rebelling against low expectations

10 Resources Every Christian Teen Needs to Know About


I don’t know about you, but I’m always on the hunt for fantastic resources for Christian teens.

I’m forever on the lookout for the best books, blogs, music, movies, videos, and podcasts to edify and encourage us. One of my favorite things is to get recommendations from other young people.

Which is why I thought I would share my top resources with you.

Below, I have 2 books, YouTube channels, songs, blogs, and podcasts every Christian teen should check out.

And if you find them helpful, I have 15 more resources for you. I’m giving away those resources in an email series.

If you want to get 15 more books, YouTube channels, songs, blogs, and podcasts I think would benefit every Christian teen, sign up below.

Click Here For My Email Series

1. The Valley of Vision edited by Arthur Bennett

This is a collection of Puritan prayers. I will admit, that sounds dry and kind of boring, but it’s anything but. This book changed how I pray forever. The language is filled with life.

Here’s a quote:

“O Saviour of sinners, Thy name is excellent, thy glory high, thy compassions unfailing, thy condescension wonderful, thy mercy tender. I bless thee for the discoveries, invitations, promises, of the gospel for in them is pardon for rebels, liberty for captives, health for the sick, salvation for the lost.”

2. Holiness by J.C. Ryle

In this important book on sanctification and the Christian life, there is so much to take in. When my mom finished it, she promptly said: “This is a read-again book.”

Every Christian should read J.C. Ryle. I could have shared a hundred quotes, but here’s just one:

“We can never have too much humility, too much faith in Christ, too much holiness, too much spirituality of mind, too much charity, too much zeal in doing good to others. Then let us be continually forgetting the things behind, and reaching forth unto the things before (Phil. 3:13).”

3. The Bible Project

This YouTube channel posts tons of beautifully-animated videos about Scripture. My favorite is the “Read Scripture” series. Each video is a brief overview of a book of the Bible. The minor prophets have been the most helpful for me (see Obadiah for a taste). Watch here.

4. chaseGodtv

Joseph Solomon (who’s in his twenties) runs this YouTube channel. He aims his videos for other young Christians and is funny, articulate, confident, and biblical. Some of my favorites are “Don’t Waste Your Singleness” and “I’m Christian, but Do I Need Church?” Watch here.

5. “Great Are You, Lord” by All Sons and Daughters

So much truth in a few compelling lyrics. Warning: it will probably get stuck in your head. Listen here.

6. “Made Alive” (by Citizens and Saints)

A fun and energetic song about a gospel reality: God has made us alive. Listen here.


Lots of different people write for DG (I’m one of them), John Piper’s blog, and there are many perspectives on a wide range of issues to learn from. Marshall Segal’s articles on singleness and dating are always good. Jon Bloom’s series, “Lay Aside the Weight Of,” is excellent. John Piper’s articles on anything are definitely interesting. Give it a read.


Here’s a blog by David Qaoud, a young seminary student who writes for all Christians but is especially relevant to us young ones. He posts on books, dating, devotions, and a host of other topics. Check out Gospel Relevance.

9. The Briefing

Dr. Albert Mohler hosts this daily worldview analysis. He keeps you apprised of important happenings and events and how to navigate them from a Christian worldview. Listen here.

10. Popcorn Theology

Popcorn Theology is a podcast of theological conversations about new (and old) movies and television shows. Their episode on Home Alone is what drew me in, and I’ve been listening ever since. If you’re interested in entertainment from a biblical perspective, this is a podcast to listen to. Listen here.

If you liked these resources, I have 15 more for you. I’m giving them away in an email series. If you want to get my top five books, YouTube channels, songs, blogs, and podcasts, just sign up below.

Click Here For My Email Series

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Photo courtesy of Jaquelle Crowe and Flickr Creative Commons.


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About the author

Jaquelle Crowe Ferris

is the former editor-in-chief of The Rebelution and author of This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years (Crossway). She's the co-founder of The Young Writers Workshop and hosts a podcast for youth called Age of Minority. She's married to Joe and lives in Nova Scotia, Canada.


rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →