rebelling against low expectations

AuthorBen Bookless

is a millennial who had his view of 'mission' transformed by his experience working with OM in a deprived community in Birmingham in the UK. Ben challenges the view that 'mission' is for a select few with a specific calling. He explores what it means for 'mission' to be an act of worship and explores the huge and unique opportunities millennials and Gen-Zers have to live out the love of Christ and transform the spiritual atmosphere across the world by engaging in a life of 'mission'.

Mission Isn’t for Some; It’s for All


“Mission” is a pretty loaded term in Christian circles and conjures different images for different people. Churches have “mission partners,” people are “sent out on mission.” What springs to mind for you when you hear the word “mission”? Is it people hiking through the jungles of Bolivia to reach some distant tribe? Or setting up churches in unreached places? Is it university event weeks or...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →