rebelling against low expectations

Mission Isn’t for Some; It’s for All


“Mission” is a pretty loaded term in Christian circles and conjures different images for different people.

Churches have “mission partners,” people are “sent out on mission.” What springs to mind for you when you hear the word “mission”? Is it people hiking through the jungles of Bolivia to reach some distant tribe? Or setting up churches in unreached places? Is it university event weeks or church outreach events?

When you think about mission, do you ever think that it’s something for you to engage in?

If you asked me that question a few years ago, I probably would have said no. But then I found myself leaving my home and comfortable job in Scotland and being parachuted into the heart of an incredibly multicultural community in Birmingham, UK. Serving there, I began to see that mission was so much more than I had thought. Mission isn’t just an activity you do; mission is the way you live — mission is worship.

Everyone is Called

In the Church the prevailing spiritual atmosphere is that “mission” is for specific people that are “called” and in the Western world, the spiritual atmosphere is one of hostility to the gospel. These things need to change.

During my time in Birmingham with the missional movement Operation Mobilisation (OM), I met a retired Caribbean lady. She is probably one of the least retired ‘retired’ people I have ever met. She lives in an area of Birmingham that is rife with tension and crime and is an unofficial leader in the community.

The Lord had laid on her heart the beatitude “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” People come to her with their struggles and conflicts and younger people come looking for a mentor. In all these things she represented Christ. She had a heart for prayer and a desire to change the spiritual atmosphere. Each day she would look to the Lord and say, “Use me as you want today.” Her life was an act of worship to the lord. Her life was a life of mission. Not a mission that involved leaving her community, but a mission that was amongst them; living out the love of Jesus where he had placed her with the gifts He had given.

Worship Shapes the Spiritual Atmosphere

We cannot underestimate the role of worship through music as a part of mission. Music is incredibly powerful. A song or artist can unite strangers, create a movement, or communicate a vision. Music brings us hope and joy — remember the people singing from the balconies in Italy at the start of the pandemic? Music is a gift from God and is of God.

Psalm 22 says, “Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.” God is present in our worship. As we worship, we invite the Holy Spirit to minister to the people around us. Worship shapes the spiritual atmosphere. Public worship is a statement of who God is and our identity as his worshipers. David’s Tent, a 72-hour non-stop worship event for people all over the globe, which took place in August 2021, is a perfect example of this. An international community coming together in a public act of worship. This doesn’t just impact them in their own walk and strengthen their community, it bears witness to God. It is missional.

Music has the power to cut across cultures. The area of Birmingham I spent time in with OM was an almost exclusively Islamic area. But at Christmas time we went out together to sing carols. As we sang, we began to engage with local communities. Barriers began to be broken down and people started to ask questions.

Mission is a Way You Live

Mission is worship. It isn’t just an activity you do, it’s the way you live. Whether by music and the public worship that testifies to the Lord or the worship of steady obedience and prayer, living out the love of Christ each day.

Mission is worship. It isn’t just an activity you do, it’s the way you live. Share on X

But what does this have to do with you today? What does worship in mission mean in your context? In a culture where so many people seem hostile to the gospel, how do we change the spiritual atmosphere?

Firstly, be encouraged! You already are! This upcoming generation is one of the most globally minded generations the planet has ever seen. There is a huge opportunity for young followers of Jesus to live out His love as they advocate for His world, the people who live in it and communicate how God cares for them. So, keep going! Keep demonstrating and speaking of God’s love. Look for ways to share God’s love with the people around you through your talents and gifts. And if God is leading you to share His love in other nations or cities, obediently follow through on his leading. But remember, it starts right where you are. Right here. Right now.

There are also huge opportunities to worship through social media. It’s a community where you can use your skills and creativity to witness of God and to speak of Him in your content – it is a platform that transcends cultural differences and gives you access to people around the globe.

Use your skills and the context God has put you in to worship him in a missional lifestyle. As we step out to demonstrate the love of Jesus in everyday life, it forces us to look up and look around to the community around us, as we begin to worship God by living a life of mission alongside them.

About the author

Ben Bookless

is a millennial who had his view of 'mission' transformed by his experience working with OM in a deprived community in Birmingham in the UK. Ben challenges the view that 'mission' is for a select few with a specific calling. He explores what it means for 'mission' to be an act of worship and explores the huge and unique opportunities millennials and Gen-Zers have to live out the love of Christ and transform the spiritual atmosphere across the world by engaging in a life of 'mission'.

1 comment

  • Thanks so much for this article, Ben! It’s really encouraging! I just got back from a spring break missions trip in Honduras. It was amazing to serve God in that way and gave me that sense of fulfillment that comes from doing what we are made for: bringing glory to God. I just got back yesterday and I’m struggling to acclimate back to ‘American life,’ school, and the normal routine. I’m home-schooled, and it feels hard to serve God while sitting in my room all day studying. I have been praying for God to show me the next way I can serve him, but everything seems to pale in comparison of what I just left. I liked how you related serving to worship. It’s not just about how big the thing is we are doing, it’s more about being faithful and bringing glory to God in ALL we do. Our entire life is a mission, and ultimately, part of a greater Mission. As I wait for the next time I sense God prompting, I will focus on glorifying God through my thoughts and attitudes and reflecting His love to those around me.

By Ben Bookless
rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →