’t think there is a problem with portraying Jesus with an actor in a movie. Personally though, you are SO right! I am so tired of a white, blonde, blue eyed, American Jesus (also usually middle class and Republican, but those are optional). All VBS posters and children’s ministry pictures of Jesus I’ve ever seen portray Him as exactly that a fair, American Jesus.

    How receptive do you think the Jews would have been to a white dude showing up in the synagogue? I mean, seriously, guys, what are we thinking?

  • Dude I totally agree! Recently when I was sick, I watched a movie on Netflix that was a narrator reading the Gospel of John and actors acting it out. (That was a horribly unfancy sentence. But you get the point, right?)
    Anyways, it was so well done, and Jesus didn’t look American! He looked ethnic! I was shocked. ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Well, that’s impressive. I’m glad to know there are at least some movies out there that portray that correctly! And yes, I get the point of the sentence! I’m not great with fancy sentences either!

    Man, Netflix is nice when you’re sick!

  • What was the name of this “rare phenomenon” on Netflix? I must know! Glad to hear someone’s making an effort! Even on “The Passion of the Christ” Peter looked more ethnic than Jesus…

  • Its actually called The Gospel of John, and it comes in New International Version or King James Version. I really like it!
    I’ve never seen The Passion of the Christ. I don’t have the guts. I watched Son of God and sobbed the entire twenety minutes of the betrayal/beating/crucifixion scene. I probably couldn’t handle The Passion. (I do know, however, that seeing what our Savior went through is really important!)

  • Yes I agree! I think there’s a movie where the voice of God is played by a TWELVE-YEAR OLD boy!!! That’s just wrong.

  • I think it first of depends on what you’re doing. If it’s as a joke, like to just to be stupid, then probably not. There’s plenty of other thing s to joke about, and I don’t think God should be. If you’re doing an actual religious film, video or play, then I think it’s perfectly fine. I’m doing an Easter drama at my church and my cousin will be playing Jesus. And since he’s doing it to help serve the church, not to joke around, I think it’s fine. As long as you don’t think you’re actually God. ;P

  • I think its totally fine because of the simple fact that we should be able to discern whether or not it is really God. There’s nothing wrong with trying to give a representation as long as we’re still honoring God. Jesus gave parables of God and us so we could understand what he was trying to say, representations of God are basically the same thing. At the same time, its possible dishonor him through doing this (by making the representation use bad language, behavior etc.) but MOST of the people who would be trying to portray God probably wouldn’t do that.

  • Excellent question. I’ve wondered about that when I see new Jesus films come out. The motives might have good intentions, but I have yet to see the life of Christ depicted accurately with scripture. Bill O’Reillys new “Killing Jesus” is an example. I know that it was not meant to be a spiritual film, but many people watched it with no knowledge of scripture. Just the L,V,S rating was enough for us to turn it off. We need to be real careful in trying to portray Christ. The only accurate, and I think the best portrayal of Jesus, is “The Book of John.” It follows scripture verbatim. And I guess we should ask ourselves while maybe permissible to watch, is it beneficial.

  • While I like the credit you give to believers on their ability to discern, not all are discerning. Discernment is something given to the mature that have been trained.

    Hebrews 5:14 But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.

  • if the person is saying truths about God it is fine, but if they are saying lies on purpose or making God look bad then thats where its bad

  • It looks like most of us have a Rebelution hangover today. Everyone’s repented of yesterday’s offense and declared a Rebelution fast!

  • Hey guys, would you mind praying for one of my friends? They are having a hard time choosing a religion to follow.

  • Um…I don’t think she’ll mind. Her name’s Ashley. Thank you so much!

  • I haven’t! But I feel really sorry for Brett… how many comments did it end up being?

  • Yo! I love your name ๐Ÿ™‚
    Have you seen the movie that has Ian McKellen (Gandalf from LOTR) as Chauvelin? It’s awesome! Chauvelin and Sir Percy are impeccably cast ๐Ÿ˜€

  • “Usually middle class and Rebublican”… I laughed so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • And why would you want to contact Brett????
    I’m incurably curious ๐Ÿ™‚ If you don’t wanna answer it’s okay and I totally understand ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of pictures on walls, in churches, and places like that, about how Jesus was, and no disrespect intended here, but he is always white. He lived in ISRAEL for pete’s sake! I mean, how fair can a guy’s skin get when he lives in that part of the world? Another thing that boogies me is that He always looks frail, weak, and ashamed. I think that with all the work people had to do back then, and especially considering him being a carpenter, he would be well muscled, and being God, proud to die for his people. I just don’t get it.
    Sorry I haven’t checked in in a couple months, I haven’t had time, and I forgot my username.

  • Yeah, I’m afraid that’s a personal pet peeve of mine. I even wrote a blog post about it combined with a few other similar things, it gets me so frustrated!

  • Can you post the link? I get pretty frustrated with the way people always portray Jesus as a white, girly pansy too ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Brooklyn, I would recommend watching The Encounter, if you like Jesus movies. I won’t lie, it does have a white, blue eyed, American Jesus, but it’s a REALLY good movie. There’s also a second one, but I forget what it’s called

  • Well, you almost got a welcome from me! I saw a name I didn’t recognize and thought you were new ๐Ÿ™‚
    I know, we portray Jesus all wrong…

  • Funny thing, I have a friend named Ashley, too, and she sounds kinda similar… she doesn’t happen to be a long-distance friend, does she?

  • I’m not sure I can picture you pulling off the evil smile. I don’t if it’s the profile picture of a flower, a cross, and sunlight, or just you seem like a cheerful person, but I just can’t picture that!

  • Just saying, if you ever pick out a Biblical movie for kids, at all costs, AVOID DONKEY OLLIE. IT IS THE MOST WRONGLY “BIBLICAL” MOVIE IN EXISTENCE. Basically, Donkey Ollie is: Moses, Joseph, Balem’s donkey, the brother of a bunch of thieves, the donkey who carried Jesus into Jerusalem a week before he was crucified, all in ONE STINKING EPISODE. Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little bit. He’s not moses, and he’s not Balem’s donkey. But he is joseph, oh and I forgot. He get’s put in a colosseum to get devoured by wild animals. I can’t speak for everyone else, but if I were you, AVOID DONKEY OLLIE

  • Oh, you should see me portraying Satan… *Reconsiders* Okay, you shouldn’t; I don’t think I do a very good job. But still, you would see that I can try to be evil!
    I’ve been told by directors that I have a “motherly face,” whatever that means…

  • That sounds like probably a compliment. Probably, not really sure…

    I’m not really sure how to encourage you. “I think you’d make a very good Satan” just seems offensive…

  • DO NOT WATCH. WILL POISON YOU’RE KID’S MINDS (if you’re a teen without kids, ignore that) ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • I think I’m in an interesting situation to address this from, because my mime team does this all the time. Actually, I’m hard-pressed to think of a “Intentionally Christian” song that doesn’t have God or Jesus.
    The only problem I have with some times that Jesus is portrayed is that we sometimes turn Him into what one book called “The Pansy Jesus,” where Jesus is this meek, mild guy who never causes trouble. That gets my temper up!
    But otherwise, I think it’s a unique privilege to portray God on stage or in a movie. Obviously, it is important to keep you (as an actor) and your character (God) separate, but I don’t think that’s even a question here ๐Ÿ™‚

  • It mean I get the boring roles, really… ๐Ÿ™
    Seriously, unless you’ve ever acted an evil role, you have no idea how fun it is! It’s like you can express emotions you’re never supposed to show, because you’re this different person!

  • Lol nevermind then. Although I tend to mind my own business, I seriously discriminate against Donkey Ollie

  • It is SO COOL! If you ever get a chance to act, you totally have to take it!

  • Okay sorry to change the subject but I have a query. Would it be ok to make something toa little more fun for younger(or older) people,from the bible?

  • Such as I am building a lego scene of jesus coming back. Im using my chicken lego guy as the angel and my hot dog guy has a hot dog stand. Is that wrong or is it fine? I just dont wanna offend jesus or look disgraceful

  • I also do not like how they almost ALWAYS portray Jesus Christ as effeminate and with long hair…this is opposite of what God clearly states in His Word! As if Jesus himself would violate that! ๐Ÿ™ Get. It. Right.

  • Yes! Although it does have, as you said, a white, blue-eyed, definitely American Jesus, it was a great movie. The second one is called “Encounter: Paradise Lost”.

  • Our homeschool group did “The Hiding Place.” That was a BLAST! I was Kaptyn with the Gestapo and had to slap “Corrie Ten Boom.” Lol

  • Yep, I agree that he could be portrayed as a slightly more realistic character with less meek and mild and more zeal. Perhaps we could get rid of the stereotype beard, too. I feel like he needs to be portrayed as more of a regular person from that era. However, I just visited Israel and the Jewish people there aren’t actually that different from normal caucasians. I don’t know if that’s what Jews looked like in Jesus’ time time though, because the people I saw were mostly returned from Europe, and likely not all pure Jews.
    If Jesus is represented well, and the movie/play helps bring the Bible to life, then it’s fine to have someone play Him.

  • hahaha oh my goodness. I thought I and my siblings were the only ones who had to suffer thru that movie. haha. years ago when i was little my foster mom made me watch that. it was horrible.

  • i havent been on in awhile guys as you can clearly tell but i get tons of notifs on what you guys talk about tho it sometimes seems to clearly be off topic sometimes. (wont give out names) it would be so cool to meet you guys in person. im glad to know there are people out there with opinions and with brains…..(majority of teens i meet are discouraging and plain stupid) SO THANK YOU ALL! My faith in humanity has been restored!

  • I was just letting him know that as the rebelution movement goes international, he will need to be aware of possible cultural misunderstandings on the reb.

    I was also letting him know that I am an MK (missionary kid),

    Are your curiosities thwarted or did I just make you more curios? lol! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • If it is satirical, as in an atheist-written short story, then that’s free speech. It’s not hurting anyone.
    If it’s in an inspiring n g movie, such as Son Of God, then awesome!!
    If it’s just a stupid joke, that is a sin.

  • I do think it’s wrong, though, if it’s satirical, even though I don’t think we should bash them about it. And I do think that it hurts. The Bible says not to take the Lord’s name in vain, and mocking Him in a short story is NOT respectful to him.

  • what? i cant express my greatfulness? but i see what u did there….but it had to be told. deal with it.

  • Like so many other things, there are two parts to this: the motivation and the action.

    First, the motivation. No matter how accurate the portrayal is, if they’re doing it to mock or make a joke out of it, then it’s wrong. Period.
    Then there’s the portrayal. Even If the motivation is correct, if the portrayal is wrong, then it’s disrespectful, whether it was accidentally or not.
    So this is what I think. For it to be safe and fine, it has to, (1) be motivated by a correct motivation, such as wanting to glorify God or help others know Him, and (2) be done correctly, which means that He must be done accurately (Show Him the way He is, not all judgmental or soft, not something to be laughed at).
    Does this make sense?

  • Never ask a question, and you will never get an answer.
    That is why we get off topic.

    We all make foolish choices, at times, so don’t put too much faith in us. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I would love to meet any one of you on here.

    Start asking the new people you meet if they have ever heard of the rebelution. Who knows, you may find some us.

  • It sounds kinda bad… But everyone loves to play Satan. Well, almost everyone. Not because they like him, but because the Satan parts can be the most fun.
    What do you mean by boring roles?

  • I am on a mime team- Aim San Diego. I think what we do on the team would be less effective if we didn’t have someone play God or Jesus. I think that it is okay in situations where it glorifies God. Our team is able to share the gospel and encourage believers by playing God and Jesus. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I think that the main issue lies in what “God” was acting like in the movie or show. We have a GREAT God, everyone. He’s not to be made fun of or joked about. Our God is righteous and just, which is why he would have had to destroy us if it weren’t for Jesus. If whoever was playing God wasn’t acting in those ways then I would have hard feelings towards them.

  • I think it’s ok for Jesus to be portrayed in plays or skits as long as they’re representing Him accurately and respectfully. If they’re portraying Him wrong or disrespectfully, I do not think that’s ok.

  • One of my favorite free time activities! Welcome to the Reb Connie Eugenia Eugenius!

  • Thanks! I love reading blogs and devotionals that can cause me to think more about my savior.

  • Not necessarily street evangelism stuffs. Like we can go and present pretty much anywhere. We use drama and mime with music to share the gospel and encourage the believers. Does that answer your question?
    If you want to check us out, here is our website:

  • Looks like a neat ministry you have going there.
    Is it an international movement now or still only in the U. S.?

  • Hello Gabrielle S. !!! This totally off topic, but @Christopher 164 asked me to tell you about his giveaway : (http://christopher164.weebly.c… random-thoughts-three-reasons-why-you-should-sing-hallelujah)! A download with 17 easter parodies!

  • I guess, but even within a family, there can be huge differences. Like my youngest brother looks completely different from me, he is good at the opposite things, and we often don’t seem like part of the same family. FYI, I live in GA, USA. Just putting that out there.

  • Yeah, you’re right, but at least if I met one of you guys I wouldn’t be scared you were some random creep. ๐Ÿ˜› And haha, we live on opposite sides of the country! I’m in AZ.

  • That does make sense. How’s the weather in AZ? It’s kind crazy here. Wild temp swings, severe thunderstorms and sunny days. Daffodils finishing up. I know, random question but haha.

  • Wait, really? I have cousins that live in Tuscon…I know AZ is a big state but how close are you (if you can tell me haha)?

  • Wow! And I just checked his profile, and I’m in North Georgia too! In Peachtree Corners, to be exact. And no, I don’t mind. In one way, I value privacy, but in another, I don’t. Haha


  • Oh man we’re close! I’m actually not allowed to say specifically, but I live in North GA too – we’re REALLY close!!!! Tops 1 hour apart.

  • Well, there’s some of you that have discovered my last name. You already know that I live in N. Georgia, and I’ve described myself on here before. If I ever post a picture of myself it would NOT be hard for a…I hate to say the words but a “professional stalker” to find where I live. =/

  • For some reason, this is mindblowing. I mean, it should make sense, since there are some of us all over the US.

  • Ahh. I can understand that for a female, but Josh? Do you not know anything about self defense??? ๐Ÿ˜

  • True. But I rarely, if ever, post pics of me anywhere. I just have something against photos of myself. I don’t know why.

  • Hahaha now there’s another thing I’m not supposed to post on the internet about…let’s just say…..yes. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Actually it would be the sharifs office. Or, since I’m at home, a SWAT team.

  • Special branch of the Missouri state troopers. The Grammar Troopers. ๐Ÿ˜‰ They don’t use the normal frequencies haha jk.

  • We are SOOO off topic…and I have to go anyway…@Ethan__H:disqus @josephmao:disqus talk to y’all later! =D

  • Yes… A mental picture…Ethan getting arrested by the grammar police, getting released only to be recaptured by the spelling office…

  • Well, I know they have a team in like Scotland or something. But it isn’t technically the same ministry. We used to be apart of AIM. It’s kinda confusing…. But there are quite a few teams throughout the U.S. and at least one out of the country. We aren’t necessarily connected. A lot of us used to be, but since the new changes with AIM, things have changed. I hope that makes at least a little bit of sense.

  • Paraguay is rated the #1 happiest nation in the world.

    It has its ups and downs, but overall there is quite a bit of freedom here. Catholicism is prominent. Anything lower than 70* F is cold, usually staying near 80* F and can get over 100* F. Life is good. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • You read my mind! (Well, actually my first thought was that she’d changed her profile pic and username to mess with us…which didn’t seem all that unlikely!)

  • Hey! I’ve been there numerous times! It’s about an hour away as well! =D You should tell me when you’re going there next. XD jk what are the chances that we’d see each other, one in 1,000,000,000? haha

  • I’ve been there once; what’s the chance that I saw you there?!? It was a day several years ago when the cable car was broken…

  • If you call Southwest Missouri in the area, then yes. ๐Ÿ™‚
    We have family in Columbus.

  • Cool! I’ve been in the area many times, but I’ve only climbed the mountain twice (it’s something we do since we’re there, not the reason we go.)
    Can you imagine how weird it would be to meet in real life? I mean, we’ve seen the crazy sides of each other without ever having met. It’s an interesting thought… ๐Ÿ™‚

  • It would be AWESOME to meet (or re-meet in Taylor B’s case haha) any of you guys!!!!

    Yeah, I’ve only been down the mountain once, I think. =) Never been up it haha.

  • Wow, all the way across the country? That’s a long way!

    My dad grew up in CA then moved to Georgia. =)

  • Oh, ok, thanks. My older brothers ged whe I abbreviate things. So I don’t understand the abbreviations used. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Of all of us talking about this and are in the areaarea, I’m probably the youngest.

  • Well, IDK what IRK stands for, but IKR stands for I Know, Right.

    Uh, yeah what @josephmao:disqus said. *oops*

  • I wish there were Rebelution pow-wows where we could all get together and hang out. I have family in CA so I’ve visited.there more times than I can count

  • Agreed! Actually, I think Isaiah Rodriguez is trying to pull something like that together….

  • You should come visit again! You could come to the D***c’s and my family’s church!

  • Yeah. Like a weekend where all of us went to say…a place in the Rockies and got to kniw each other in person. Something like that

  • Ummm…how about the appalachians???? That would be a lot closer (for me #selfish hahaha)

  • Well, I’m planning to move there in probably two years. So, we’ll have to meet up! Maybe sometime I’ll get to try y’all’s church. I usually attend a different one there, but ya never know! I wish I remember you a little better than I do!

  • Well, I know I’m older than Josh, but other than that I don’t know. I’m also not as old as people seem to think…

  • Cool! Yeah, I wish I remembered you better, too!

    So how do you remember me, anyway?

  • Haha, ikr?! Speaking of which, I need to go do school. Talk to y’all later!

    (Fyi, I don’t say y’all in real life:)

  • @defyingdepravity:disqus, I actually needed to see this, because my hard thing for today is saying goodbye to you guys and actually getting some work done. XD ttyl!

  • Ok, no seriously, if I remember right, you’re what, about 5’7″, dark hair, pretty enthusiastic, right? Really good on that guitar, and you played the piano too, right?

    Now don’t laugh if I slaughtered that!

  • Pretty close, yeah! =) I’m an inch or two taller than that, and I’m not really good at the guitar haha…but yup that’s me! =)

    Hey I g2g ttyl!

  • Umm………who said we had to be doing it full time?…………..maybe? Am I the only person here that feel we need a forum section here? These comment things are going way off topic……not like its a problem.

  • You’re fairly tall (6 foot?), fairly quiet, crazy good at Foosball, you have ?two? brothers, but I don’t remember if you played any instruments…do you?

  • Ok! Yeah Arizona’s a really big state – when I went out there, I thought it wouldn’t be far from Tuscon to the Grand Canyon, but it would have been like, three hours away so we couldn’t go. =/

    Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon?

  • I don’t know why, but it just never feels right whenever I try. I always say “you guys”. But online,”y’all” is much more fun. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Once or twice, when I was really little. I only remember from pictures, though!

    Did you guys go during the nice weather, or did you get blasted by Arizona heat? ๐Ÿ˜›

  • Well, summer’s already starting for us. It’s supposed to be in the 80s and early 90s all week long, and from there it will only go into the 100 degree weather. We’ll probably get a couple dust storms soon, although maybe not since we already got most of the flash floods and dust storms over with.

    Sounds like you guys are getting a real springtime, though! Do you ever get snow?

  • We went in like, February so it was only, like 80 hahaha jk. =) But it was better than Georgia weather – it can literally be raining and sunny at the same time here. =P

  • Haha you came for the nice weather! It was freezing in January and roasting in March. And it sounds like Georgia needs to make up its mind. XD

  • EXACTLY!!!!! And I didn’t go this year fyi, it was a few years ago. =)

    But yeah, in Georgia, we have winter, then we have 1 day of summer, then it’s a week of winter, then a week of summer, then it goes summer-winter-summer-winter for a while, then it’s summer for a week, winter for a day, then finally summer. =/

    And if you ask about spring, my answer in advance is, Spring??? What’s spring??? haha we might have 3 or 4 days of mild weather, but definitely not a whole season.

    Sorry, that was really long and probably WAY more than you asked for. =/

  • Lol, our states are opposites. Arizona has a few days of winter, a few weeks of fall, goes spring-summer-spring-summer and then hits with full blast 100 degree weather for the next 8 months!

    Georgia sounds like a fun place to live, though. Most of what I’ve heard about it is that people ride horses and have peach trees and drink sweet tea all day long, but y’know, people also say Arizona is 100% desert. XD

  • Hahaha. Yeah, state stereotypes are interesting. And for the record, I’ve never picked a peach off the tree, I’ve never ridden a horse, and last time I drank sweet tea was a few months ago. But I’m a Georgian and I’m proud. ๐Ÿ™‚ . Talking about weather, we just had severe thunderstorm alerts last night, and it’s sunny and in the 80s today.

  • Nope. Not a bit. I couldn’t care less. But a couple of my friends are die hard fans.

  • Cool ๐Ÿ™‚ Well, I read Do Hard Things almost five years ago. I think I found the website shortly after that. My first comment was two years ago, but I didn’t actively comment until Brett started the DQs.
    Anyway, that was the long answer. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m glad you decided to comment!

  • I love blogging. How’d you know I was a blogger? And I’d love to see your blog. Assuming you have one. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I’ll be praying Nathanael! Hey just a thought – would it be helpful if you reminded them that Christianity isn’t about a religion, it’s about a relationship with God, which is something no other religion can offer? I’ll also be praying they chose based on truth, not of whatever feels nicest.

  • Well, I hate to defeat your stereotype, but I’ve never been on a horse, seen a peach tree or drunk sweet tea. XD But most people around here enjoy sweet tea. =)

    Is it not 100% desert?? That’s all I remember hahaha. #georgian

  • Yes! Here too – crazy thunderstorms last night, now there’s not a cloud in the sky!

  • Ohhh, “Everything”… my team hasn’t done it yet, but someday I want to!

  • Waaait, you have a blog? I’m totally checking it out!
    Have you seen “MimeBlog”? Charleton somebody-or-other started it… It’s got some good mime info on it ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Shhhhh! *looks around nervously* Don’t tell anyone we talk! We have to maintain our image! ;D

  • Anything lower than 70 degrees is cold?!?! Dude, anything above 80 is considered hot where I live!

  • I definately understand where you’re coming from with not wanting to watch The Passion, but if you do muster up the courage to watch it, you won’t regret it ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Welcome to the Rebelution, Connie! I think you’re on all the same sites as me, now… ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hey Josiah I just looked at your profile… is your profile pic one of your drawings?

  • Never ask a question, never get an answer… I get off-topic so often, I should put that at the bottom of like every comment I ever post!
    Yes, it would be awesome to meet everyone on here!

  • IKR? That would be really cool, but it could be kinda awkward depending on who it is. (I’d be thinking, “Do you remember _____ about me?”) But I think the coolness would outweigh the awkwardness.
    Oh dude, we would have inside jokes without having ever met! Weird thought…

  • Oh wow, y’all (And no, I don’t normally say “y’all” in person) are making me laugh really hard right now…

  • Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha! Wow… Stereotypes are so much fun!
    You’ve never drunk sweet tea? Well, you’re not missing anything. Bleh!

  • If he’s like most of us, he’s just joking ๐Ÿ™‚
    We do a lot of joking around when we’re not… well, we do a lot of joking around just about all the time.
    And you can express your gratefulness whenever you want. Most of us talk off-topic like this all the time!

  • Do you mean like how Veggietales took some Bible stories then changed them? (e.g. Josh And The Big Wall, Esther, Dave and the Giant Pickle, etc.)

  • Hmmm… The hot-dog-guy seems like something that would really be there. The chicken guy (who sounds super-cool, BTW)… I don’t know. Maybe you could take it out? I dunno.
    I think Lego creations are like any other form of artwork. I draw things when I’m bored, and the Cross is a major part of what I do. I might mess up, or scratch out what I’m doing, but I don’t think it’s disrespectful that I’m scratching out my drawing of a Cross. Or I might draw something where Jesus looks pretty dorky (I’m terrible at drawing people), but I don’t think that He looks at that and says, “Laura didn’t draw me very well. I am offended.”
    You know what I’m trying to say? I don’t want to come across wrong…

  • Yeah. I think it’s really a heat issue. I you are TRYING to make Him look bad, that is clearly sin. But we are humans, and we make mistakes.

  • *calls grammar police* Ethan H has now messed up again — will you haul him away this time? I think he’s an unrepentant reprobate!
    I think that’s the heart issue – are we TRYING to make Him look bad, or are we trying to do something honoring?

  • On your phone?! Get on a real computer! Otherwise the phone company people will get mad because you’re tying up all their data!
    As your mother, am I paying for this data usage?

  • Lol XD Click on her username. It should be right next to her upvotes count. (And if you’re on a phone, you might just see a symbol for a link)

  • I am on wifi, in bed. ๐Ÿ™‚ we have a computer!
    and no, I pay for my phone and data. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Yeah, probably. But be warned, I’m very good at making situations more awkward than you might expect (at least for me, lol). XD
    Dude, yes! (Lol, #1 on the itinerary would be putting that word to proper use…and yes, I was keeping tabs on that conversation;)

  • I would totally buy one! Or more than one… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Brett, you see this? You should do it!

  • Well, now that I know where it is, I’ll find other peoples’ blogs a lot easier! But the link in the bio is a good idea ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Yeah, “or more than one…” XD I can totally see all of us buying a dozen shirts and then wearing nothing else (as far as shirts go, that is!) for the rest of our teenage lives.
    (Hey! That’s how we could identify each other! Lol)
    But in all seriousness, that would be awesome. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Oh, dude, if I ever meet you we’ll be saying “dude”, like, every other word and everyone will be like “What? They’re not dudes!” I can just see it…

  • Whew, that’s a load off my mind! I have a feeling that my eight-hour-a-week, minimum-wage job wouldn’t do well with your phone bill on it ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Well…we use consumer cellular. They are quite a heap cheaper than most others. So, that’s partly why I can afford it. And I buy old phones.

  • Not a stupid question. ๐Ÿ™‚
    They are a cell service provider that piggybacks on ATT. No contracts, and much less expensive.

  • How do you like it? I’m probably getting a phone soon, when I start driving on my own… Especially if I get a job after we move.

  • Yeah… It’s my one night where I can stay up, and I normally am awake in bed until 12:00 anyway, so I decided I’ll talk to people for a while ๐Ÿ™‚

  • HA! Yes! I can imagine my parents freaking out over my having inside jokes with people I’ve never met. I try to explain some of this to them, and they’re just like, “Mm-hmm, that’s nice…(I have no idea what you’re talking about…)”
    The part in parenthesis is understood. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Oh, @mimeforjesus:disqus said this:

    Shhhhh! *looks around nervously* Don’t tell anyone we talk! We have to maintain our image! ;D

    and I couldn’t help it. ๐Ÿ˜‰ If that’s what you meant.

  • I clicked on the video thinking that the mime thing was a little strange, but that was amazing! I’m definitely going to check out the rest of your videos!

  • Woot woot! The Niners rock! We usually root for the Cardinals, but my dad grew up in San Fran, so the 49ers are awesome too. ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Pretty much what everyone else said. As long as they have good intentions toward drawing people closer to God, they’re okay.

    On a random side note, I’ve finally decided to join you guys in commenting! I’ve been reading the articles and all your off topic convos for a while now, and I thought it was high time that I step in and join the fun. =D

  • Yay! Welcome to the funniest and craziest discussion on the web! And most helpful.

  • Yeah, me too. I started a book and I couldn’t put it down, so I just finished it. I think I finally went to bed around two, haha. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I’m just not a fan of it. Homemade sweet tea is sometimes good, though, depending on who makes it. ๐Ÿ˜‰ But the store-bought kind…personally? Yuck. ๐Ÿ˜›
    That being said, dumping sugar in something isn’t enough to make me a fan of it. But that’s just me. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Yes! It’s funny how with internet friends, you have to keep some information private, but at the same time, there are situations in which you can tell them more than you could tell your real-life friends. You know what I mean?

  • “Y’all” is a wonderful word. So is “ain’t” (it’s so multi-purpose), but that’s a little too redneck for me, unless I’m just messing around.

  • Lol, I know. Most of my dad’s side of the family live in northern Alabama and Georgia. When we have family reunions, it’s like…idk, they’re just so Southern that I wonder how I’m even related to them. XD

  • I agree… although the “frail and weak” acting is probably the only way to show the agony of dying on a cross… and of course we’ll never know the agony of “becoming sin for us” and being forsaken by GOD.

  • Thanks! I’ll definitely have to check it out! …And don’t worry about not having seen “The Passion…”. It only capitalizes on the physical side of what happened. In all reality it was much, much worse than what that particular movie portrays! We can’t even fathom the “spiritual agony”… the feeling of being forsaken by GOD can’t be shown on film!

  • Seriously? Wow! Has it really come to that? Or was it some sort of children’s movie? Had his voice changed already? I hope so!

  • hey, that’s cool, I live in the Rockies. their really beautiful in the summer!

  • Well, if we found a way to get everyone together, they could pool money and rent a bus. I’ve done that before, I just don’t remember how much it costs…

  • I’m on a mime team too! We used to be AIM Blacksburg, but now we’re Silent Lights Discipleship Ministry. The message is definitely way clearer when we have guys playing God or Jesus, but we make sure it’s biblically (sp?) accurate and not disrespectful at all.

  • Whereas I found the “BlimeyCow video” irreverent, this one is good and I find nothing wrong with it. What helps is that Jesus has no speaking lines in this, and never says “I am God” or “I am Jesus,” and the audience knows it’s an analogy.

  • yikes! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    One time when I was bowling I got a bunch of misses so for a while my score actually read out to 666!

  • Hi,

    Again like many times I didn’t read all of the posts so please forgive me if I said the same things as you did! For the things in BlimeyCow I would consider that abusing the Ten Commandments. I understand it is for comedy and all but it went a little too far for me. Just my opinion though. Now, if the person pretending to be God or Jesus was doing it in a respectful way such as doing a play about the Passion of Christ then I believe that is very acceptable.

    Hope I could be of some help and God Bless,

  • Yeah, definitely not best buds (no offense to Josh A., but we met for like twenty minutes and three games of foosball). Not quite best bud material. Now if I were to spend an afternoon with him sometime, I’m not ruling out the possibility!

  • I think Blimey Cow is mainly trying to be sarcastic, and showing what God doesn’t do.

  • Wait, I thought the max score in bowling was 300….I’m probably wrong though. =)

  • Sometimes even pastors use sarcasm to convey a truth about God. Maybe not as blatant as Blimey Cow does. For instance: A pastor might say, “God isn’t sitting up there saying, ‘Nope! You didn’t go to church enough. Sorry. Next!'” That’s basically what Blimey Cow does, really.

  • And the people who don’t understand Blimey Cow’s sarcasm are really funny to watch!

  • Hold. On. Did you ever live in the US? I was in Driver’s Ed with a guy named Sawyer who was from England!

  • WHAAAAT?! My team came (LTW) came to visit you in March on their missions trip! And if I remember right, you joined us for a joint presentation in Washington, DC two years ago, right? Wow! This is great, meeting mimes from around the country!
    How long have you been a mime?

  • I forgot that Aim still exists.. it’s a lot smaller than it used to be!
    But I still see Aim shirts around where I live!

  • well, for each turn it was like 6 then 0, 6 then 0, 6 then 0, so take out the 0s and…;)

  • Well, AIM around the world isn’t doing as much as it used to. It’s funny walking around and seeing shirts from your team or another team. Haha.

  • Is there a way I could buy an AIM shirt, or would I have to be on a current AIM team? I’m on LTW, which used to be SSA and before then was an AIM _____ team. (If you know the acronyms, great — if not, I don’t think I should give you the full name because that would tell everyone where I live…)

  • Yes, I do. It’s nothing fancy.
    No, I haven’t. Do you have the link? I’d like to check it out. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • What I think… I think you’re a wonderful, fabulous, amazing, outstanding pianist. (Who takes from a wonderful, fabulous, amazing, outstanding teacher; just thought I’d throw that in.)

  • Yes!!! I missed the dinner during the missions trip and I was too young to go to DC ๐Ÿ™ but didn’t you guys come down and do a workshop once? I could be wrong…
    I’ll have been a mime for about four years this summer. What about you?

  • I just realized, I know your last name from Facebook!
    Well, I wasn’t at DC myself, so we wouldn’t have met even if you were there ๐Ÿ™‚ Wish I could have been, but unfortunately I couldn’t take the time from school and it wouldn’t have worked for other reasons ๐Ÿ™ I wish I’d been there!
    I believe we’ve done workshops for you a lot… I’ve never been on the missions trips, so I could be wrong, too!
    I’ve been a full-fledged mime for two years now. I think that’s the right number ๐Ÿ™‚ I halfway-joined partway through the spring session of 2012; I missed training camp so I couldn’t be in any of the songs, but I hung out with the team and did Bible Study and everything else with them.
    What’s your favorite song?

  • Thanks! I actually had the sense to look for it after I asked. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I won’t be able to join right now, but it looks awesome!

  • Honestly, thank you for the reminder! I need to remember to keep my computer time in check! That’s what good friends are for!

  • Thanks! My mom said I may be able to join in a couple of months. But I did look at the site, and y’all did a great job! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Cool! Maybe if Brett posts something about it on here…he started to register on revive…don’t ask how I know. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Yeah, she would probably be more okay with it if he did.
    Lol, I wouldn’t have wanted to ask if you hadn’t said anything… Isn’t it weird how that works?
    Happy Easter, btw!

  • Haha. That’s what we’re hoping! We want him to see it first. ๐Ÿ™‚
    It’s complicated. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Happy Resurrection Sunday as well!

  • Haha. You would, for sure! I have saved a ton of time by replying through the email. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hey, I was just thinking, if your parents want to know more on what information we have/how we use it or to look at the site in a test user account or something, they are more than welcome to email us! We have the email address on the front page of Revive.

  • What do you think is different for you, being an MK?
    So yes, you did make me more curious, but now about a different subject!

  • Boring roles: The “everything’s perfect” roles where you’re supposed to look like you’re happy with life and everything’s rosy. Like the mom in “The Gift”… Yes, she’s homeless but she looks at everything in rose-colored glasses, ya know? Now, if I ever get to be the momin Gero…

  • No, I’ve only visited the US, not lived there. And I don’t think I took a Driver’s Ed class during the trip!! ๐Ÿ˜› But now you can say that you know two Sawyers from England.

  • Okay. Thank you for letting me know. It seems like a VERY different way of teaching the truth about something.

  • Yeah. I’ve questioned their sarcasm before too, but it does seem to bring the point across quite well.

  • You know, it’s weird how you disappear for a couple of days and then all of a sudden I have a flood of GodsThespian responses in my inbox. ๐Ÿ™‚ I know you said your email gets really backed up…have you tried using the Disqus inbox? It made it so much easier for me, and now I have a manageable number of actual emails. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Culture would be the biggest difference.
    My parents are amazing ,of course.
    My relatives are also pretty cool.

    Very little peer pressure, if you haven’t learned the language.
    It is a miss conception that MKs are always bi-lingual (I’m not) ,but I am working on learning Spanish and Guarani, both are the national languages of Paraguay.

    I am/was home schooled (I am graduated from 12th grade).
    I would say I am more equipped to defend my faith than most Americans that grow up in an average church environment.

    Almost all of the same temptations are here as in the U.S.
    I fail miserably and get back up and fail again, just like anyone could.

    All I want is to grow closer in my walk with God, day by day, step by step.

    I am but a little dirt clod that God has made pure and holy though the death of His Son, Jesus. He has washed me clean and chooses to use for His glory, what an awesome God we serve!

  • Yer from England ya say?
    I say, such a dandy fine day for a spot of tea. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Welcome! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Mostly, the culture is different.

    Growing up in a missionary family has been awesome.
    Homeschooling is, in my opinion, far more advantageous
    than other forms of schooling.

    I don’t know, I would say there isn’t that much of a difference.
    Probably a whole lot more peer pressure in the U. S.

    I have had been able to learn some apologetics.

    I am not sure what growing up in the U. S. is like, so I am
    not sure how to compare the two. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I think that’s okay… But I never really thought about it much, either.

  • XD Funny that you should say that, as I am currently drinking tea, and it’s supposed to be a fine, un-rainy day!

  • I’ve never been on one of the missions trip either. ๐Ÿ™
    I have so many favorite songs, I don’t know which one I would pick! Maybe “Alive” and “Keys to the Kingdom.” But I also like “Virtuoso” and a bunch of others. They’re so much fun! What’s your favorite?

  • Lol I have always wanted to go to England! ๐Ÿ˜› But I’ve never been out of the country…:(

  • All stories reflect the gospel because all our earthly relationships reflect our relationship with God. We are God’s sons and daughters. We are his bride. He is our teacher, our friend, our brother, our king, our avenger, our healer, our redeemer etc. In this way, every story’s hero/heroine “represents” God in some way. Of course, God is not a character in most stories, even Christian ones, but when God is a character in movies or plays, if these movies depict him respectfully, there is nothing wrong with that. I have never actually watched BlimeyCow, but I do not think that making of our misconceptions of God, even through sarcasm, is necessarily wrong either if one shows that God is not actually like that but only perceived to be like that.

  • Personally it’s just gross to see BlimeyCow’s representations of “God”. That’s why I don’t watch his videos, because I don’t understand the need for constant foolishness and over-animation. There’s nothing wrong with humor, but give it a leash.

  • Okay. I’ve heard some about them, but I didn’t know. Thanks!
    Are you new to the Reb?

  • I’m with Sam. I personally love (love love!) Blimey Cow, but that doesn’t everyone should or does. Just go in prepared for sarcasm and silliness and humor with a moral and you’ll be fine. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I was just telling them… I actually was realizing that I do say “y’all,” when I’m at work… I’m supposed to call customers “sir” or “ma’am” so I just lapse into Southern talk, which then includes “y’all”. I realized I had it bad when I answered the phone today and told my mom “I don’t really know where y’all are right now….”

  • Haha that’s funny, and you don’t even live in the south. XD hey jc, where do you work?

  • You’re the one who started it, Kittenese! I’m not insinuating anything!
    Wow, this is sooo off-topic!

  • I found it a little while ago myself. It’s been helpful while I led the younger team this year ๐Ÿ™‚ All those songs have been fun to watch, too!

  • Haha! Well, I drink tea, too — and I’m a German American, so… not sure what happened there! I defy stereotypes!

  • So I showed your profile picture to my sister, who’s into drawing too, and she saw it and where you said you’re an “amateur pencil artist” and she looked at what you said, looked back at the picture, then said “ AMATEUR pencil artist?!?!” I think you’ve thoroughly earned her respect ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I agree — it’s really funny to hear people saying how hot it is outside when I’m comfortable in a t-shirt and *gasp* long jeans! But really, 85 degrees and people are saying “Ohhhh, it’s soooo hot and humid out here!” People are unusual…

  • Well, you’re about to get a lot more GodsThespian emails ;D
    I used it for a little while… you mean the page that covers half of your screen, or are you talking about something else? Cause that doesn’t work too well for me, personally. But it could be that you’re talking about another great invention that I’m missing out on!

  • I did live in SouthEast Kentucky for four years… but no, I’m not in the South anymore. I work at an interesting mix of a tourist store and a grocery store… it’s called a “Country Store,” whatever that means… Basically, one half is discounted groceries (we buy overstock from other stores and sell it at lower prices) and the other half is a tourist-trap area ๐Ÿ™‚ Knick-knacks, etc.
    Funny fact: I’ve had tourists ask me what it’s like to be Amish (while I’m wearing a T-shirt and jeans…)

  • I love Alive! Virtuoso was a veritable disaster last time we did it… it was all of the newer people, and we could. Not. Find. The. Beat. Ever. It must have been sheer misery for the older mimes to watch us butcher the song like we did!
    Hmmm, Alive and “Go” are my favorites ๐Ÿ™‚ I got to be Mary in Go this session! And I get to be Barnabas ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Nah, it’s just an interesting business model. They buy overstock from other stores at a discounted rate, then mark them up some and sell them, normally for about half of normal retail price (what you would pay for it at Walmart).
    Cause we buy overstock, we get a lot of interesting things that didn’t work out when everyone else tried to sell them. I think once we had “Caramel Potato Chips”; dude, they were weird! The half that the locals go to is laid out like a grocery store, it’s just much lower prices (therefore lots of people go there!). I think this answers your question…

  • Shetlers? Don’t know that name… Oh, the store? No… it was started by a guy from around here; there are two stores in existence.

  • Lol. Right. We have a store near us that does the excavation thing; near an Amish community. They are called Shetlers. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • What can I say? I did my research and found out! Not really…
    Does your store serve ice cream?! Mine does… it is AWESOME!

  • I didn’t know there are Amish in MO! Cool ๐Ÿ™‚ So if I move there I’ll still have a bit of home ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Well….Seymour, Missouri. About 4 hours form KC. Also there are a few in Osceola, MO.

  • Lol ๐Ÿ™‚ um…I don’t think that’s what I’m talking about. If you go to your Disqus profile or home page, there should be a button on the screen that says Inbox. It’s a page that will show you all the upvotes and replies you’ve gotten, or you can set it to just replies to make it less complicated. You can reply and upvote comments from there. I think it’s simpler and easier than using email, but if you get a LOT of replies they can disappear really quickly into the abyss.

  • I think that it would depend on the purpose of the video. Blimey Cow’s purpose is usually to make fun of some peoples views of God by addressing how silly those opinions are compared to how God really is. I don’t think that they meant any disrespect by it. ๐Ÿ™‚ On the other hand, I have seen videos that portray Jesus in a very negative way just to be funny without a right purpose behind it. So, I think it just depends on the heart behind the video.

  • Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit trilogies are truly amazing! Do you like the books or the movies? Oh, and welcome. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Your sister is too kind… Now I am curios what
    your sister’s art looks like. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • She does a lot of clothing… But she also done some other stuff… I’ll see if I can get my hands on any of it ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Well, every time I try to upload a picture of something she’s drawn, the computer says it’s too big a file. :*(

  • You are definitely not the only person who likes Blimey Cow. My family loves them and I am constantly telling my friends about them!

  • Blimey Cow is a group of christian college students who try to address issues in a funny and relevant way. Some of the videos are sarcastic and can put a bit of a rude tone on God and christianity, but for the most part they really really spot on in what they say:-)

  • Ha! Yeah, there’s a lot of people on here that like blimey cow! Funny though, I was actually saying I thought that they were “meh” and I meant that they were….kind of ok lol. XD

    Hey, are you new here? If so, welcome to the Reb! =D

  • Yeah I’m new, my sister @lianaseager:disqus introduced me to this site. I have the book DHT and I am currently in correspondence with Brett Harris!

  • May I just be the first one to say, “I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”

    I love LOTR and The Hobbit!
    May your days be filled with tea, second breakfasts, rings, and ale at the Green Dragon!

  • I guess it depends on the heart of the people who make the videos.

    In the view if Blimey Cow, I’ve talked to Josh before and have saw a heart for God shine through. Their videos just tend to be jokily pointing about how over fanatical and offended people can be over someone who has different views to them. But that doesn’t make them any less Christian.

    On the other hand, if the person portraying God and Jesus is a slight against God or is made to make Him look bad, I would be unhappy with that situation.



  • Hey Kira, I am so sorry I never responded to your comment. I just saw it….. Hopefully, you will see this since it has been like two years since you posted it. I have heard of Silent Lights. I think I actually follow your team on YouTube. I have been with the mime team for over 6 years now (I think- really hard to keep track!).

  • I actually forgot my password, so I’m just now able to reply – sorry about that… I’ve been on the team for about six years now too and I watch the videos of your team – we’re actually teaching Forbearance at a workshop in a couple days ๐Ÿ™‚

  • It’s okay! That’s super cool. We actually choreographed that song as a team on a missions trip we went on a couple years back. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Creating mimes is so amazing! Those of us on the older team all created a mime of our testimony this year – it was intense but good ๐Ÿ™‚

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectationsโ€”a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More โ†’