ROSE WRITES: I have the tendency to obsess over the things I’m passionate about. Sports are a perfect example. How do I keep sports (and other hobbies) in their proper context?
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I think that is a wonderful question and I am interested to hear what others have to say because this is something I struggle with sometimes as well. I tend to obsess over things I love or am passionate about. ๐
My mom is a wonderful accountability partner when it comes to this. She can always tell when I start to obsess over and idolize something, so she will talk to me about it, and if it gets really bad, she will help me remove it from my life. Sometimes doing that is very hard, but it is worth it because sometimes I can’t tell just how obsessed I have gotten and it really helps to have someone point it out to you. ๐
So I’m a rock climber, and even though I only get out to climb once a month or so, I train almost everyday. I can totally relate.
For me one of the most obvious way to know I’m idolizing it is if I stress-train. If I’m upset and I run to pull-ups faster than I run to the Word, there’s a problem.
That’s all I’ve got, but I hope it helps!
Being obsessed isn’t necessarily bad it’s where you take your obsession that can be a problem. Is it taking more importance in your life than God, family, schoolwork, ect? If you’re spending hours a day obsessing over that one thing when you should be spending time in the Word, with family, or doing your schoolwork diligently than I would say it has gone too far. We all need to learn how to balance our responsibilities with just fun stuff. I hope that helps a little. ๐
I can understand that being passionate about sports or hobbies can take time away from God, but that does not mean you have to stop. Instead, find ways to make your hobbies work for God. Whether it’s a church picnic event, or just to meet new people. It’s always good to have common ground to break the ice and talk to others.
The other part is having your hobbies work for you. Who knows, maybe you’ll be a coach or a journalist or a trainer. When you find yourself devoting time to something, think about how you can do that for a living and how you can use it to serve God and others.
Oooo! Good question. I am playing volleyball for the first time this year. I try to start my days with quite time which focuses my mind on important things. I have noticed my self getting really hard on myself though. I should probably reevaluate. Thanks for the eye opener!
To be honest, I’ve never had this problem,I suck at sports ๐
Same here, but I do have this problem sometimes with other things.
Lol, I have no advice because I am probably too obsessed with sports.
Oh I thought of something!! I try to figure out how I can use my love of sports for God’s glory–such as coaching 8u softball and showing little girls not only how to field a grounder, but also how to be kind to each other. Helps me keep everything in perspective/balance.
Someone already said that. Oh well!
I do that too!!! Glad I’m not alone.
I’ve been thinking about you and wondering how you’re doing. We talked about training once before, here on the Reb. ๐
It’s so encouraging to hear that! I’m like the only athletic one of my friends, so it’s awesome that somebody can relate. I’m alright, thanks for asking.
How about you? You play softball, right?
Good! As I’ve been reading online, I find that the fitness/sports community really pushes exercise as a means to beat stress. And it’s true that getting in the batting cages or going for a run helps me feel better–but not for long. Like you said, only Christ can bring true peace. Hopefully I can remember that. ๐
I’m doing okay too. Yep, I play softball! I’m hoping it’s going to cool down pretty soon–I really hate working out in the heat, haha.
I know! Plus if I get sore then It’s just another thing to deal with the next day… Yeeesss, heat’s the worst. It was like 115ยฐ here a few weeks ago.
I am incredibly sore everywhere today, haha, so I relate to that more than usual.
Guess I should count my blessings… it’s only 90 here in Georgia!(: I just feel like I’m long overdue to wear jeans, you know?!
Ouch! The worst is like when abs are sore and you can’t move. Or laugh. Or BREATH.๐๐๐
I feel ya, fall is gonna be so good ๐.
YES! I’m so glad someone understands. I’ve found that a surefire way to get around that problem, though, is just to not do abs. (; (just kidding… mostly.)
Fall is my absolute favorite season โค๏ธ Unfortunately, it lasts for approximately two weeks here in Georgia!