DIANA WRITES: Summer usually means more time for reading. What was the best book you read (for fun) over the summer? Fiction, non-fiction, biography, memoir – what was the best?
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Books!! I have to limit it to *the* best book I’ve read this summer? Oh… Well then I’m going to bend that rule slightly and list some of the good books I’ve read – I can’t narrow anything down to one.
1.) The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom.
2.) The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. (So I’m still in the middle of reading this one…)
3.) Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. (Maybe this wasn’t officially summer, but I think I finished it somewhere near the beginning of summer.)
4.) Jesus Freaks by D.C. Talk.
Those are a few of the ones that first come to mind. ๐
“Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was a REALLY great book! It made me think a lot and dealt with a lot of racial issues and slavery. I had just been in Zambia for a few months when I read that book. My lifelong, passionate hatred for slavery and all racism had increased when I moved here, but reading that book made it even worse for me and made slavery REAL for me…. I guess part of it was the timing of reading the book, but seriously! it’s really good! You may have read that already though.. ๐
Another book series that I didn’t read this summer, but is my ALL TIME FAVORITE is the Elsie Dinsmore series (I’m a historical fiction nut! ๐ ) There are 28 books in the series, but I finished them all in under 6 months because I loved them so much! Then, I turned right around and read them ALL again! Now, I just go back to my favorite books of the series, or favorite parts of the books and read them whenever I feel like it… ๐ Haha….!
I also read Start Here this summer. Again, right after I moved to Zambia, so that book was very inspiring, timely, and powerful for me! =)
The Cost of Discipleship was a HARD book to read!!!! lol… I LOVED “The Hiding Place” and “Mere Christianity” though!
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. You know how there are books that every adult/teacher says you should read, and it’s an esteemed classic and is usually printed in small print and is very thick? That’s how I was feeling about this book. I’ve been meaning to read this book for a while, and only finally started reading it on the twelve hour drive from Noah’s Ark, Buena Vista to Kansas City in a van with ten other girls from my youth group. Since it was difficult to read there, I didn’t finish, but I was intrigued enough to keep reading. I finished it in two and a half days, which is actually pretty long for a book for me.
It’s such a good book- it’s a wonderful story of redemption. Sydney Carton, the most interesting character, is trapped in a life of sin. He could leave it, he has friends that would gladly help him, but he doesn’t feel like he can. It’s only at the end that he finds God. The characters have great depth and are incredibly human(except, perhaps, for Lucy. She’s seems a bit to good to be true), and the plot is enormously complex, set against the French Revolution(the first one, I think. I’m still fuzzy on that part.). Also, one of the characters knits constantly, and while I don’t like her, I’m positively delighted by this fact.
Anyway, if you’re searching for a good book right now I’d suggest this one. It helped me to know the basic plotline before I read it so that I could appreciate the marvelous vocabulary and the complexity of the story.
Agatha Christie’s The Secret Adversary.
Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis. (I was actually re-reading it, but still…. SO good. If you haven’t read it, you need to!!)
OHMYGOODESSSSS! L.O.V.E.D that book!! I read it just before I moved to Africa myself!
Uncle Tom’s Cabin is one of my favourites: confronting and powerful!
One book which I haven’t finished yet (but is really fantastic so far) is Knowing God by J. I. Packer. I’m also slowly progressing through The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer.
The Cooper Kids Adventures by Frank Peretti. Page Turners!!! The target audience is younger teens, but I love them ๐
I really enjoyed, and learned a lot from, The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis. I spent a lot of time thinking about each kind of love and the blessings God gives us through each of them! I also enjoyed reading through chapter 13 of 1 Corinthians, which has impacted my life in a really profound way.
That’s really cool! How long have you been in Africa, and what kind of work are you doing, if I may ask? My grandpa (before he passed away 3 years ago) used to spend a month every year at an orphanage in Kenya, teaching art and Bible classes. It’s such a poor, yet amazing and diverse, continent.
Goodness, I know!! I wish I had a year to dig into it; but it’s a library book. I’d love to get a copy for myself though! But it’s definitely a hard read!!!
It was a biography of George Mueller and his life with building orphanages in England. The most encouraging, faith building book for anyone and everyone.
I’ve been in Zambia for 6 months now.. =) My family and I work with a school for orphans called Wiphan. It also has education in different skills for widows so they can have a way to make a living for their families. It’s a christian organization started by some people in Atlanta, GA. That’s so neat about your grandpa!!!!! =D yes! you are exactly right: very amazing and diverse…! I LOVE It here!
When People are Big and God is Small (Edward T. Welch) and Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins we Tolerate (Jerry Bridges)–Both books that have challenged my faith and helped my walk with God tremendously.
Oh my gosh I love A Tale of Two Cities!! It really affected me emotionally in a way I can’t describe. Those kind of books are usually favorites. So good!! Everyone needs to read it!!
*fangirling over*
I love Elsie Dinsmore! I usually start with the third book though haha because the first two just make me sad…but I love the later books especially!
Hmmm…picking one is going to be a challenge. Going to list a few:
1. The Hole in Our Holiness by Kevin DeYoung
2. That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis (the first two books in this series are tough, but get through them just so you can fully understand all of the connections in this one which is what makes it so good!)
3. I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris
-Grace (trueandpure.wordpress.com)
Ohmygoodness!!! Me TOO!!! I CRIED my eyes out through the 2nd one… =P Yes! I love the later ones too…! I just wish they hadn’t ended in such a horrible spot…but then again, where is a good spot to end with that series? ๐ lol
I actually haven’t read the whole series, just through I think Elsie’s Kith and Kin or one around there because that’s all we own. I really need to get the others!!
I read “Spectacular Sins” by John Piper. It is all about how God has had his hand in horrific sins committed in history, such as Joseph’s brother’s betrayal, or the fall of Satan, or Judas betraying Jesus. I think everyone should read this book, especially as the world seems to be getting increasingly more evil. We need to believe with confidence that God is behind all things, and that everything leads to His glory.
Oh, I love those books! Frank Peretti is such a good author!
AHH!! There’s no way I can pick just one. Here’s a list of good ones though..
1. Once On A Time; hilarious twaddle type book.
2.Things As They Are, which is one of those painful/great/convicting/stinkin’ awesome reads..
3. Total Truth, kind of how Christians ought to think of other worldviews.
4. What Is the Gospel?, basically just explains the Gospel, but in such a descriptive way that I pretty much highlighted every word.
5. My Old Bones, a really thoughtful look at disability by a teenage girl with Eler-danlos.
6. Is God Anti-gay? — gospel driven approach to homosexuality, ect.
7.The Friendly Way, this might make me a nerd but Edgar Guest is wonderful.
That was a lot more then one, but if you read this far you probably don’t care. If you can find a copy you should read some of them. ๐
I completely agree, which makes me sound like those adults who kept telling me that it’s such a good book. I feel like something of a hypocrite, but they were right, after all.
I love that book! ๐
I also read Respectable Sins this summer. It’s really challenging. I still think often about his statement that the root of all sin is not pride, or love of money; it’s ungodliness.
I was blessed to have much reading time this summer. It’s so hard to pick just one book! I think I have to say it was The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom, which I had never read before.
Yeah, I read it in 8th grade for school and might not have picked it up otherwise, but I ended up loving it.
The Choosing: A Seer Novel by Rachelle Dekker. Awesome Christian dystopian! I highly recommend it to girls 18 and up, possibly younger, although I think it would appeal more to older girls. There was so much I could understand and empathize with because of my age and life experiences. It’s all about a girl’s search for self worth and identity…in a world where such things are decided for her by the government. Plenty of excitement though. A real page turner:)
First of all, love A Tale of Two Cities. My mom recommended it to me a few years back as one of her favorites. Second, it’s an unspoken rule that you NEVER, I repeat, NEVER discuss Sydney Carton with people who may not have read the book. Spoilers!
Whoops, sorry! I was not informed of that unspoken rule… Anyone who read my post and hasn’t read the book, please forget anything I said about Sydney Carton.
Besides, I didn’t tell the end.
Unbroken! No question this was the best book i read this summer.
Oh! is that book the one the movie was based off of? If so, the movie was great, but the books are always better!
Who is the author to #6???
Deadline by Randy Alcorn (novel)
Follow Me by David Platt (nonfiction)
Abandoned by Monica Migliorino Miller (nonfiction)
Miracle on voodoo mountain by Megan Boudreax
Ghost Boy by Martin Pistorius
The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom
Loved it!!
The movie was *incredible*!!!
That’s so awesome! I’m really glad your family has that opportunity. ๐ Yeah, he was an amazing guy! My dad also went to Tanzania for a few months before he married my mom, and did medical work with a few other doctors. I’d love to go to somewhere in Africa for awhile if I ever get the opportunity.
I’d have to say my fave book this summer would be “Love Does” by Bob Goff. (Yeah I know, great name) The book is such a good, funny read, yet its also VERY challenging. I highly recommend it! ๐
I love Elsie Dinsmore (although whenever I read her books I feel convicted)! My favorite book is definitely Elsie’s Kith and Kin, though it does get sad in the middle.
That sounds awesome!
Great book!
I read it before this summer, but Respectable Sins is an excellent book! I think I’d recommend any book by Jerry Bridges. I’m in the process of reading The Joy of Fearing God by Jerry Bridges and it’s really good too.
Sam Allberry, he’s struggled with it so he’s able to be compassionate but still very clear about the whole thing and how the Bible talks about it. You could probably read it in a day, but it’s stuffed full of wisdom.
To be honest: “Do Hard Things”
Once on This Island trilogy. It was a really interesting story. I think it’s one of my favorite series of all time. ๐
I almost said that! I was re-reading part of it a few weeks ago, and it’s still great with every read.
Do hard things of course! No lol I read ” the dragon Keeper series”
I actually didn’t read that much this summer because I read so much during the school year, so half of me just once to never read a book again and the other half wants to read only the fictions and books that don’t take much brain power and the other half of me (yea, I know it seems impossible to have three halves, but….) is just too busy to read anyway. But all that to say, I did read a few books and my two favorite are…
White Chocolate Moments by Lori Wick (enjoyable fiction. I like a lot of her books actually. )
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp (I actually started before the summer and still haven’t finished it, but it is really good.)
Ha ha, so sorry that was random…
Lol. I like your randomness! I am random too sometimes! How are you? ๐
Thank you! It’s my specialty. ๐
I’m doing pretty good! I’m hyper and tired, which is not a good mixture, but doing well! I was praying for you recently, how have things been going?
Haha! I am not hyper even though I just ate a bowl of ice cream and I am very tired. Lol ๐
Thank you for praying for me. That blesses me a whole lot! ๐ I am doing well. I have just had a busy day and night. I had to work from 9-4 and now I am babysitting until almost midnight. I am glad I can bless this family by babysitting for them, but I don’t usually babysit quite that late. ๐ I actually need to spend my time studying now since the baby is in bed, but I just am too tired to think like that. Haha! Not to mention I would much rather chat with you. ๐
You left me!! Oh, well! Good motivation to get my homework partially done. ๐
Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis.
I have not read a single C.S. Lewis book yet.
I have had several people recommend this book to me. I hope I will be able to read it some day!
You’re missing out, Hannah! I went for 16 years without reading C.S. Lewis, and “The Screwtape letters” got me hooked. Then “Mere Christianity”, and we’ll see what comes next. I strongly recommend both those two though!
I love that you read all 28 books of the Elsie Dinsmore series. I remember being really into them for a season, but I think I only made it to book 15 or 16 and then it got to historical and not enough fiction. Haha!
Have you read any of the Mildred Keith series? Those ones are fun too, and in fact, I think I personally enjoyed at least some of those ones even more. ๐
Battle Dress. By Amy Efaw.
It’s about a 18year old girl starting at the US Military Academy (West Point) and her experience during her first summer training there.
As one who’s just a couple short years away from entering the US Military it was cool to see West Point through the eyes of a girl much like me.
Have you read the Narnia series yet? I think I would probably want to start with Narnia, but I just don’t have time right now. School! :/
I’ve only read the Narnia series and the Screwtape letters. I might look into his other works now though.
You are forgiven;) I’m just glad my sister doesn’t keep up with The Reb, because she hasn’t read it yet, and I’ve been silent as the grave about it. It would have spoiled it for me, I know! I like surprises:)
No, I’ve never read Narnia, and probably never will. I’m hooked on non-fiction now, and there are too many non-fiction on my reading list for me to go back and read fiction (or more fantasy I guess). Not my genre, I’m afraid. ๐
I understand. There are too many books out there to read them all, so you just have to pick and choose wisely and if fiction is not your thing than it is quite alright not to read it.
I for one, love fiction, but I also love biographies and missionary stories.
Note: I do not love tragic Greek epics or anything of that sort. ๐
Ha, ha don’t blame you there! I like some fiction, but I just have too many other good ones I keep hearing about that my reading list is growing. Plus I’m in the middle of multiple books right now, so it’ll be a while til I’m free. ๐
It is! My sister is a fan of The Hunger Games (another, howbeit, non-Christian, dystopian series) and loves this book. It is the author’s first novel, so I expect her next will be even better.
Taylor’s right Hannah:) You haven’t lived until you’ve read some C.S. Lewis! Your bucket list has just grown!!! (You’re welcome;)
I can recommend The Great Divorce (a fantasy about heaven) and Mere Christianity. I haven’t read Miracles yet, but I’ve heard it’s good too.
Haha! Thanks, Mallory, for expanding my bucket list. It probably did need something added to it since basically all that is on it is something like ride a motorcycle and that has already been accomplished, so I guess I can move on to higher things now like read C.S. Lewis. ๐ but in all seriousness, I really do want to read some of his works some day, I just don’t have the time to right now. ๐
Sadly, there are books that I think might be interesting, but it takes a lot for me to actually read it. Basically school assignments get me to read books or else if it is a book I have already read and know is good than I might read it again and again and again. ๐
Ok, goodnight! I have to go to bed. Not sure what time it is there where you are, but here it is almost 1:00am, so yeah.
Also, have you ever tried driving passed midnight? Don’t unless you really have to (as was my case)! The roads might be pretty clear, but its just an unearthly hour and also not a very good time for my “check engine” light to come on. Yikes!
It’s 12:45 here, so we must be in the same time zone. And yes, I drove once at 12:30 in the morning. I was pretty beat… it was a good thing the roads were clear, cause I’m pretty confident my reaction time was hor-rib-le! ๐ Hope everything’s alright with your car! Goodnight!
I’m sorry dear! Technically it was already past-time for me to be off the computer. ๐ Here I shall pick up the conversation like I never stopped… ๐
Yikes! Until midnight… well I’m glad you could bless someone, but I’m sorry for the late-night strain there! How is your college life going, by the way?
Guurl…. you need to read Mere Christianity. (When you have the time, of course.) It’s extreeeeemely good.
I didn’t realize Texas was in the Central time zone, but I guess that does make sense. ๐
Haha! Yeah, I was thinking the same thing last night driving home and probably anyone who was on the road with me wanted to clear out of the way as soon as possible.
Thanks! I hope my car is ok, too. It seems to always have troubles and tribulations when I try to drive it. ๐
Haha! Well, I understand. And I really needed to get some homework done anyway, so it turned out to be for the best. ๐
College is going well. I mostly just have a problem with saying “yes” to everyone and then I suddenly discover that I am not leaving enough time for my studies, too. So then I have freak out moments. Haha! But it is really going ok so far. Thanks for asking. How is school for you? Anything you are particularly enjoying this year? Do you mind me asking what year in school you are in?
Yes, ‘m, we’re central. We had a late night last night!
Troubles and tribulations… first time I’ve heard that phrase applied to a car, but it fits!
Yeah, I had a late night yesterday too, but I promise it wasn’t because I was out partying. ๐
Haha! Yes, well, my car goes through a lot with me. She’s pretty patient with me, but yeah, she endures more than cars should have to endure from their owner .;)
Are you sure, Hannah? Cause you just seem like such a partyer… ๐
You just don’t have any idea about my secret life. Lol. No, actually I enjoy partying, but not the kind that most people may be thinking of. ; )
I just had a glorious revelation! I thought I had to read 12 books of The Iliad, but I only have to read 4. This means I can continue to procrastinate! Woohoo! ๐
Ha, ha, partying can be a blast. Just like you said, different kind of party! Party nights of spoons, signs, card games, etc. ๐ Oh and lots of drinking… water and soda. ๐
Keep doing hard things, Hannah! Keep that procrastinating going… ๐ Ha, ha, I understand how that is! 12 would be a lot!!!
I know procrastination is so hard!!! But you know, I got to persevere through it. ๐
But, yeah, seriously, I thought I was going to be reading like just under about 300 pages, but now I only have to read a third of that.
Awe! Spoons and signs are both so fun! I haven’t played spoons in a while, though, but both of those games bring back good memories. ๐
It seems we fail to appear on here at the same time, Lauren. ๐
I’m here! 31 minutes late…
Oh! That sounds problematic. You’re still breathing though, so that’s good. ๐ I’m glad it’s going well! Do you enjoy studying, though?
School’s going really well so far! I’m in 10th grade this year. I’m enjoying geometry as of the moment, but music still ranks top. ๐ Hey, I’ve heard that counts!
Time…(sighs) I know the feeling. I have a pile of books I got at the library yesterday that’s calling my name, but I’m just too busy!
Awe! I remember the days when I too would get a pile of books from the library. ๐ I miss being able to do that. I don’t get to do much free reading these days because I have to do a lot of reading for school instead.
And 6 hours later Hannah finally responds. ๐
I am glad school is going so well for you. One of my sisters is either in 10th grade this year or was last year. I am not sure which because she did things a little different than normal. I remember kind of enjoying Geometry myself. It has been a while now, but I really didn’t mind it besides having to memorize all those formulas. ๐
I really don’t so much enjoy studying, but mostly I just have to do a lot of reading, which really isn’t so bad, but I am not a very good or fast or comprehensive reader, so it is hard for me because of those challenges. ๐
Ah, I’m with you on the reading part. Do you read a lot of good books, though? That would make it worth it I would imagine!
Percy Jackson and the lightning thief by Rick Riordan.
Well, they are a lot classics, so they are good books in that sense. Also, my professors are amazing and I think that is one of the only reasons I find it worth it. They do a really good job of explaining things and drawing things out of the reading that I would never have seen on my own.
I wish I could chat with you without having the whole world see our conversation. Haha! Would you be interested in emailing if I gave you my email address?
I also would completely understand if you don’t feel comfortable with that or if your parents don’t. ๐
Haha! I get that. Sure! Shoot it to me real quick, I have to get off!
Alright! Got it! Thank you!
Great! You’re welcome. Ok, if you have to go than, bye. I shall hope to chat with you soon though. ๐
I’m not this book counts since I read it after school started, but my favorite to read was Son by Lois Lowry. If it doesn’t count, then it’s The Book Thief.
Waaay to many to actually pick the best. ๐
Well, it wasn’t summer over here, but anyway, here’s a few books I found to be really inspiringโฆ
“The Reason for God” by Timothy Keller. Great apologetics, with an intelligent and sincere combination of theological integrity and relatability. (Wow, that sounded like some sort of wordy book reviewโฆ :P.) Seriously, it’s worth a read.
“Hamlet” by William Shakespeare. This may seem like a strange choice, but there’s a lot to be learned from Shakespeare’s understanding of human nature and divine justice. The style may not be everyone’s cup of tea โ but, when read in the light of the Bible, it’s inspiring and mind-blowing in its depth and power.
Least but not last, “The Cat in the Hat” by Dr. Seuss.
And, of course, “Do Hard Things” is great. It was written by a couple of guys called Alex and Brett Harris. (You might have heard of them. They founded a site called therebelution.com. Check it out!) If โ through some bizarre circumstance โ you are visiting this site but have not read “Do Hard Things” yet, you really should check it out too. ๐
But, in reality, the Bible is “the word of God and the only infallible rule for faith and life.” Yes, it is “Basic Information Before Leaving Earth” โ but it’s so much more than that: it’s a summary of God’s dealings with mankind, covering everything from profound eschatological vision to the messy actions of the fallen human race โ and its redemption through Christ. It’s only through God’s word that we can find salvation and hope, so โ summer, autumn, winter, or spring โ read it, and live it!
Is The Book Thief like the movie? ‘Cause the movie made me cry…
You mean you never read the Chronicles of Narnia??!! Or are you just talking about his nonfiction works?
I actually mean I have not read any of his book, fiction or nonfiction. ๐
I LOVE The Book Thief-favorite book of all time
Haha thats so true!
The Naked Gospel, by Andrew Farley. I never really understood the Gospel as good or exciting news before (despite, or maybe because of being a Chrisitan since I was 7.) But this book showed me the incredible hope and freedom that we have in Jesus. Highly recommended.
The other book I really enjoyed was Perelandra, by C. S. Lewis. He has an amazing ability to express what is almost inexpressible. This book is Sci-Fi, my favourite genre, but also has many, many Christian truths buried in it.
Definitely Hudson Taylor’s autobiography! It was so good!!!
What. You have to read Screwtape Letters!
Ooh, that sounds great. What’s the title? I’ll have to look for it. ๐
Yes, except the narrator Death isn’t so creepy. I loved the movie too.
I think it’s just, “Hudson Taylor,” by Hudson J Taylor.
You’re reading the Iliad? Please tell me what you think of it, I might get to put together my literature course for my senior year and I’m trying to decide if I go with an emphasis on Homer and his contemporaries, or the era in which Cervantes wrote.
That’s my kinda party!!
Spoons is one of my favorite games, but what is this other game, signs?
Didn’t really reads many book this summer, but Fireproof was good. Based off the movie. (I don’t really remember reading any others.)
Haven’t read that yet, but it’s on my really LONG reading list! ๐ How was it?
love ur pic
I’ll read that one of these days
Anybody want to trade reading lists? Let’s just go with five or so, if anyone’s interested!!
Definitely a must read. It was excellent.
SO THERE ARE OTHER RANDOM PEOPLE LIKE ME OUT THERE!! AWESOME!! WE ROCK!! ๐ @disqus_aeGm5xMIfo:disqus and @defyingdepravity:disqus
It’s just one of the many services we offer and bring to life to make it a little more exciting!! lol!
Thanks. I’ll get around to it one of these days I suppose!
HELLO!!! btw
OFF topic, but has anyone seen War Room yet? It was excellent!! It’ll make you want to get a war room to have your personal time with God and pray for hours, on your face before Him.
Guess I just feel like talking after a very long day. Long weekend actually!! ๐ Anyway….
ditto that
totally understand
Ah, okay! The movie was good, but it was sad.
*interjects* Very hard to explain, even in person. *shuts up*
Have to check that one out. I really enjoyed the biography by Howard and Geraldine Taylor (son and daughter-in-law, I think) as well, although I only read the first halfโฆ
What do you mean by reading list? Do you mean books you’ve read or ones you are planning to read?
I have read a few and some not ones I’d recommend. The current reading list I have is for school – classics. I am starting the Harry Potter series.
“The Greatest Among You” by Randy Sims, Executive Director of Worldview Academy. He discusses the definition of leadership, the five pillars of leadership: meekness, integrity, vision, attitude, and empowerment, and the roadblocks to leadership.
“Till We Have Faces” is an AWESOME C.S. Lewis book! I’ve read it 2 or 3 times….It’s one that is a bit confusing (but I also read it for the first time when I was like 11) but it’s REALLY good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you read Till We Have Faces??? That’s a good one too!!!!
I have not. What’s it about?
It’s a story about Psyche and Cupid from Greek mythology. But it’s told from the perspective on Orual; Psyche’s very unattractive sister. Orual is a bit obsessed with Psyche, but she makes some decisions and encourages Psyche in making decisions that aren’t all for her benefit. There’s some cool battle scenes in there..Romance….Sad things…happy scenes…etc. It ends with a really good moral to the story! Again, it was a bit confusing cuz the Greek gods aren’t always easy to understand, but I LOVED it anyway!!!!
“Popular” by Tindell Baldwin. Baldwin talks about her rise to popularity, her fall from God, Her depression and hurt, and when she came back to God. A really great story. I highly recommend it!
Oh man I want to read the rest of that series! I’ve only read The Giver, but I want to read the rest of them!!!
I loved both the movie and the book. It was so, so good. The characters were just amazing.
YES! I saw it, and enjoyed it a lot ๐ What was your favorite part?
Thanks, but I got it off the internet actually, so I can’t take full credit;) I seriously need to take my own, I’m just a bit intimidated by downloading pictures. (and lazy;)
Wow, that’s extremely to the piont. I guess he was a pretty blunt guy though. Thanks, I can’t wait to read it!
“The Princess Adelina” by Julie Sutter. It is a true story that happened in Germany (cool right away to me ’cause I was in Germany when I read the book ) and was about a missionary girl. What happened to her reminded me of Esther in the Bible.
Hi! I meant ones you’re planning to read, but some you’ve already read that are really good are fine too! Thanks for asking!!
There were so many…..maybe the part where she took charge and put the devil outta her house. Not sure. Hold that thought. You?
idk… it was so good it’s hard to decide! But the double dutch scene was pretty much awesome sauce =D
Love that book.
I absolutely love A Tale of Two Cities!
The best book I’ve read recently is probably Black Belt Patriotism by Chuck Norris. It is so interesting that I finished it in two hours. It is a Must read in my opinion. That’s where I heard about this site. This is my first day commenting.
Welcome to the Reb Elizabeth!
Cool! That’s pretty cool that you were in Germany when you read it!
LOVED THAT MOVIE!! I like the lukewarm coffee scene… =p Ms. Clara sure had a sense of humor!
No problem. Well, some books that I have enjoyed in the past include but are not limited to Growing Up Christian by Karl Graustein with Mark Jacobsen, anything by Bob Schultz, God’s Smuggler by Brother Andrew, The Dark is Rising Series by Susan Cooper, and The Penderwicks (all three books) by Jeanne Birdsall.
Welcome welcome!
On #2. i found just the opposite, the third one was hard to get through and the first two were easy. lol But all the same i really enjoyed that series. too.
If it’s the one i’m thinking of, i love that book, a great read and an incredible man.
Let’s see… definitely more than one
(these are in order)
as far as fiction goes,
1. The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle
2. The Silmarillion/The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
for Non-fiction,
1. Destination: Character by Don Duncan (this book will challenge you like almost no other, i know it did to me; a great read!)
2. Crazy Love by Francis Chan
3. Do Hard Things (i just read it a week ago for the first time)
4. The Making of a Man of God by Alan Redpath
5. Till the Heart Be Touched by Gordon and Gail Macdonald
Cause I’m Aussie, we just finished winter, but during the winter hols i read Do Hard Things for the first time ๐ as well as the Hunger Games Series, At the moment though I’m reading “Lies Young Women Believe” which i thoroughly recommend!
Crazy Love is so good! I want to read that one again sometime.
Yay! Someone else has read God’s Smuggler! I loved that book!
I love God’s Smuggler! I’ve only read it like five times. ๐ And The Penderwicks! Did you know there’s a fourth book now?
Me, too. It’s such a good book… I’m quickly realizing that I really enjoy Charles Dickens books. Oliver Twist is probably in my top twenty fav’s.
Ooh, love The Hobbit. Very good.
for sure!
HAHA!! Well, it’s very cool nevertheless!! ๐
Thanks for responding Matthew. I’ll be sure to check some of those out! Planning on reading God’s Smuggler also. It’s on my list! Here are some I’ve read and are planning to read: The Martyr’s Song by Ted Dekker. Very good. The Shenandoah Sisters and Carolina Cousins by Michael Phillips. Great historical fiction. The Case for Life. Haven’t finished yet. And The Shack. Oh, one more – I Kissed Dating Goodbye. Haven’t read it quite yet.
I’m looking forward to reading it @disqus_aeGm5xMIfo:disqus @disqus_VzMOV9kBeP:disqus
No, I did not. That’s great. Can’t wait to read it. I hope they never stop.
Playing With the Boys was really really good. By Liz Tigelaar. It’s about a girl who moves from Ohio to California her sophomore year of high school and tries out for the soccer team but doesn’t make it so she tries out as kicker for the boys football team and makes it. It’s all about fitting in and being proud of who you are. ๐
Yess!!!!!! It was AMAZING!!! It was right under God’s Not Dead which I love!
I’m jumping into this conversation. I loved the double dutch scene because they got second and were happy about it. I was judging the teams and the team that won deserved it. They were crazy good (every team was through, I couldn’t do that :p).
God’s Smuggled is one of my favorites!
Exactly! But yeah it was pretty impressive ๐
IKR!! There’s a movie called A Matter of Faith, which is excellent. Have you heard of it?
I really like Brian Jacques (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=brian+jacques+redwall&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Abrian+jacques+redwall) books, and although they aren’t Christian they have some good morals in them. Last summer I did the ‘Red Rock Mysteries’ (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=red+rock+mysteries), and ‘The Letter from the King’ (http://www.amazon.com/Letter-King-Pushkin-Childrens-Collection/dp/1782690107/ref=sr_1_1_twi_har_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1442664714&sr=8-1&keywords=the+letter+from+the+king+tonke+dragt). I have loads of others I could tell you about, but I read so much it would probably be better just to mention these books!
๐ Hope this helps.
I saw it last weekend, and it was amazing! A very inspiring story.
No, what’s it about?
It’s kinda similar to God’s Not Dead. A Christian on a college campus. Creation vs. Evolution type movie.
yes it is! Tolkien’s a great writer, but it’s actually one of my least favorite books of his. I much prefer the silmarillion or the lord of the rings.
I read a lot of good books this summer.
As far as Non-Fiction goes:
Crazy Love, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, Don’t Waste Your Life, A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart, Making the Most of Your Relationships, and right now I’m in the middle of Do Hard Things.
For Fiction:
One Night With the King, The Door Within Trilogy, Summer of the Monkeys, The Hobbit, and I’m reading Lord of the Rings right now.
Hey there, Sarah! Welcome to the Reb ๐
Summer of the monkeys was the first chapter book I ever read, I still love it! Welcome to the Reb.
Welcome to the Reb, Sarah!! Great list! ๐
Oh my goodness my most favorite book ever is There You’ll Find Me by Jenny B. Jones it is Christain and it’s amaze
Kisses From Katie (http://www.amazon.com/Kisses-Katie-Story-Relentless-Redemption/dp/1451612095).
I also enjoyed reading For The Love Of A Dog (http://www.amazon.com/Love-Dog-Understanding-Emotion-Friend/dp/0345477154).
Then, finally, Radical Integrity: The Story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (http://www.amazon.com/Radical-Integrity-Story-Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-ebook/dp/B0082HEHZ2).
Another Aussie! ๐ Welcome!
And, of course, all the classicsโฆ
“A Midsummer Night’s Scream”, “Julia’s Seizure”, “The Version of Menace”, “O hello!”, “Titus and Ronicus”, and “All’s Well that Ends” by William Shakespeare.
“David’s Soccer-field” and “A Tail of Two Kitties” by Charles Dickens.
“Less Miserable” by Victor Hugo.
“Ivan, ho!” by Sir Walter Scott.
“Cents and Sensibility” by Jane Austen.
“To Kick a Molting Bird” by Harper Lee.
(Sorry guys, but this is an old threadโฆ)
as in WPC Belconnen?
Yes, that’s the one. ๐
Are you the one who plays the organ or is that someone else?
Yes โ how did you know?
I was at WPC just a couple of months ago, I’m best friends with Sarah Clements, do you know her?
Yes, I do. Actually, I remember you were thereโฆ I was talking to your brother Chris after the service.
That’s right, if you see Sarah, say hi for me
Will do. ๐
Hey, I’m knew to this website, but I wanted to say that “Do Hard Things” was probably my favorite book this “summer”. Summer is in quotations because I am a missionary in Brazil, which is opposite in seasons. If it’s summer in the U.S., then it’s winter here. (just an interesting fact for those that don’t know about it)
Other great books that I read are the following:
“The Return of Sherlock Holmes”, “Not My Will”, “After Their Own Pleasures”, and some of the Danny Orlis books.
Oh cool, so you’re an MK? How long have you been in Brazil?
For about 8 years….not counting furloughs.
Cool! I’m planning on missions when I’m older. ๐
So, how old are you?
I’ll admit that the first time I ever witnessed to anybody was to a person named Aiden on the rebelution. I suppose I never witnessed to anyone else because I get really nervous and stutter a lot. Believe it or not, I don’t speak good Portuguese ( which is the language here), even though I’ve been on the mission field for quite a while. I’ll just have to trust the Lord to help me ๐
Anyways, I’m fifteen years old. My birthday was actually about a month ago….on October 15th. So, how old are you?
I’m sixteen for a couple more months, my birthday’s in January. What sort of school do you go to?
Right now I’m homeschooled, but on furloughs my siblings and I (one brother and two sisters) go to Trinity Christian School in Concord, NH. Obviously, both ways are Christian…thankfully that is.
So, Thanksgiving is coming up…what are you doing for it? My family is going to have other Christian missionaries come to our house nxt to the river (yep, right where we can go swimming). Btw, I think we are going to have two turkeys, besides other good foods ๐
I’m homeschooled too! What curriculum do you guys use?
My family is going to stay at my oldest sister’s house and visit with her, her husband, and her three children. My aunt, older brother (who is away at college), my other older brother, and his wife are coming also! I’m looking forward to it sooo much!
That’s cool! I’m also excited about Thanksgiving.
We use BJU DVDs. Maybe you’ve heard of BJ…it’s a great Christian college in Greenville, SC. Anyways, I have to go…talk to you tomorrow afternoon!
I’ve heard of it. I use their Literature books, and I used to use their Heritage Studies also. ๐ Ok, I expect to be around tomorrow to an extent, talk to you then!
What’s your family like?
“Uncompromising” by Hannah Farver was great, (although that was just like a month ago, not this summer…) but it was great all the same! =)
Sorry, this is an old conversation… ๐
Hey again! I can only talk for a little bit.
Anyways, I have two parents and the rest of my family….ok, I know that’s obvious, but I have to joke around a little ๐ As for my siblings, they’re all younger than me. My brother is 12 and going to turn 13 on December 3rd. My two sisters are the ages 8 and 10. My parents are great! My mom is usually a planner….about a lot of things. My dad is fun to be with too….taking into consideration that he takes me out (depends on the location to go to) about every week. As my the other relatives (cousins, aunts, uncles….), they are so awesome as well.
So, that’s basically it for now….I’ll talk to you either Thursday or Friday ๐
I have seven siblings, so I won’t try to give their ages. ๐ I have a younger sister and brother, the rest of my siblings are older than me. Both of my parents are planners, but my dad is more stuck in his ways if he has a plan; my mom has a plan, but it’s subject to change at any time.
Okay, I’ll talk to you then!
Thx for sharing! I’ll talk to you then! Btw, for some weird reason, I can’t view my profile, so what do I do to get in it??????
Whoops! Never mind…now I can get in. Talk to you soon!
I’m glad you figured this out, because I have no idea what I’d tell you here…
That’s OK. I might as well say this now, so…Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Thank you! ๐ How was your Thanksgiving?
Well…it was great! I don’t remember if I told you this yet, but my family invited several other American missionaries to our house to celebrate Thanksgiving. We had an awesome time, and we also had the best food! As for desserts, we had the following (for the most part): super pecan pie, two amazing dark-colored pumpkin pies, a chocolate pudding-like with cream pie, and my mom’s delicious fruit squares (maybe you’ve heard of them). Hmmmmmm…………………..I can read your mind….you’re getting hungry…:)
So yeah, we had an epic Thanksgiving. I’m so thankful for the U.S.A., and, especially, that the Lord gave us a wonderful time (and everything else)!
That sounds great! MMmm, yep I’m hungry…
Hey, (Laura…unless I’m allowed to say your name publicly :)! Sorry…it has been a while since I last talked on Revive or the Reb. Our Wi-Fi is having problems, though it should (hopefully) start working by tomorrow. Wi-Fi works on my dad’s phone, just not on the computers of ours (really wierd).
Anyways, I was curious as to your location (at least your area or church). It would be AWESOME if I could meet a friend (like you) from the Reb! I mean, it all depends on the places in the U.S. that my family and I go to.
I will be in the States nxt year, and I will mostly be in southern Alabama, except for the time when my brother Joshua and I will go to camp. The camp is called the Wilds (in NC). Have you heard of it? It’s an awesome Christian camp.
I can’t wait until Christmas! Two days after Thanksgiving, my family and I put up our huge CHRISTMAS tree; it’s artificial. Anyways, I’ll talk to you later.
You’re fine to say my name. ๐
I’m not near Alabama or North Carolina, unfortunately. I live nearer Pennsylvania. Hope you can meet up with some of the great people on here, though!
Oh cool, we put up our Christmas tree a couple of days ago. We always have a real tree, because my mom loves the scent of fir. It’s not huge, though. When my family lived in Michigan, we had a huge cathedral-type ceiling so we got these huge Christmas trees most of the time. It was awesome.
I’m a part of a six-voice ensemble that’s performing tomorrow afternoon. I’m excited!
Hi, Laura! I hope that the ensemble went well!
Yeah, I love fir and pine….smells so grand, considering that part of my mom’s side of the family lives in the country (like I already said, in southern Alabama:)
It’s doubtful, but it’s always possible that would some time cross paths with you. I mean, in a little over two and a half years, my family will be traveling up to Concord, NH for school. My dad has quite a bit of supporting churches in the Northeast, so it’s always possible that one of them is your church….maybe that is. What is the name of your church?
Yes, it went well! There was one song where we switched between singing German for one verse then English for the next, and I got all of us started on German when we should have sung English… but it worked out. ๐ During the break we got to a room where nobody could hear us and laughed for a minute straight.
I have friends who lived in southern Alabama for a while. It would be cool if my friends know some of your family!
I can’t tell you the name of my church (internet security stuff) but it’s affiliated with the Mennonite denomination, and I haven’t heard of us directly supporting missionaries like that. Waaait a sec. Your last name wouldn’t happen to be Maust, would it? ‘Cause that would be soooo cool!!!
HEYHEYHEY, Laura! So sorry about waiting so long to answer ๐
Anyways, I know what the name was, so I don’t have to say it, but sadly, the answer is no…though now you’re making me wish that my last name was *removed*(I know the name, but I don’t want to say it if you don’t want me to:)
So how was your Christmas? Mine was great….counting my receiving a spy pen, which looks like a normal metal pen, but isn’t……it actually can take photos and videos without anyone else knowing (creepy, right?:)!
Btw, who are your friends in Alabama? It is possible that some of my family might know them…Oh, and a latter Happy New Year to you!
One more quick question…when is your B-day?
Also……interesting ensemble!:):):)
Heyheyhey! ๐
Okay, it would just be really cool if you were. ‘Cause then my boss would be your uncle or cousin or something..,
Mine was okay. I had a lot going on around it, so not the best it could have been. That pen sounds cool!
My friends haven’t been there for a while. Last name is White.
Happy New Year to you, too!
My birthday is in January. Can’t say more here, internet stuff… how about you?
You’re on Revive, right? It’d be easier for me if we talked through there. (And we could stop spamming the Reb!)
It’s OK about the security stuff….but if you could just tell me when you’re birthday passes. You know….just tell me something like the following: “my
birthday passed.” Don’t worry, I’ll understand ๐
Yes, I do get on Revive. You could just send a private message to me…it sure would keep us from cluttering the Reb with non-associative-Reb stuff:)