rebelling against low expectations

A Letter From the Editor-In-Chief


The moment I first got connected with Brett Harris and The Rebelution will forever be imprinted in my mind.

I was seventeen and sitting in my friends’ living room in the middle of Chiang Mai, Thailand when I randomly remembered I had a Twitter account.

“Ha, I should see what’s happening on Twitter,” I thought to myself. Despite my lack of Twitter intelligence at the time, I somehow managed to look at the notifications and saw the tweet from “Alex & Brett Harris.”

“@whitebyscarlet We’d love to talk to you about ‘It’s a Jesus Story’ and about writing for The Rebelution. Email?”

I couldn’t believe it! Noticing the tweet date was a month earlier, I immediately replied, hoping they hadn’t taken the slow response as a snub.

It wasn’t too late and shortly after my first article went live.

Looking back on it now, the title of my first article on couldn’t be more fitting because the entire journey really is a Jesus story.

The entire journey really is a Jesus story. Share on X

Who I Am

Like I said in that original piece, I’m a white Mennonite homeschooled pastor’s kid from Minnesota transplanted in 2008 to multi-cultured-urban Los Angeles to plant inner-city house churches.

In 2012, four days before my brother’s wedding, my mom, sister, and I were in a car accident which ended my mom’s life. My sister and I left, albeit in ambulances, with nothing more than whiplash and concussions.

For some reason I was spared. Three seconds later and it would’ve been me, not my mom, because I was right behind her. I don’t know why, but God spared my life and I don’t intend to waste it.

Since I was seventeen, I’ve had the privilege of traveling to more than a dozen countries, speaking to hundreds of students, working with several kids ministries, and writing to thousands of young people online.

I think that makes my life sound more glamorous and exciting than it actually is. It really isn’t any more than anyone else’s. I’ve simply been given enough of a taste to know there’s more to life than the Netflix, fashion, and Instagram distractions which too often captivate our souls.

I’ve experienced first hand the blessing, growth, and excitement of living for more than myself. I’ve also fallen flat on my face doing the exact opposite, doing what pleases only me, and succumbing to the temptation to be captivated by those meaningless distractions.

The contrast between the two lifestyles could not be clearer in my mind and that’s why I’m passionate about The Rebelution and our purpose to inspire and equip our peers to do hard things for the glory of God.

What’s Next

Our generation has a bright future ahead of us. We also have a hard future ahead of us. It’s not going to be easy and we won’t wake up one morning at twenty-five years old magically ready to face the challenges of the world.

Our generation has a bright future ahead of us. We also have a hard future ahead of us. Share on X

Endurance, discipline, courage, love, commitment–these are muscles to be exercised and if we don’t exercise them now, we’re foolish to think we’ll be ready when the time comes to really use them.

That’s why I’m excited for what lies ahead. I’m excited to get to work and interact with the incredible community here on The Reb. I’m excited to tackle big topics and wrestle through hard questions together. I’m excited to “work out,” as it were, the muscles of courage and discipline and commitment as a community. Actually, many of you are already doing just that and are even way ahead of me. So I’m excited to join you and learn from you.

I think it’s going to be great. It’ll be hard, for sure, but so very rewarding in the long run.

So will you prepare with me to face the future head-on with courage, strength, and maturity? Are you willing to join me in laying down what is worthless in order to pick up the greater, more-valuable-than-anything-else cause of Christ? Are you ready to tackle the good works God has set before us?

Are you ready to do hard things?

Then let’s get started!

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Photo courtesy of Mast{r} of Light Photography


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About the author

Christopher Witmer

is the 24-year-old Editor-in-Chief for Originally from Northern Minnesota, he lives with his family in Los Angeles where they moved to plant inner-city churches. He loves sports, travel, and music, but his passion is writing for God and lifting high the name of Jesus through his writing.


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  • Thank you for sharing your story Christopher. The adventure in front of the Rebelutionaries may not be glamorous, but it definitely will be hard (good thing we like doing hard things around here). I’m looking forward to working with you!! 🙂

  • It’s so great to learn a little bit about who you are and your journey to becoming the new editor-in-chief! Excited to see where God takes TheReb in the months and years to come!

  • I’m super excited for you Christopher, and TheReb in general! I think you’re going to do a great job as EiC. 🙂 I’m looking forward to seeing how God works through TheReb in the days to come.

  • Chris, over the past few months I have gotten to know you just a little through YWW coaching, your IG posts, and anxiety series, I have been awed by the light and encouragement you continue to radiate to those around you. So many times, it has given me courage as I have tried to overcome struggles with fear. Thank you for sharing what Jesus puts on your heart in such a real, vulnerable, serving way. I’m excited to see the glorious things He has in store for you! Congrats on your new role as Editor-in-Chief here on TheReb! I’ll look forward to working with you, Katherine, Sara, and Faye as I submit articles this year. All of y’all are incredible writers and friends! 🙂

    • Moriah, Your words are such an encouragement to me! I’ve been blessed watching your faithfulness and courage! I’m glad we’ve met and I can’t wait to work with you in the future!

  • Hello, Chris. Nice to meet you! Your story is a wonderful example of how God takes the humble in heart who are willing to take the back roads to serve Him. Thanks for sharing.
    I’m rather a newbie around the Reb (though if most of the YWW students know me) but I look forward to seeing what the Lord will do through you! Thank you for being available for Him to work and for pointing to Jesus!
    I’m anticipating reading the Christ-centered content you select (I think you’ll do a great job) and maybe submitting some of my own sometime.

    • Bethany, thank you so much for your gracious words and encouregement! I look forward to reading your posts! ☺️

  • Congratulations, Christopher! Thank you for sharing your story….it is an inspiration. I am so excited to see what God does through you on TheReb!

  • So excited for you, Chris! It’s been great being in the YWW Coaching with you these last few months and I know you’ll do wonderfully, with God’s help, as you step into this new role! 🙂

  • Christopher, thanks for sharing your story. It is inspirational to see how God has been with you through the trials and tribulations of life as well as the triumphs. Congratulations on this new triumph. The Lord will certainly continue to use you as He has already! Looking forward to it!

  • We’re so excited to have you as the new Editor-in-Chief for the Rebelution. I know God will use you (as He has already) here to encourage and uplift everyone who comes across TheReb. Thank you for stepping up, thank you for being willing to invest in our lives, and thank you for everything you’ve already done behind the scenes and beyond. Praying for you!

    • You’re so kind, Ashley! The encouragement and support from everyone means so much to me! And thanks for the prayers! We need them! =)

  • “I don’t know why, but God spared my life and I don’t intend to waste it.”

    I like that line. I’m looking forward to seeing how God uses you!

  • As a mother of three, the oldest of whom is 17, it is so wonderful to see you sold out to the mission of Christ. May God bless you as you step into this new role! Thank you for being an example that my children can look to in their walk with Jesus.

  • This is such a great message! I’m praying for you and Jaquelle during this time of transition – anything specific I can be praying for?

  • This is my first time commenting on this blog, but I’ve been so blessed by many of the posts here that I’ve been reading for several months. Your story was very inspiring and I’m looking forward to seeing what’s coming for the Rebelution! 🙂

    -Zane Jones

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →