rebelling against low expectations

Satan Wants You to Be Distracted


Every day, I’m in a battle.

My enemy? The world.

The prize? My time. My attention. My loyalties. And most valuable of all, my heart.

My foe is cunning and crafty with many tried and true weapons at his disposal. His favorites— stress, conflict, busyness, social media, peer pressure. Each of these he knows well and wields skillfully.

He also knows he doesn’t need to attack with all of them at once. If he can use just one to successfully invade and conquer the territory of my heart, his mission will be accomplished. My heart: divided.

For me, it would be a hopeless, losing battle, if not for one detail.

I too, am armed.

My weapons? The word of God. The angel armies of the Most High. And a mighty weapon that is as unlikely as it is deadly. Time spent in the stillness of sitting at my Savior’s feet. It is this defense that causes my enemy to tremble.

Because he knows if I pray, all his weapons would be of no use against me. His main tactic would have no appeal.

Which is why, before he can launch his attack, I run to my Strong Tower with these words upon my lips.

“Lord, give me an undivided heart before You.”


It’s not an easy thing to be in our current culture.

There are so many things pulling us this way and that. Voices trying to tell us what to think, how to feel. There’s so much to do— an absolute myriad of opportunities and possibilities.  With all of that noise, it’s no wonder we end up feeling so empty and distracted…divided.

I’m sure you’ve felt it. I know I have. It’s that feeling of being torn in two, a part of you drawn to one thing, another to something else. It takes away our peace and joy, leaving us frazzled and confused.

I find it fascinating that the Hebrew word for the antonym of divided—whole or undivided—is the word Shalom. You might recognize this word because it’s most often translated as peace.

Do you see it?


Some of my favorite Scriptures have a few things to say about Shalom as well.

“You keep him in perfect peace (Shalom) whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in You.” (Isaiah 26:3)

“I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace (Shalom).” (John 16:32)

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace (Shalom) of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

If you look closely, you’ll notice a common theme.

In God’s presence, in the fullness of His love, as we present our requests to Him, there is peace and wholeness. True peace is found in the presence of the Giver of Peace—Jehovah Shalom.

This brings us back to the war—that daily battle for our attention that’s being waged all around us.

Our enemy doesn’t want us to spend time in the sweet simplicity of our Savior’s presence. He doesn’t want us to have Shalom.

He wants us divided.


Because a divided person is an ineffective person. Someone whose heart is torn in two doesn’t know what they believe, or how they should act. A divided person will never be a world-changer for Christ.

I don’t know about you, but that’s not the person I want to be. I want to be effective for the Gospel. I desire peace and wholeness.

At the same time, however, I realize there are so many things in my life that do divide and distract me. Things like my schedule and to-do list. Things like social media and the internet, which have the possibility to steal my time, and ruin my peace. None of these are bad in and of themselves, but allowing them to overtake my mind leaves me open and vulnerable for an attack from the enemy.

I’ve discovered only one effective fortress in protecting the territory of my heart. Jehovah Shalom. When I take the time to clear my mind of all distractions and fix my eyes solely on Christ, I find that He gives me a greater joy and peace than anything else ever has or ever could.

Don’t get me wrong—it’s not always easy. There are days I don’t feel like reading my Bible or praying. Times when I think skipping my prayer time and jumping right into my to-list would be much more productive. But what I’ve learned is that, when I feel this way, I can be sure I’m in the middle of a thick battle. When I don’t give in to the devil, and instead press in to God, that’s when He profoundly speaks to my heart and gives me a fresh measure of peace.

Is it hard to just sit in God’s presence when all the things I have to do are calling me? Yes. But it’s totally, absolutely, wonderfully worth it.

I challenge you today to stop and simply delight in the presence of God. Quiet the noise and let His peace wash over you.

Let Him give you an undivided heart. A heart guarded by Shalom.  A heart that will not be easily invaded.

A heart wholly and surely His.

“Teach me your way, LORD, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart…” (Psalm 86:11-12)

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Photo courtesy of lauren rushing via Flickr Creative Commons.


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  • I really needed this today. Thank you so much, Sara. Reading this article greatly encouraged me. May God bless you 🙂

  • I recommend this 1000%. I am encouraged so much by your article.

    Never give up and keep fighting the good fight. God bless.

  • Ok, Sarah this is an AMAZING article!!!! I was just meditating on the name Jehovah Shalom this morning, and your article spoke to me so perfectly. God uses this article. He used YOU! Also, your closing verse is my favorite Psalm. To God be the Glory!

  • Yes! Thank you for writing this! I relate to this 100% and so needed to hear these words! Especially today… As I’m distracted by media this very second. Definitely a constant war against the enemy!

  • I have an article on media that is scheduled for March 27th! I hope it is encouraging to you! 🙂

  • Beautiful. My divided heart really need to hear this today. Your writing is moving, and full of truth. Truth about true and pure “shalom”, is so needed in our crazy lives. Thank you, Sara.

  • I was hugely encouraged and convicted by this, Sara. Thank you for writing it. 🙂

  • Aww, thank you, Melissa! I’m so very blessed and humbled that it was an encouragement to you! God bless you too, friend! 🙂

  • Michael, your kind and encouraging words just made my day! Thank you so much for taking the time to read it and comment! I’m so glad it was an encouragement! God bless you too! 🙂

  • Oh Haley! Your comment just about made me cry! I’m so, so, humbled. Isn’t it beautiful how God does that??? I’m so blessed to be able to share what God is teaching me and I’m amazed that He would use it! Thank you so much! You have truly blessed me today! 🙂

  • Amen! Media is a big distracter…I know this personally as well! 🙂 I’m so glad it was a blessing to you! Thank you so much for reading it, Faye! 🙂

  • Oh, I’m so glad it was helpful! Thanks so much for taking the time to read it! It means so much to me! 🙂

  • Thank YOU, Heather! I’m so blessed that it was a blessing! I wrote it because, honestly, I needed the reminder too! 🙂

  • Thanks Jonathan! I’m so glad you enjoyed it and that it was helpful! 🙂 Hope you’re having a fabulous day! 🙂

  • Haylie, you have no idea how much it means to me to hear that! I’m so humbled that God would use this to be a blessing to others! Honestly, I struggle with my “divided heart” as well, which is why I wrote it. I’m so glad my small words were able to speak truth to your heart! Thank you so much, Hailey! God bless! 🙂

  • Katherine, thank YOU for reading it! I’m hugely blessed that it was an encouragement to you! You are such a wonderful encourager! God bless you, my friend! 🙂

  • This was so encouraging to me! It really convicted me on how I must not have a divided heart for the cause of Christ! Thanks for writing!

  • Yes! That’s so true. Thank you for reading, Jules! It means SO much to me!!! 🙂 God bless!

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you! I really needed this today! I really like the part where you said “Lord, give me an undivided heart before You.” Thank you, Sara! Very encouraging!

  • Awwwwww, thank YOU, Erica!!!! I’m so blessed that it was an encouragement to you! And, yes, that’s a daily prayer of mine… or sometimes more than daily! I wrote this because honestly I needed to be reminded of this as much as anyone! Thank you again! God bless! 🙂

By Sara Starkey
rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →